Let's Make a Mug Too ep 12 (complete)
What's this, a CGDCT I didn't love! The theme, pottery, was probably not interesting or wacky enough for me compared to say astronomy and board games from other shows and I didn't really click with the characters, they were all a bit too energetic, apart from one who was way too overly enthusiastic and the MC with her bouts of doubt as to whether she would be as good as her mother which added drama to the mix that again was more distracting than anything, although it had a nice pay off. I can't see how it's getting a second season, unless it was the story about how her mother got to be so good and her romance with the MC's father, I'd watch that.
Art was very nice and very colourful.
Those Snow White Notes ep 12 (complete)
Home truths.
The first episode gave the impression that this would be about a musician struggling to live in a new place whilst also trying to find his sound, but the next episode is like "psych" it's now a high school club show, complete with tournament arc. Whilst the struggle with his sound part was part of it, I'm not a musician so most, if not all, of it sounded good to me. And there's the thing where you get the other characters describing what the music sounds like "ooh it's like rainfall on a clear day", I'm like "no it's a Shamisen, it sounds like a Shamisen!". These are usually accompanied by visuals of the description and most, compared to Kono Oto Tomare and especially Your Lie in April, weren't great here. And this didn't have either the characters that grabbed me or the romantic angle of those 2. The ending also felt like we were only half way through the story, if that!
Art and animation were OK, music was very good though.
Cestvs: The Roman Fighter ep 11 (complete)
The next stage.
The setting was interesting and the story had it's moments, even though you sort of know he's going to win his fights, but was another not finished story, this time ending in a bit of a weird place. Apparently it's another butchered adaptation, but I felt it flowed well enough.
The characters flipped between 2D and 3D with the 2D being OK, but the character designs looked slightly different from the 3D ones (the more prominent style) which was off putting. In 3D the fights were really good, I guess they were mo-capped, but the talking scenes were most definitely not and were on the more uncanny side of the uncanny valley.
Combatants Will Be Dispatched ep 8
Moriarty the Patriot s2 eps 10 & 11
Mystery trail leading to a fateful meeting.