Your viewing journal

I watched the first volume of Texhnolyze today and I want more.

It doesn't really tell you anything and feels like all 4 episodes are like one big one but there's something in the mix that got me fully hooked.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Boogiepop Phantom 1-12

I watched a few episodes of Boogiepop Phantom some years ago and struggled to make sense of what I was seeing. For this second, full viewing my comprehension (and therefore enjoyment) greatly benefited from reading the first light novel immediately beforehand. But it's a fiendishly complex story and there are still plenty of things that I don't understand, some of which I hope will be addressed by the prequel novel, "Boogiepop At Dawn", that I will soon be reading. Then I'm watching the show again.

A special mention must go to the visuals: the art direction, scene composition, and use of colour in this anime are outstanding, rendering the limited animation a trivial issue.

I'm willing to read the light novels, but when I searched on ebay, I've noticed there are quite a few already available. How do you like them and, if I were to read it, where should I start?
Finished Sasami Magical Girls Club. It is quite a cutesy show, however it does have a decent story and gets quite dark at times. It is not really a little kids show either as the dub which is what kids would probably be watching does contain some some adult language from Washu, and some sexual innuendo from some of the other characters including the standard flat chested jokes.

Watched Karin Volume 6. I have like Karin all the way through, lovable cute unvampier that she is. The series is different from the manga, but works with the ending give, although I would love it if they made another season.
Just finished Rozen Maiden Traumend Volume 3. Very different from the manga but in a good way. For a series about dolls playing highlander there really are some quite touching moments in this last set of episodes.
Finished off Dokuro-chan a couple of days ago. Though it didn't always hit the mark, it's still one of the funniest anime I've ever seen. When Sensitive Salaryman and the monkey student first appeared I literally had tears in my eyes, and how many anime feature cameos from both Prince Andrew (I'm sure it's him but Google draws a blank) and Gregor Samsa of Kafka's Metamorphosis? NOT MANY.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Finished off Dokuro-chan a couple of days ago. Though it didn't always hit the mark, it's still one of the funniest anime I've ever seen. When Sensitive Salaryman and the monkey student first appeared I literally had tears in my eyes, and how many anime feature cameos from both Prince Andrew (I'm sure it's him but Google draws a blank) and Gregor Samsa of Kafka's Metamorphosis? NOT MANY.

I did not think it was bad, but the over use of the one bludgeoning gag wore thin a little to quickly for me.

If you liked this show give Magical Witch Punie-Chan a go, I found that pretty funny all the way through.
The bludgeoning did wear thin after a while, but at least they managed to come up with a decent variety of creative ways in which Sakura met his demise. It's all the random stuff that had me in stitches; there's one scene in which Sakura's shocked face is suddenly replaced by a photochopped image of a similarly shocked caucasian guy for no apparent reason, which caught me totally by surprise :D

Punie-chan I'll be picking up sometime after Christmas.
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Watched the first disc of Saiyuki Reload knowing it wasn't going to be that good. Big fan of the manga but the animes not so good. Oh well, it was only 99p so I can't complain.
Sword of the Stranger is better and more manly.

I really need to re-watch TGWLTT. I have a reason to now I have a 720P file but no motivation. I rated it 8/10 after watching it for the first time and I'm wondering if I was a little harsh...
There's a Sword of the Stranger trailer on the DVD and it does look rather spiffing. Not as good as Ninja Scroll, mind, but then what is? I was, however, more than a little disturbed by the prominence of the young boy in said trailer. Keep annoying kids out of my Serious Business anime, please, Japan.

Now all I need is for Bandai, cock teases that they are, to show some sign of wanting to release the damn thing on DVD.
Or you could just, you know, download the Shinsen DVD-rip, which I still haven't got around to watching. When I watched it, I watched a low quality RAW with a no-name group/persons subs, and I still thought it was amazing. It has some of the best fights (the last one was epic) in anime, together with pacing that puts Wings of Boredom to shame. And the soundtrack is also brilliant - some of the tracks are strangely reminiscent of the Braveheart soundtrack.

Btw, what's a Beez trailer doing on the TGHLTT DVD? I didn't think Beez had licensed it...
My copy is the R1 version from Bandai Entertainment. They have both films in the US.

I don't like downloading licensed anime for reasons of principle, and it's just not the same as watching something I own. Yeah, I'm materialistic like that.
Being immoral does have its bonuses on the internet.

...errm, anyway. Wings of Boredom aside, I haven't watched anything since I stayed up to 4 AM to watch Macross Plus and Zero. I keep meaning to carry on with Nadia but the infamous fillers start in 2 episodes and I'm going to have to watch 21-24 on my PC (no 6th volume). It's annoying how I go on mini-marothons and then find myself unable to watch anything for days...
Raman Fighter Miki. Quite fun has a sort of Ranmaesque edge with her wanting to be a stronger fighter and getting randomly attacked by her rivals. Although unlike Ranma one hit from her mum is enough to put her out, whilst nobody else stands a chance.