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After deciding Seto No Mermaid (w/e) wasn't going to be my cup of tea, I watched the first 5 episodes of Seirei no Moribito last night. I felt fairly positive that a series with swords/spears and an ancient setting (as opposed to a futuristic one) would appeal to me, or at least be more appealing than Seto.

I do like the series. It gets major plus points for having a female lead who isn't a ditz, she instead coming across as an actual person instead of yet another big-breasted cardboard cutout. She's also 30 years old instead of 13-15, which is another big plus point when anime in general so rarely features adult main characters. Of course, her assets aren't exactly small and her face isn't ugly - it'd be going too far to expect an anime to have a 100% realistic looking female warrior - but she doesn't wear revealing clothes and her big, Blood: The Last Vampire (Production IG like their ladies with juicy lips, clearly) lips make her look somehow more human than most other female characters.

Talking of Production IG, they clearly had a large budget. The series almost looks like I'd expect an animated movie to look like. The 3D computer graphics are sometimes a little clunky, stuttering instead of moving fluid, but everything else is great. The fight sequences move at a so-fast-you-can't-see pace, which is always a good indication of quality, just like slow and repetitive Naruto style fights show money was an issue when creating the sequence.

So far my only issues are with the sluggish story. Even after 5 episodes I get the feeling the story is being dragged out because it wasn't originally long enough to fit into 26 episodes. There's lots of talking, often about the same subjects, and very few answers are given in order to preserve the mystery. I really, really hate it when, even though there's a lot of dialogue, it never seems to lead to anywhere. I often complain about animated films being too rushed but the opposite is true of many 26 episode TV series -- they could and should end far quicker, but they can't because, if 12-14 episodes aren't enough, the studio needs to make the series fit into 24-26 episodes. It's a lose-lose situation where films often include too little and TV series too much.

I'm going to watch another 5 episodes later tonight. Since watching 26 episodes in one sitting is a bit too much for me these days, I prefer to break series down and watch them over a set number of days, watching 5-6 episodes per day. So, if all goes to plan, I'll finish the series on Monday.
Yesterday I finished the Patlabor OVA series. It's great. Going to watch the films soon; then maybe even onto the TV series.

Also excited for Shinkai day. Starting tonight/tomorrow morning at 1am. All nighter for me!
Code Geass 1-18
I must be watching the worst subs ever.. -one piece
The one episode was Text and then random numbers and letters and the last few the videos ended half way though the episode..

Like the anime though.. reminds me of death note =)

Oh and here's a SS of something I've never seen before in a Sub
We could extract the subtitle file for that episode, locate that note, and paste the link into our browsers!
That way we wouldn't have to go through the tedious rigours of using google...
What subtitles like that are trying to say: "I'm really clever and knew this anyway".

What subtitles like that actually say: "I didn't have a ******* clue what he was on about, thank god for the internet".
Finished FUMOFFU this morning. It was really awesome. There wasn't a single bad episode and it was really funny and original throughout! 9/10! It's now #5 on my top 5 anime!
I've been watching 5 episodes of Moribito per day since I last posted, taking my total up to 15/26. I'm still enjoying it, but it hasn't been perfect, and that's why it's still got an 8/10 rating from me on MAL.

Ever since near the start I've felt the pacing has been poor. My opinion is still the same as it was back then. Once the opening fights were over, Moribito turned into a down to earth, slice of life type of series, mixed with some confusing supernatural chatter. The down to earth parts are fine by me - I actually prefer series that aren't retarded - but a lot of the slice of life episodes have been fairly obvious filler, and one of those filler episodes was quite bad. Most have been pretty good but the one I just mentioned stuck out like a sore thumb.

The bad episode I'm referring to is episode 13. Like in Naruto, where a random villain would appear out of nowhere during the filler hell, a bad guy suddenly appeared and expressed his desire to get vengence on Basla (the main character). Some sort of story about a man turning into a tiger (figuratively speaking) after killing many was thrown in, and one of the worst lines of dialogue I've ever seen was said at the end of the episode as a result.

Basla, with a serious/angry expression: "I'm a tiger! Don't come near or I'll eat you!"

I get what Basla was trying to say - that she'd become a cold-blooded killer - but seeing her say she'd eat someone in a serious manner did make me laugh.

But, ignoring THAT line of dialogue and the slow pacing, I have enjoyed Moribito a lot...apart from the supernatural chatter. Instead of making it crystal clear what;s going on, the intent seems to be to to confuse the viewer by giving odd names to everything and not explaining how certain things are done. For instance, I'm still none the wiser about how Basla and Chagun escaped during an early episode where a huge wolf attacked (what I assumed to be) illusions of them in an attempt to fake their deaths. How could the old shaman create illusions? Why is a huge wolf in existence? The hell if I know.

Anyway, like I've said, I have enjoyed Moribito a lot. The realistic, slice of life parts, which involve a young prince learning to live as a commoner, together with his female bodyguard (and something of a second mother), have kept me watching. It's rare to see a believable parent-child relationship in anime, and there are few better parental figures than the experienced and strong woman known as Basla. She's teached Chagum a lot about the real world and, so far, has had answer to everything. I'm looking forward to seeing how their relationship will continue towards the end because, one way or another, they'll have to separate and go back to their own lives.
Desert Punk 5-8

Finally watched some anime. Hooray.

Desert Punk is a lone mercenary who wanders the post-apocalyptic Great Kanto Desert. He's a highly skilled fighter with the ability to find a way out of even the most dire situations; but he's also a lecherous, selfish, and downright odious individual. Thus Desert Punk asks a lot of the viewer: to get behind a genuinely unlikeable character. Fortunately, however, Desert Punk is a comedy, and spends just as much time piling misfortune on the titular character as showcasing his skills. Unfortunately, most of the humour is utterly stupid, mainly revolving around the Punk's obsession with huge knockers and the women to whom they're attached. But mainly the knockers.

So after 8 episodes I'm not sure what to make of this show. On the one hand, this is a show for adults, with risqué humour and a pleasing lack of moralizing; on the other, it doesn't do anything, inlcuding the humour, particularly well.
I've rewatched Chobits and the first season of Get Backers.

Chobits is a great CLAMP work, Get Backers is your usual shounen show, very enjoyable for its short and have some good fights in it.
ilmaestro said:
What subtitles like that are trying to say: "I'm really clever and knew this anyway".

What subtitles like that actually say: "I didn't have a ******* clue what he was on about, thank god for the internet".

lol, Yeah.. and end up half the time either spelling things wrong or making no sense at all.. *Remembers some bleach episodes*

Back to topic: Watching the rest of Code Geass tonight.
Seirei no Moribito: 16-22

My rating and thoughts about the series haven't changed a lot since I last posted. It's still a little sluggish and uneventful, taking forever to get anywhere. 4 or 5 of the episodes simply involved the characters getting ready to go to a village and traveling to the village. I wouldn't call those episodes boring but, if not for the animation studio going for 26 episodes, what was shown could've been covered in half the time, and that's true of most of the series. If the pace was faster it'd be a 9/10 series easy, but that isn't the case.

1.5 of the episodes were very good because those episodes FINALLY covered Basla's past, and that's why I decided to watch 7 episodes instead of my usual 5. Ironically, I felt her back-story was rather rushed and too little was shown, which was a bit of a let down after all the build-up. It could've been as epic as Clare's flashback in Claymore if more time had been spent on it and less on unimportant things. I did enjoy the flashback segment, though.

I'll finish it tomorrow and then move onto rewatching the first 7 episodes of Kurozuka, before watching the remaining episodes for the first time.

Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to add that emo Chagun started to seriously piss me off during the episodes I watched today. I thought he was a likeable enough character...until he started crying about wanting to go back to his mommy, not listening to Basla and even attackung Basla with a spear. I hope he dies.
Seirei no Moribito: 23-26

Hellsing Ultimate 2

I've already commented on Moribito in the rating thread.

The second Hellsing OVA wasn't as enjoyable as the first. Why? Because the manga content used (most of the second volume) wasn't as good as the first. Alexander Anderson, the Scottish nut from the first, had no part to play this time around, the 'baddies' (Alucard isn't exactly a goodie!) instead being throwaway villains and, due to their lack of importance, the fights weren't anywhere near as intense as the Alucard vs. Anderson fight was.

There was a bit of filler added in the OVA in order to make the Hellsing base raid last long enough to fill the OVA. Nothing too bad - just some extra slaughter - but I would've rather seen the main fights gotten on with faster. At least, with motion, the OVA was more enjoyable than the fairly dull second volume of the manga...

...oh, and as for motion, it seems I was blinded by the vibrant colours and art the first time I watched OVA 1 because I noticed the animation wasn't all that when I rewatched it. The same goes for the second volume, where Naruto style teleportation was in the place of fluid animation.