Dragon Knight
SnowWolf said:It could just be me, but Animatsu's response seems to show comtempt for it's audience. This sort of thing wouldn't fly on a live action series or big budget movie so what akes the authoring house think it's ok with anime. Labeling those that complain as "QC Fanboys" seems a bit disrespetful as these people are often complaining because they genuinely want Manga to improve so they can continue to buy their releases. Others would just strug their shoulders and import.
It's not you, your bang on the mark. Expecting chapter marks at the start/end of the title, one in the middle, one at the start/end of credits is disc authoring 101 and nowhere near QC fanboyism.
Having a single chapter mark in the middle strikes me as an automated authoring process, feed the master footage in, compress it down with a standard algorithm and spit it out.