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Mangaranga said:
Rosencrantz said:
The recent UK credit rating downgrade shifted interest rates in an unfavourable manner. My big Up1USA order only saved me £7 when I was expecting closer to £30-40. Infact it's made some items unviable to buy from the US site once I factor in my bank charges. I can still save but only if the discount on the US site is a higher % than the Uk site.t/quote]t/quote]e/quote]e/quote]

Who do you bank with if you don't mind me asking?
With Natwest I have never had any charges, but I now have a HSBC account which is more than likely going to become the main account and was wondering if they charge.

EDIT: Quoting problem again, won't let me change it no matter how many times I try.

Im with HSBC, I can't quite work out how they calculate it despite folowing the links on their website and using the calculator provided, it's overall just slightly more than what you might expect the exchange rate to be, nothing massive. Just some things on UP1 that are £36 work out as £36 in dollars now too
Psycho Pass - Episodes 20
Robotics;Notes - Episode 20
Fate/Zero - Episodes 6-8

Well, about a third of the way through F/Z now and it's incredibly good, easily the best thing I have watched for a while, and its very nice to look at too.
Tamako Market e.1 - Loved it. Spreading the talking bird's interactions out across the whole cast is a good move, and the setting classicly lends itself to kyoani's "detail for detail's sake" approach. Tamako herself is funny in an appreciably old-fashioned way, a borderline throwback to the random comedy panels in Tezuka. She's so deadpan, she sets herself comfortably apart from any other kyoani main girls. And, obviously, Anko's moe level is quite strong. The end of ep 1 sets up for the series to go in a pretty unexpected direction though, so I will see how it pans out.
Locke the Superman

An entertaining and easy to watch slice of 80'd sci-fi.

Psycho Pass - Episode 20

A lot of exposition in this episode but it does explain the series an sets up the finale well.
Fate/Zero - Episodes 9 & 10

Episode 10... Loli Rin is a hero! Going on an adventure, defeating the crazy old man AND saving all the kids from being murdered! Japanese children grow up so fast!
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Re watched Black Butler Season 1 disk 1 & 2 with my brother, at first he only wanted to watch one episode, but after he realised it wasn't full of yaoi he managed to enjoy it.