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Watched the second of the Gundam movie trilogy last night. I rated the first 7/10, the second 6/10. Pretty much the entire film could've been skipped since it just had pointless fight after pointless fight, with very little in the way of any sort of progression. At least the first film seemed like it was going somewhere...

In all honesty, it isn't the slow-pacing that's really bothering me about the MSG films: it's the ratio of fighting to story/character development. After 4 hours and 40 minutes I find myself not giving a damn about any of the crew, me not having blinked when characters were randomly killed off in the second film. There needs to be a blend of action and emotions for fighting to have an impact on the viewer, and MSG has offered very little in the way of character. The few character development scenes that were included just seemed to have been put in without thought. I mean, one minute Amuro was refusing to pilot the Gundam, the next he wanted to pilot it more than anything and then he was indifferent - rather than develop, his character jumped all over the place. I'm not sure how much of the lack of character/story development is down to the film adaptations, but I'm not impressed, ancient classic or not.
Nadisico: 6-9
It surprised me a bit when it stared taking the odd serious turn, then in the next minute seemed to shrug off the fact that it had done so. I'm not sure exactly what to think after that... it reminded me a bit of the slight uneasiness I get when watching certain episodes of M.A.S.H: Am I supposed to be laughing here or not?
Gundam: Movie 3

Better than the other two, but still flawed. It was better because this one gave me the feeling it had a purpose and was going somewhere. Every battle seemed to be pushing the plot towards the end, where as in the second film the fighting kept happening with the plot not moving an inch. It was much easier to sit through than the last movie.

However, I'm not sure if it was due to a huge amount of cuts but the advancements in the relationships between each character came across as being completely random. An example of this was the 'mental conversation' shared by the awful main character and Lalah, a character that had only appeared on screen very briefly, once for a random swan discussion and another for car breakdown assistance, the chat they had being the sort I'd expect people madly in love to have before separation. Another example of this random character relationship issue was when Mirai, the fugly pilot of White Base, ran to the new fairly recruit and confessed her love for him. Either the direction of the TV series was god awful or the films cut out way too much.

Taking into consideration the fact that MSG is ancient, these are my ratings for each movie:

Movie 1: 7/10
Movie 2: 6/10
Movie 3: 8/10

Let me just say that I wouldn't be so generous if a newer anime had such an awful cast of characters. :p
Your Gundam reviews have been entertaing Aion, if a little unfair IMO. :p

I would presume, having seen only the first ten episodes of the series (I'm waiting for some good fansubs or an offical release with Japanese language) that it's the case a lot was cut. I agree that Lalah & Amuro's relationship does seem very bizarre in the films, especially given that you get to see a relatively decent amount of her relationship with Char by comparison. Will you be moving on to Zeta, dare I ask?

Interesting to note I gave them 7,7,8 respectively at MAL... our rating systems must be a little different!
ayase said:
Your Gundam reviews have been entertaing Aion, if a little unfair IMO. :p

I would presume, having seen only the first ten episodes of the series (I'm waiting for some good fansubs or an offical release with Japanese language) that it's the case a lot was cut. I agree that Lalah & Amuro's relationship does seem very bizarre in the films, especially given that you get to see a relatively decent amount of her relationship with Char by comparison. Will you be moving on to Zeta, dare I ask?

Interesting to note I gave them 7,7,8 respectively at MAL... our rating systems must be a little different!

You would be waiting a while for a good re-release :p It seems like Bandai America have forgotten about the older series (though the re-released of the 08th MS Team in feb could mean something new on the horizon) Of course Beez could come up with a new set.

Actually after a quick check the series hits its 30th anniversary next year so you never know
If I'd reviewed them you'd still be reading. :)

Nah, I only watched these because I won an auction for the box set on DVD...without knowing what the films were about. Two consecutive anime history lessons in quick succession wouldn't be very fun. I'm more likely to try to get through more of my endless DVD backlog at present - I'm supposed to be watching Nadia, which has been on-hold at 20/39 for about a week now.

My 7/6/8 scores and your 7/7/8 scores have made me feel more confident that my scores were fairly accurate. Only the first 30 minutes of the first movie saved it from getting a 6... What made you give the second film 7/10?
Aion said:
My 7/6/8 scores and your 7/7/8 scores have made me feel more confident that my scores were fairly accurate. Only the first 30 minutes of the first movie saved it from getting a 6... What made you give the second film 7/10?
I'd have to rewatch it to remember (they've all blurred into one in my mind) but I did rate it straight after watching it the second time, So I'll stand by it. Did the second film end with Amuro deciding to leave his mother to fight? If so, I thought that was quite a poignant big of character development, the way his mother was almost scared of him now he'd lost his innocence and the fact that he decide to continue on that path knowing how much it would upset her.

You don't seem to be a big fan of Amuro from your comments. Possibly the reason he doesn't develop so much is that he doesn't say much about how he feels in these situations. It's always seemed to me that things affect him but he keeps them inside for the most part. The ending lyrics to the series bear this out. He does seem kind of an old fashioned character now because of this but I quite like that character trait, it makes him a bit different (and probably more like most real men). Most heroes now seem to let all their feelings out on screen, and most older heroes just seemed to fluctuate between happiness and rage as was needed for the story.
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I'm pretty sure the scene where Amuro killed in front of his mom and then left her was early on in the second film or towards the end of the first. My memories are cloudy already! :p I need to watch things twice to have any chance of them sticking in my brain for long.

Aside from the start, where Amuro was brave enough to enter the Gundam and fight in it, he was a bit of a ****. The random character development he received, where he was crying about not wanting to pilot one minute and crying about wanting to pilot the next, didn't help him, but his main crime was being a complete dick to the girl who I assumed was going to be his love interest. He ignored her and acted like a complete twat to her, a girl who had lost all her family and was supposed to be his friend, just because he had a crush on an older woman (she died in the second film), and he wasn't exactly nice before that. His actions make him unlikeable and also made his 'love interest' a completely pointless character.

In the TV series he might've received better, less random, character development and not come across as a man with a penis hiding under his mini-afro, but I didn't think much of him in the films. It wouldn't have bothered me if he had been killed in the most painful way imaginable at the end.
Aion said:
It wouldn't have bothered me if he had been killed in the most painful way imaginable at the end.

Then you should look into the novels that Tomino brought out as another take on the series. At the end both Amuro and Char (and it isn't even Char that get's amuro) are killed. Makes it the second time he's killed them off after the Char's Counterattack novel he did.
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But isn't it a bit refreshing to see Frau totally spurned? You don't see a series where that happens every day. You find out she ends up with Hayato in Zeta by the way How many people in the real world are guilty of ignoring people who care about them for an infatuation with another? An afwul lot. Amuro's just a man with flaws who's not really a good or a bad person, as is Char, and that's what makes the war more realistic (there aren't really any villians). As well as futile, as Lalah's sacrifice and the fact that she cares about both of them proves and that they can go from being enemies in MSG to allies in Zeta believable.

Zeta is worth watching as it really does develop Char and Amuro a lot more (that's probably my favourite aspect of the series) though I imagine you'd hate Kamille Bidan even more than Amuro. Hell, I found it hard to warm to Kamille Bidan. I always felt more sorry for his rival Jerrod because the bad things that happened to him seemed to affect him in a more realistic way. Kamille seemed like a cold bastard by comparison.
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Finished off Basilisk, not bad over all a little slow at times though. It did feel like a grown up Naruto (fights took less time) with a Shakespearian ending as in lots of people ended up dead.
Was able to find some time last night to watch Genshiken OVA's 1-3 and the first two episodes of Genshiken season 2. I kind of miss the old closing theme for the second series, it just felt like it worked better, and the wee guitar bit when mentioning what each episode title is, i dunno why but i find it a little funny, it just seems to work well with Genshiken. Gonna try to continue with it later today.
Genshiken OVA 1-3
Genshiken Season 2 - 1-4

Not dissapointed so far :)

Though hunting around the internet, I cant wait to get GITS 2.0 when its released over here.
Mobile Suit Gundam movie 1

It's my turn to sample the original Gundam and I'm totally, utterly, incredibly not surprised that my opinions are more in line with Ayase's than Aion's. The film is, admittedly, a tad action-heavy, particularly at the beginning, but thus far I'm happy with the character development of both Amuro and Char. While the former may not be a particularly likeable character, I do find him interesting, and that's far more important to me. He's not easy to work out but that just makes him seem more real and believable than many protagonists who've found themselves in a similar situation.

Hyper Police 4-7

After four light-hearted episodes, the show suddenly took a serious turn in the fifth, seemingly for no other reason than to set up some contrived drama that was neatly -- and predictably -- resolved by the end of the following episode. Normal service was, thankfully, resumed by the end of the goofy episode 7, and I hope it stays there because the show just doesn't have the characters to pull off heavy drama. Also disappointing is that cash-strapped Pierrot really cheaped out on the animation.
Appleseed Ex-Machina - Action packed and fun throughout. The characters were interesting and strong. The cgi was great, too.

Fullmetal panic! 12-14 - Woo! Robot table tennis.

Berserk 1 - Interesting and good. I'll have to watch some more.

Black Lagoon 1 - Same opinions as berserk.
ayase said:
But isn't it a bit refreshing to see Frau totally spurned? You don't see a series where that happens every day. You find out she ends up with Hayato in Zeta by the way How many people in the real world are guilty of ignoring people who care about them for an infatuation with another? An afwul lot. Amuro's just a man with flaws who's not really a good or a bad person, as is Char, and that's what makes the war more realistic (there aren't really any villians). As well as futile, as Lalah's sacrifice and the fact that she cares about both of them proves and that they can go from being enemies in MSG to allies in Zeta believable.

Zeta is worth watching as it really does develop Char and Amuro a lot more (that's probably my favourite aspect of the series) though I imagine you'd hate Kamille Bidan even more than Amuro. Hell, I found it hard to warm to Kamille Bidan. I always felt more sorry for his rival Jerrod because the bad things that happened to him seemed to affect him in a more realistic way. Kamille seemed like a cold bastard by comparison.

When I was sending my last message your way, it did cross my mind how unusual it was for the main character and the girl who starts with him to not get together...but I then thought to myself that a bit of originality wasn't worth following around a human penis for the entire story.

If Amuro was a real man he wouldn't have acted like a dick to *insert name of girl* before getting the 'goods'. Real men first sample the 'goods' and, if they don't have any feelings for the female, act like heartless gits. Unless a sex scene was cut from the films, I can't say I understand the logic of mini-afro - he had her pretty much willing to do anything for him and he rejected her, instead focusing his attention on a woman old enough to be his mother that wouldn't look twice at him.

To sum it all up: I don't like poorly developed dickheads. I might like him more in the TV series because his moods probably didn't swing so fast and he also probably didn't bond with people with no bonding being shown, but that's neither here nor there.

Char was a good person who did evil things. The difference was that, unlike mini-afro, he had good reasons for his actions and wasn't just acting like a dick because he was born that way. I liked Char because he was so hard to read and didn't do things simply because it was right to do them. If only the ending hadn't been so inconclusive and had revealed what happened to him...

If I watch any Gundam soon, it'll more than likely be Gundam 00. Trips into the past of anime don't tend to do much for me - I always end up feeling let down by the experience. At least with newer additions to the big name series I can be sure of high production values and better direction.
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Claymore Volume 2. I really enjoyed the episodes on this disc. Some great action, good story and character development with the back story arc. Now I just hope they can keep it up for the rest of the story.

Princess Minerva. Fun fantasy type OVA in the same sort of lines as The Slayers.