Your viewing journal

ilmaestro said:
Since everyone is watching R2 it seems, I finally decided to start on my Blu-rays and watched the first five eps last night (with a couple more to come in a minute, once the kettle's boiled).

Great fun! Lelouch kicks ass when he gets going. Nice quick and easy explanation of wtf was going on (I was hoping they weren't going to drag that out too long), and as anyone who knows me knows, I'm a fan, and I love fanservice! Comedy gold moments aplenty.

/keenly searches for doujinshi of Villetta giving swimming lessons

Your gonna really enjoy this series then, I can promise that.
Aion said:
When I'm watching anime I'm in serious mode
This is pretty much your main problem, 90% of the time.

edit: although what did you think was wrong with the plot of the first five eps, exactly? I might agree, but I'm quite happy to consider R2 a sit back, chill out, have crazy fun show at this stage, and largely ignore any "technical" issues.
What's my problem the other 10% of the time? :D

The main early issue I had was how Lelouch somehow escaped from the Chinese embassy, had C.C. dress up in his costume (and replace him with no-one noticing) and managed to make it to his school within a matter of the gym with V-woman beside him, ready to phone time stopper. Sunrise couldn't explain how Lelouch did it and that's why no explanation was offered.

Another issue I have is with the continuation of the S1 cliffhanger. At the end of S1 Suzuka was about to kill Lelouch, yet at the start of S2 Suzuka had had a change of heart and thought it best to transport the man he wanted to kill for revenge to another country in order to win the favour of Charlie. And, for some reason, Kallen betrayed Lelouch in-between this, thinking it was a good idea to abandon her leader during an important operation.

There were many other things that bugged me about S2, such as the return to a school setting for no reason other than pleasing 30 year olds who want to see school girls in minis and connecting with the younger portion of the fanbase. I had expected Code Geass to advance from filler school after S1, but...

Here are some other issues I had with just the first 8 episodes.

- The whole memory loss thing was done in order for S1 to be repeated as much as possible. The series would've been a short OVA or 13 episode series if not for Sunrise milking the show, and ruining it as a result.
-- The 'hide your geass with a contact lens from specsavers' thing ruined what C.C. had said to Lelouch at the end of S1 about being the only one left beside him. This was done just to get him back into school.
--- The sidestory about Shirley uncovering Zero's real identity was tossed aside when everyones memories got changed. It seemed to be building up to something towards the end of S1 and then it was just forgotten about in order for S2 to play out how it did.
---- In S2 war tactics no longer mattered because only super mechas could hurt other super mechas. This was highlighted when a nornal mecha hit one of the crappy new super mechas and wasn't able to scratch it.
---- The surprise submarine and midair upgrade of Kallen's mecha was retarded. Why was the submarine directly below Kallen at the perfect time, ready to save Kallen with a mecha transformation?
----- Why did Lelouch spend 10 minutes talking to Nunnally instead of just taking her, like someone with a brain would? I was waiting for Suzaku to appear at the end of the episode and he did.
------ Where as plot twists made sense in S1, they just happened without explanation in S2. In S1 Lelouch came up with a plan involving the enviroment after asking someone else for help and taking his time. In S2 he ordered the enviroment to be used to his advantage (underwater) when it was impossible for him to know about what he ordered his people to do in advance because he had had no time to prepare.
-------- The fan service. It's ok having a few bouncy boobs and panty shots, but having characters dress up in skimpy outfits during serious moments for no reason other than male satisfaction hurt the series. you need me to go on? I actually could. :p
Completed Mushishi yesterday. I gave the series a 6/10 rating on my MAL. Not because it's a bad anime by any means. I just peffer more of a story to the series I watch. Mushishi was more like an adventuire an episode where only one other character appears more than once threwout the whole 26 episodes (besides the Ginko obviously). It was a relaxing anime with lots of beautiful scenery and relaxing background music. It just wasn't for me... maybe if I'd watched it in a different mood I would have rated it higher. I'll never know.

Tried watching Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade. It looked awesome too however the copy I had wouldn't play after the first 15 mins due to a faulty disc... T_T Will have to see if I can get it another time. Does anyone else rate that movie?

Last night I couldn't sleep so watched the first 10 episodes of Fruit Baskets ^_^ Suggestion was made by panda after she was telling me how good the manga was. Didn't have time for another manga right now so thought I'd try out the series instead. Thought the anime seemed abit rushed in the first couple of episodes but now it seems to have gotten to a better pace. Really enjoying it actually. Made me laugh out loud on several occasions. Characters are loveable and the story has kept me drawn in and dragged.
Nothing deep and meaning full mind but if you like you like a giggle with something reasonably easy going (so far) I'd suggest you take a peak at this series.
Tbf though if you take an anime like geass seriously u'll never enjoy it.

Though yes i can see where you are coming from and i'll admit from a serious point of view R2 seemed to me like sunrise had 3 different script, and kept jumping from 1 to the other each time.

I'd still personally like to hear how it would of ended if it had only run the original 25 episodes

on a side note, to japanese blurays/dvds tend to come with english subs nowerdays?
Ryo Chan said:
on a side note, to japanese blurays/dvds tend to come with english subs nowerdays?
The answer would be no. Hardly any Japanese releases have English subs. For Blu-rays, this is the best source of information on subtitles / languages and regions for anime discs.

(I'm presuming you meant "do", and that it was non-rhetorical. If it was a reply to something someone else said ignore this.)
Yeah, very few subs about on Japanese stuff, period (although you're more likely to have some joy with movies, it's still not consistent), which is a shame because I'd love to be able to watch a lot of the stuff I have on Blu-ray with other people - about the best thing for that is the GitS trilogy box, which does have English subs, but that might come out over here soon, anyway, I don't know.

Aion: I actually agree with you about Kallen's actions at the end of S1/in-between S1 and S2, a lot of the other stuff I don't have so much of a problem with, but I'll read your post a bit more closely once i've watched another couple of eps (only had time to watch number 6 last night).
Aion said:
--- The sidestory about Shirley uncovering Zero's real identity was tossed aside when everyones memories got changed. It seemed to be building up to something towards the end of S1 and then it was just forgotten about in order for S2 to play out how it did.

So you know; in later episodes it does matter.

ilmaestro, for your sake i'm putting this in spoiler tags but Aion, if your interested do read.

Orange (whatever his name was) returns with a Geass Canceller which means all Shirley's memories returns. So then she goes after Lelouch and some more interesting **** happens. She dies in the end, if you care.

I admit, R2 was far from perfect, but I watched it like ilmaestro is; as something laid back and easy. I wasnt after anything too heavy while watching. Il admit it wasnt as good as S1 but, the last 5 episodes of R2 really did it for me.
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Cyber City Oedo 808. Some cool old school style over substance cyberpunk anime. The main gist is that cyber criminals are given the chance to have years taken off the sentences by becoming police and investigating the cases too dangerous for the normal police.

Code Geass Part 3 box set. A lot more action and a lot more deaths in these episodes building up to a cliff hanger ready to lead into the second season.

Aria The Natural disc 1 & 2. Still the lovely gentle slice-of-life series with almost childlike adventures. I was little confused though as it seemed to introduce a few characters that we had already seen by the end of the previous series without a real introduction.
Dracos said:
Cyber City Oedo 808. Some cool old school style over substance cyberpunk anime. The main gist is that cyber criminals are given the chance to have years taken off the sentences by becoming police and investigating the cases too dangerous for the normal police.

Love it :D

Wish there was more.
Cyber City is fantastic and it saddens me that it's the kind of show that just doesn't get made any more. There's no pretty boys, (unless you count Benten), no moeeeee~~~ girls, no angsty ******** -- and therefore no audience.

America, bless 'em, should fund Afro Cyber Criminal, have Madhouse animate, and give the directorial reigns to Kawajiri.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Cyber City is fantastic and it saddens me that it's the kind of show that just doesn't get made any more. There's no pretty boys, (unless you count Benten), no moeeeee~~~ girls, no angsty ******** -- and therefore no audience.

America, bless 'em, should fund Afro Cyber Criminal, have Madhouse animate, and give the directorial reigns to Kawajiri.

Benten is just so Bishi though. I do agree we have not seen a series like this in so long it pains me to see how formulaic some shows are in comparison. The whole sort of cyberpunk genre seems to have died since GiTS finished.
Appleseed (2004)

Full Metal Panic - 1

Appleseed was amazing. Its gotta be one of my favorite films of all time.

Full Metal Panic seems quite funny but the art is kinda crappy.
Watched 1st Ep of SE Lain

Won't be watching anymore, its wierd which wouldn't usually put me off, so quickly but I'm also watching Wolfs Rain and in comparison the animation is so poor in Lain.

Bit harsh to judge it again Wolfs Rain coz the animation is superb but I think its poor standard full stop.
17-21 of Daughter of twenty faces. Got caught in it, had to keep watching, so now I'm ahead of the university animesoc.

And to think I was worried about falling behind as I went home for reading week :lol:
Hehe, Gundam Wing is quite good fun.

You know, if you're a big yaoi 'shipper. ;)

No, seriously, I quite enjoyed Wing. Not from anything other than a Saturday morning cartoon type angle, but from that angle it's pretty entertaining.