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  1. J

    hello everybody

    mmm...there is a lot of confusion in this topic. :) Hello people. In these days I didn't write so much in this Forum because I'm looking for a job. Unfortunately, my English is not so good for a job into a office.... but I keep hoping.
  2. J

    Is it ok for a boy to like girly anime?

    It's only a stereotype "a man have to be strong, to like football" and "a girl have to be weak, to cook, to like soap opera". I'm a girl, but I hate soap opera and I like anime like Death Note. :)
  3. J

    What Deserts do you like?

    marshmallows in the oven???? :eek:
  4. J

    What Deserts do you like?

    oh. I think I understand now :?
  5. J

    What Deserts do you like?

    I searched "Spotted Dick" in google...Is it a kind of pudding, isn't it? In Italy sometimes you can found pizza with nutella and coconut chips. I never saw Nutella here in Dublin, but it's good for me, because Nutella is too calorific!
  6. J

    hi i'm glad to be here

    Hello and welcome. :D Do you read manga in English or are they translated? What kind of manga do you like?
  7. J

    What Deserts do you like?

    mmmm....salad fruit with strawberries, ananas and bananas, coffee ice cream, tiramisu, cappuccino + whipped cream. Nobody mentioned Nutella? :roll:
  8. J

    Obsessive anime fandom/knowledge scale^^

    mmm...I prefer manga rather than anime, but it's because I prefer books rather than movies. About anime, I'm not a newbie, because I watch anime since I was a child, but I don't have big knowledge because I watch only the anime that I like, and not all, so I can't known all. Maybe I can say...
  9. J

    hello everybody

    Are you joking with me???? :evil: ok, now, for me, you remain a SHE 8)
  10. J

    Count to a Million

  11. J

    hello everybody

    Deidara, are you a SHE??? :oops: I'm sorry, but in English is difficul to understand the gender :lol: and your avatar doesn't help :lol:
  12. J

    Fruits basket's good, but the end it's completely different from the one in the manga.... no, actually the anime is interrupted in the middle and the manga go ahead. However, it's a nice anime and I like very much Kyo :D
  13. J

    Sites for the paranormle

    In Italy we have CICAP (Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims on the Paranormal). There is a web site in English, too: CICAP's members checks every paranormal phenomenos for understand if it's really true or not. .....and they have never find a...
  14. J

    Sites for the paranormle

    mmm...I don't understad very much this topic. We don't have to speak about paranormal? Why? And how about Gozilla? However, I'm interested about paranormal. I read a lot of book about misterys, UFO, crop circles, ghosts. It's a very interesting area! 8)
  15. J

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny 8/10 I've seen a lot of time this film! It's funny funny and funny! (curiosity: Ronnie James Dio acts a little bit in this movie :o )
  16. J

    Count to a Million

    5453 the game is so exciting that you could persist until 2 millions... 8)
  17. J

    hello everybody

    Video Girl Ai is beautiful. I'm not able to describe it in English, because I don't have enough words. There is also the anime, but the manga is better. Angel Sanctuary is ok if you like strange dark gothic stories with angel, devil e some love. He has a lot of cookies!! I hope they're not rot....
  18. J

    Slayers Revolution

    I think in order is better about Slayers, S. Next and S. Try. If you are curious, you can watch the movies: Slayers Perfect, Return, Great, Gorgeous, Premium. You can choose a movie and understand if you like this character.
  19. J

    Hi I'm new here

    Hi and welcome! I'm also new. :) But, how many cookies do you have??
  20. J

    Batman Gotham Knight

    I'm fed up with heros. Maybe I'll watch it only because my boyfriend will want to watch it...