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Finished To Aru Majutsu no Index.

Very good, overall, not as good as Railgun however, and probably not as good as I expect the next series of Index to be.

Needs more Kanzaki, less of Index herself.
thougt i would watch the first ep of big windup! but now ended up watching the first 7 eps lol. Sports anime isn't my thing but this looked pretty good so thought i would give it ago i quite like it so far
Moribito volumes 7 and 8. Overall an enjoyable series with a few slow points just after midway. As a whole it is probably one of the best pseudo-histoic fantasy shows out there and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to get into shows with asian fantasy setting.

Sol Bianca. Female space pirates save girl whilst trying to find Earth, dodging corrupt military on the way.

Plastic Little . Female pet hunter (not space pirate) and her crew save a girl being chased by a corrupt military trying to get information about the weapon her farther was working on. Also has probably the best breast animation in anime.
Moribito - Guardian Of The Spirit Part 4 (Vols. 7 & 8 )

A little slow in places, but a very good series none the less. Being as it was spread over 8 volumes it could have done with more in the way of extras (and no, I don't count trailers as extras).