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Heh, I hold the opposite view. The first OVA seemed to rush through events too quickly, while I appreciated the more focused approach of the second. It played out almost like one extended action scene.

It's true, though, that Hellsing Ultimate is short on frames and uses a fair few shortcuts to achieve that impression of frantic action. It's probably because the characters' clothes and features are so detailed; it's not easy to fluidly animate such elaborate artwork. What I will say is that the second OVA had fewer iffy moments, like the rooftop panning sequence in the first, and thus wins on the visuals front.
The first OVA had no filler added and rushed through 6 chapters, not skipping any from the first volume. But I enjoyed the first OVA more than the second because of the fast pacing; because it didn't move as slowly as the manga. The second OVA handled the manga material differently, extended a sequence that I felt was dragged out even in the manga, so it's no surprise I view the first OVA as superior.

I did like the additional scene added at the start of the second OVA; the one involving Alucard back when he was just a vampire and not the dog of Hellsing. I'm hoping his past gets revealed later in the manga... So far, in the first 3 volumes, there's been no flashbacks to his past.

The Third OVA might be worse than the second. Going on the second, it'll focus on the hotel raid in Brazil, extending it to fit the length required. Volume 3 was quite boring until the end, where a real enemy (the card guy from the volume 2 ending) appeared, but even that fight against the card guy was on the dull side. I'm expecting it to be better than the manga for obvious reasons, and I'm also hopeful I'll be able to follow the fight against the card guy better with colour and motion, but I'm not expecting a lot from it.
Over the last two days i've watched a fair bit actually, i'm quite obviously back into the medium now, anyways:

Hellsing Ultimate 3 - Anote action packed OVA, and its stuck to the manga very well i must say. Bar the odd addition here and there, its certainly not changed anything, which is great.

Excel Saga 14-17 - Its been literally ages since i finished the first half of this, so i thought i had better get started again, and i was glad to do so. Its still as random as i expected it would be and enjoyable. Intend to get this complete soon enough finally.

Gundam 00 17-20 - I've Already got my thoughts really written out in the Gundam thread for these episodes but still, good episodes. I'm looking forward to 21 and 22 tonight and, if i can make time for it, 23 too.
Hellsing Ultimate 3

I don't know whether it's because I was tired as I watched this late last night, but I didn't enjoy it as much as the previous episode. The first half is too slow and I'm not sure what to make of the random comedy scenes, which are more frequent here than before. They seem out of place in a show whose tone and atmosphere is so dark and violent, though perhaps they're the author's way of suggesting that the audience not take his often ridiculous creation entirely seriously.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Step Up Love Story 1-2

Hahaha :)

OT I finally finished Gurren Lagann and am slowly working through the rest of Witchblade at a crawl.

Gundam 00 S2 21

It's time for the Annual Sunrise "who shall we kill this week" vote off

Setsuna is up for kicking ass and chewing bubblegum, and i think Lockon has taken the last stick of gum
Blue Gender eps 1+2 so far this looks to be an alright series,
Shikabane Hime: Aka ep 1, started watching this out of curiosity after seeing banners for it on Funi's website, going to have to give it a few more eps yet though, so far its nothing special.
BlackWolf said:
Blue Gender eps 1+2 so far this looks to be an alright series
I've ordered this off PlayUSA for a steal. I've ended up dropping most of the shows I've been casually watching over the last week or two, so I'm probably not going to watch anything new until it arrives.