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Spyro201 said:
chaos said:
witch hunter robin V5 - without noticing, this series hooked me up. I've seen 5 volumes of it today.

Probably cause its like, one of the best shows ever ;) :p
I'll have to agree. I almost regret having to go to work tomorrow just to be able to watch it to the end. So far, i think it's worth a place into my top ten. I'm just not sure what should I move out though =(
Just finished watching 11-14 of Xam'd: Lost Memories, half way through now, and the last couple of episodes where really quite something. What surprised me even more was the way 14 ended, none of that i expected. Furuichi killing himself was never something that crossed my mind, the way he went about it too makes me feel sorry for him. I think i may go and watch 15 and 16 soon enough as well, or i may leave them to watch tomorrow.
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Trying to watch the dub of Ghost Stories at the moment, unfortunately it may do something I have not done in ages which is start again in sub as it is pretty bad. It is a real shame as they have some good voice talent but ruin things by completely Americanising all the jokes. Momoko as an over the top Christian and Leo as a Jew, make for some very uncomfortable racist and homophobic remarks, which as far as I can tell from switching on the subs are only in the American version.

The series itself actually looks pretty good and the extras give good detail on the ghosts and their origins.
Started and dropped Doki Doki: School Hours before even finishing the first volume (dropped after third episode). It's an awful show with no budget, a cast of one dimensional characters who are only there to be involved in the same jokes (one character has weight issues, another is gay, another has a fetish for young girls, etc) in every single episode and there's not even a main plot holding it all together. I want my time and money back.

I'm annoyed because I own all 5 volumes, my reason for collecting the series being that it's an OOP Geneon release. Sadly, Doki is one title that's better out of print - that way it doesn't remind anime fans how bad anime can be. Watching it has made me raise my Love Hina rating from 4/10 from 5/10...
Honey and Clover


really such an awsome series start to finish
specials an all, though it's not necessary needed to watch the specials to get the main story, they where more of an add on
finally finished watching armored trooper votoms pailsen files, it had me hooked by the abnormal survivor storyline all the way through.
Started watching my Nadia DVDs last night. I was fairly impressed with what I saw in the first 8 episodes, the visuals in particular being very impressive for a TV series that aired nearly 20 years ago. It was made well and has aged well. The only real flaw so far is the one dimensional lead character: so far, everything he's done has been simply because of attraction to Nadia and because it's the right's hard to like a plain goody-goody character like that after seeing so many. It's also difficult to like the 'mysterious girl' type character that seems to appear in just about every adventure type story, but Nadia has shown more personality than plain Jean in the first 2 volumes and I quite like her.

I also watched Riding Bean, the worst anime I've ever watched. The awful characters, story and action, together with the worst dub I've ever heard, made it painful to sit through. It was too stupid for me to get anything out of... I mean, the main character turned his car on its side and pinned some random guy to a tree and survived a shot to the head because he had a bandana on! How on earth it has semi-decent ratings I know not. I could only rate it 1/10 after sitting through a combination of woeful anime and dubbing (complete with crappy American music and poor sound effects) and thank my lucky stars I only paid 99p for the DVD.
Aion said:
I also watched Riding Bean, the worst anime I've ever watched. The awful characters, story and action, together with the worst dub I've ever heard, made it painful to sit through. It was too stupid for me to get anything out of... I mean, the main character turned his car on its side and pinned some random guy to a tree and survived a shot to the head because he had a bandana on! How on earth it has semi-decent ratings I know not. I could only rate it 1/10 after sitting through a combination of woeful anime and dubbing (complete with crappy American music and poor sound effects) and thank my lucky stars I only paid 99p for the DVD.

I like Riding Bean, it was like a dumb action movie, they can be very entertaining as long as your not looking for anything else.
Finished watching Millennium Actress about an hour ago. I was torn between giving it 8 or 9 out of 10 for most of the film, the last part eventually managing to get a 9/10 score out of me. I think it's the best of Kon's mostly over-rated films by quite a distance.

Perfect blue focused too much on thrilling the viewer, and as a result I wasn't able to connect with the main character or care too much about what happened. Tokyo Godfather's story failed to have the impact on me I expected... I think it's a good film but it's not one I'd rush to rewatch. Paprika has great visuals but nothing underneath - it was the biggest disappointment, only offering weirdness and giving no message.

Millennium Actress is different. Unlike the others, it came across as very human; an emotional journey of one girl from childhood to old age. The idea of using an actress and her films to tell a love story, with the films being set in different eras of Japan, sounded good to me when I read the back of the DVD case, and it didn't let me down. I would've liked more of a relationship between Chiyoko and the guy she fell in love with because it was a little hard to believe a girl would fall so hard for a guy she barely knew, but that's really only a minor complaint.

I think the film is more beautiful in terms of story than it is visually. Chiyoko spent her whole life running after a shadow, yet it wasn't a waste because that one encounter with the shadow she fell in love with resulted in her living a good life and becoming a someday. Like Chiyoko said at the end, the journey is more important than the destination, and what a journey she had.
Made it to the end off the Ghost Stories Dub. It was quite a task as it is just so Americanized, there are only so many sexual innuendos, homophobic, racist, retard and drug related jokes you can make in a show about 10-12 year olds fighting the ghosts in the old school building. That's not to say it does not have its funny moments. I will wait a bit and go back and watch the sub as I am sure it is actually a good series.

Bleach volume 13. It's still Bleach and still pretty good but how long is this story arc going to go on for.

Ghosthunt Part 2. Wow loved this from start to finish. I just hope that another series is on its way to us, as questions start to come up at the end of the series about who everyone is or what they can really do.
Now uptodate again with Naruto Shippuuden.
Watched up to Bleach 192 Adult Nel has made an appearence at last!
Also just started watching Berserk. Seen first five episodes and wondering why I hadn't seen this anime sooner. Enjoying it so far. Only critisism would be Open and Closing Tunes... I'm not a fan.
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Patlabor: WXIII - 7/10

A watchable detective/monster hunt movie; the sort you watch once and then forget about quickly. It was rather dull and I didn't really understand how America were involved in the creation of the monster.

Nadia - 8-8.5/10 (so far)

So far, I've watched 16 episodes and I think it's a very good adventure series. It's too bad it isn't as well known and highly rated as some of the newer, over-rated shows out there... I get the feeling it being 20 years old has made most anime fans overlook it. I'm expecting the quality to drop fast once I enter the evil 12 episode filler section, but I still can't see myself rating it much lower than I currently rate it when I've enjoyed it so much up to the fillers.

The only real negative so far is Jean: he looks ugly and is a sickening goody-goody type of character. I can't stand heroic main characters who do the right thing simply because it's right, with no thoughts outside of doing the right thing. Nadia has managed to lessen the pain caused by his character with her fiery personality and views on taking she's pretty hot for a 14 year old character that stars in a series from way back in 1989. It'd be nice if there was a bit more romance between the main two and less arguing... It's obvious Jean and Nadia will end up together in the end, yet their relationship has moved very, very, very slowly up to yet.
Darker Than Black Volume 1. Seems pretty good so far, some action, what appears to be a good story nicely paced. Now I just got to hope it keeps it up through the rest of the series.
Boogiepop Phantom 1-12

I watched a few episodes of Boogiepop Phantom some years ago and struggled to make sense of what I was seeing. For this second, full viewing my comprehension (and therefore enjoyment) greatly benefited from reading the first light novel immediately beforehand. But it's a fiendishly complex story and there are still plenty of things that I don't understand, some of which I hope will be addressed by the prequel novel, "Boogiepop At Dawn", that I will soon be reading. Then I'm watching the show again.

A special mention must go to the visuals: the art direction, scene composition, and use of colour in this anime are outstanding, rendering the limited animation a trivial issue.