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Manga Girls said:
I somehow missed the whole Code Geass thing over the summer so am now playing catch up with series 1. Up to episode 5 so far, suprised to see the witch C.C eating from a Pizza Hut box.

Advertising in anime? Who knew... 0_0

Maaaaaayn this series is badass. Catch up girl!!

OT: Full Metal Panic 2-3
Finally was able to make some time for anime today, so watched Hellsing Ultimate volume 2, and it was very well done, it felt almost exactly like i was reading the chapters it was based off of, i didn't see much extra added in at all. I'm definitely gonna go and pick up volume 3 when i get the chance next.

Also about to watch The Girl Who Lept Through Time, as i've been meaning to watch that for a while now, so now seems like a good enough time as any.

EDIT: Just finished watching TGWLTT, and i have to say, what a wonderful peace of animation it was. I loved the story, it was just something that brought a smile to my face throughout watching it. I have to say, i'd recommend it to anyone, even people whom don't watch anime, i think it would be enjoyable to most people.
I've been attempting to watch my Mini Goddess (AMG spin-off) for the past few days. Although the episodes only last 5 minutes each, I've been been finding it hard to watch such a poor and, rather than funny, stupid series. For reasons unknown to man, Skuld and Urd shrink to the size of a rat and hang around with a rat called Gan all day...that's the entire story of the series. I'm supposed to think its funny when, instead of switching back to their real sizes, the Goddesses take on some kind of moldy Godzilla in their tiny forms? Yeah, right. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I'm so glad I only paid 99p per volume.

I'm about to have a look at Seto no Summat (the popular mermaid rom-com). If I don't like that then I'll complete all the available AMG anime available (besides the rat spin-off) by watching the two episode OVA that's available on the net.
@Spyro - I will reserve my judgement until i get to the end. I'm halfway through R2 now so not too long to go. but the twists and turns in this story are really something.

@Arbalest - TGWLTT is an awesomw movie, I loved it.

I had a Code Geass day today, watching lots of anime. Trying to decide if the manga is worth buying. I know there are two different versions, one telling the anime story, the other from Suzaku's POV - Any suggestions from CG fans on which i should buy?
Manga Girls said:
@Spyro - I will reserve my judgement until i get to the end. I'm halfway through R2 now so not too long to go. but the twists and turns in this story are really something.

@Arbalest - TGWLTT is an awesomw movie, I loved it.

I had a Code Geass day today, watching lots of anime. Trying to decide if the manga is worth buying. I know there are two different versions, one telling the anime story, the other from Suzaku's POV - Any suggestions from CG fans on which i should buy?

Test out the first chapter of each online.
Watched the first 3 episodes of Seto no Hanayome. Dropped it and removed it from my HDD.

It wasn't awful, the first episode actually getting a few laughs out of me, but I got the distinct impression it's aimed at kids. Much like Shana, a shounen action series that's overrated on MAL, Seto has far more praise than it deserves. Visually it's poor, with a crappy art style and lack of animation, and the music hasn't stuck in my head at all. And as for the story, it's a standard rom-com with plain, one-dimensional leads and lots of stupidity. I have no desire to go beyond the 3rd episode because the 4th is going to move to a school setting...which I've NEVER seen before in anime. I've quit while I'm ahead to save myself from watching a 6-7/10 series from start to finish.

My affection for Love Hina (manga) and the enjoyment I got out of Ah! My Goddess shows I can enjoy romantic comedies. However, both of those series featured characters going to college, where as in Seto the main characters are junior high age. Also, Love Hina was grounded in realism, with no supernatural elements, and I like my comedy to have some realism.
Aion said:
R2 fans have no opinions because it renders most viewers brain-dead, hence its huge amount of 10/10 ratings.
That's devious.
In a way though, it's a menacingly clever way of obtaining praise. I don't know whether to scorn the show's creators or congratulate them.
Aion said:
R2 fans have no opinions because it renders most viewers brain-dead, hence its huge amount of 10/10 ratings.
There's no difference between each season fans, bro. You're just lying to yourself because it's in your top five. (Don't feel bad though!)