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ayase said:
Spyro201 said:
t;]Ergo Proxy ep 1

The most confusing f*cking show ever. So many questions like;

What the f*ck is an autobot?
I Liked Ergo a lot, hope you enjoy it and that all the questions don't put you off. I don't remember there being any Transformers in it though? ;)

:lol: Yeah I forgot thier names.

Ive watched up to ep 3 now so armed with some more knowledge and some light wiki info I understand a bit better now. Its pretty good so far.
Aion said:
GTFO F*****

I admit: Mammy always uses the same voice. But really, who cares when his voice is so amazing? The guy will always be one of the best in my mind for his performance as Light.

The problem with Mammy is that he always gets weak roles. He never had chance to express himself as Kiba in Wolf's Rain, and it's pretty much the same with Kuro. Mammy needs a character who constantly throws around awe inspiring rubbish; not ******* Kiba.

You mean amazingly boring.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

It's all that Kuro sounds like, random screaming and crying in Ching-Chong and Kiba easily his best role, but JYB did waaaaay better.

Also, I've read the manga of Kurozuka, so it doesn't matter what happens, lol. Madhouse changed the order of things anyway.

Dub Light is better too btw.
When I listened to Light's yank voice actor on the DN trailer, I hated him. I'll have to actually, you know, watch the episodes in English to judge accurately, bt the trailer tells me he has nothing on Mammy. I do like L's yank voice, though.

Kiba was a weak, wek character. I didn't grow to care for him at all during the duration of Wolf's Rain. And others feel the same - Wolf's Rain is known for having a weak lead. That wasn't Mammy's fault, though, as he can only work with what he was given.
As I'm watching Death Note as the DVD's come out it gives me the time to watch both dub and sub (I watch one when it arrives and the other just before the next volume does). I think by and large the English VA's do a good job.

As for VA's sounding the same, I would level the same charge at Light's English VA, Brad Swaile. I can't take Rock in Black Lagoon seriously in the dub now, I keep expecting him to do an evil grin and and go off on interior monologues. If I ever watch the dub of original MSG I hate to think what it'll do to my perception of Amuro Ray.
JYB is God when it comes to hearing the same voice. He's unable to sound different, whether he's playing a ladies man or someone who wants to rule the world. As cool as the guy seems, hearing his voice everywhere annoys the hell out of me.

I'm going to make sure I watch Death Note in English whenever I get the box set...which doesn't look like it's coming out before 2010. I've already watched the episodes loads in Japanese, so it'll give me something new to watch (or rather, listen) the series again for. But I'm not sure if I'll be able to stomach Light's English voice since, in my mind at least, no-one on Earth will be able to beat Mammy.

Edit: Here's proof Light's English voice actor fails compared to Mammy.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Watched Toradora 8, Chaos;head 7 and Mouryou No Hako 4 last night.
Toradora is my favourite new show this season. Please don't ask me why. I know you'll probably say it has no artistic merit at all, and that the story is predictable, and the characters are cookie-cutter. I think that's actually why I'm enjoying it so much - a bit of light entertainment for once! (Also I'm a sucker for romance, I'm such a girl).
Chaos;head is still as confusing as ever and I'm finding it hard to like any of the characters, as the main character is a loon and the others - well I'm not even sure who really exists, let alone who to trust!
As for Mouryou No Hako, I'm close to dropping this one. The story just hasn't grabbed me like I thought it would. I love the CLAMP designed characters and the historical setting, this show looks great, but the central mystery of the story hasn't really engaged me. What does anyone else think? Is it worth sticking with?
Ergo Proxy 4-6

Now my main question is who the **** is 'The Grandad' or some **** like that. I get that the guy with the Black hair with the autobot (whatever the **** they're called) is the leader of the City though. Ayase, help, should I know who Grandad is yet??
Spyro201 said:
Ayase, help, should I know who Grandad is yet??
You're almost there, it's Re-L's Grandfather, and he is in fact the ruler of Romdo. Raul Creed (the guy with the autoreiv) is head of the security services. Hope that helps. ;)
since the last time I reported here, I've sen all fullmetal alchemist , including the movie, cromartie high school, coyote ragtime show, angelic layer, pani poni dash and le portrait the petite cosette.
Mazinger Z: 6-10 - The bad subs have gone from being amusing to almost unbearable. They'll probably lead me to drop the series. I can't believe no-one has properly subbed what's considered to be such a classic.

Higurashi Kai: 19-End - A good end to an excellent series, though I'm glad it did end here. Any longer would have been dragging it out.
Full metal panic! episodes 3-6

I'm really liking this series so far, and I'm hardly even into it! The characters are great and very unique; Especially sagara sousuke! :D