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Aion said:
Char was a good person who did evil things. The difference was that, unlike mini-afro, he had good reasons for his actions and wasn't just acting like a dick because he was born that way.
Obviously I've only seen the first part of the trilogy and therefore don't yet know of Char's motivations, but it's probably safe to assume that he didn't suddenly find himself in the middle of the war through a moment of impulse, the way that Amuro did. It makes sense to me that Amuro is consequently a little confused and bewildered over the whole kerrrazy situation.

Aion said:
If Amuro was a Misogynist twat he wouldn't have acted like a dick to *insert name of girl* before getting the 'goods'. Misogynist twats first sample the 'goods' and, if they don't have any feelings for the female, act like heartless gits. Unless a sex scene was cut from the films, I can't say I understand the logic of mini-afro - he had her pretty much willing to do anything for him and he rejected her, instead focusing his attention on a woman old enough to be his mother that wouldn't look twice at him.
Fixed. Are you saying you'd have liked him more if he'd used Frau rather than ignoring her? :? Wheather you understand his logic or not, lots of people act like that in real life - so for me at least that makes his attitude believable.

I think I get the point though. Not an Amuro fan. I don't think I stand much of a chance of convincing you otherwise, and will admit I'd find it hard to like a series if couldn't stand the main character.
You know, I might have to track down the TV series. Even though I enjoyed the first movie a lot, I don't like the feeling that I've missed out on huge chunks of the story and character interaction.
Currently it's only available with the dub in R1 singles, some of which are hard to get hold of and therefore expensive now. I'm hanging on for a subbed release and in the meantime watching fansubs as they're released. Up to ep. 14 now if my sources inform me correctly. ;)
No, I'm not saying it would've made him more likeable - I'm saying it would've allowed me to understand him better. I find it very hard to believe a 16 year old male, who had already shown himself to be a bit of dick, would turn down the chance to use her before ignoring her. You could argue that he was thinking with his brain and not his you-know-what, but that's not the case when he was shown to have a major crush on an adult crew member.

As a person I didn't like him and as a male I didn't understand him. Get it? :p

I feel more indifferent than hateful towards him. His attitude towards his 'love interest' who had her family killed made me dislike him, and his disjointed character development made it even more difficult for me to like him, but I wouldn't go as far as to say I hated him. I simply view him as poor lead and the show suffered as a result.


I watched the Gunbuster film the other day. The first 60 minutes were great, some of the best "super robot" animel I've viewed, but the black and white last half an hour, which struggled to play on my computer and wasn't anywhere near as interesting as the first hour, let it down.

I'm sure a lot of what was included in the OVA skipped, so I'm going to watch the OVA. I'm sure it'll be great if there's more content as good as the first hour of the film included.
fabricatedlunatic said:
You know, I might have to track down the TV series. Even though I enjoyed the first movie a lot, I don't like the feeling that I've missed out on huge chunks of the story and character interaction.

That's what i would recommend, the movies are okay if you want to quickly move onto Zeta Gundam (or even the OVA's like 0083 and 0080)

Ayase said:
I'm hanging on for a subbed release and in the meantime watching fansubs as they're released. Up to ep. 14 now if my sources inform me correctly.

I don't know what you're talking about...*whistles* Though the Region 1 DVDs do have an ep cut out from the running total, making it 42 eps in total (i can't remember the reasons the ep was cut but from looking into it it didn't add anything anyway and seemed filler)
Going on how little I cared for the characters in the films, it's safe to say pretty much all the minor character interactions were skipped so that the pointless fighting that made up the entire second film could be kept in. I would've enjoyed the films a lot more if there had been less mecha and more talking.

There are, as far as I known, 43 episodes in the original series. The films only had enough time to cover around 23 episodes.
Aion said:
I find it very hard to believe a 16 year old male, who had already shown himself to be a bit of dick, would turn down the chance to use her before ignoring her. You could argue that he was thinking with his brain and not his you-know-what, but that's not the case when he was shown to have a major crush on an adult crew member.
But Frau's feelings for Amuro and Amuro's feelings for Matilda are both just cases of unrequited love. Amuro might well be a "bit of a dick", but I don't think there's ever any indication he's a user of women... the two things aren't inextricably linked.
Fansubs, eh? I couldn't possibly...

Aion said:
Gunbuster ... the black and white last half an hour, which struggled to play on my computer and wasn't anywhere near as interesting as the first hour, let it down.
Really? As far as I'm concerned, the finale of Gunbuster is one of the very best episodes of anime ever made. It is, in fact, probably my personal favourite.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Aion said:
Gunbuster ... the black and white last half an hour, which struggled to play on my computer and wasn't anywhere near as interesting as the first hour, let it down.
Really? As far as I'm concerned, the finale of Gunbuster is one of the very best episodes of anime ever made. It is, in fact, probably my personal favourite.
Yep. In my top five, easy. Right up there alongside that Patlabor one with the Chinese food order.
fabricatedlunatic said:
You know, I might have to track down the TV series. Even though I enjoyed the first movie a lot, I don't like the feeling that I've missed out on huge chunks of the story and character interaction.

You've also missed out on a lot of the more "super robot" elements that where in the TV series - an example being that the Gundam frequently 'docks' with multiple veichles ala Voltron before fighting. It can even turn into a tank using one combination :p .

I agree with you about the cuts though - they are pretty noticable in the first two films (the second one especially), although there wasn't so much in the third film. And the character development does get a bit screwed over because of the cutting, and it makes Amuro and Kai a lot harder to like than in the TV series. Still, the movies are the best way to get into the older Gundam shows, easier (and cheaper) than the series at least lol.

Also, this is my first post. Hello people! :D
Lucky Star Volume 4. Still liking it but really am unsure about what it wants to be, pure comedy or some kind of slice of life.

Moribito volumes 1 and 2. I am really starting to get into these pseudo-historic things more. This has lovely animation and a quite strong if not confusing story at the moment.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Another great anime film that leaves you thinking. A bit confusing at times and a little emotional.
Up to Genshiken season 2 - 7

A few bad episodes in there but, its picking up again :)

I also watched about 30 mins of Sword of the Stranger, it looks great, but I dont have time till Saturday to watch it in one sitting :(
First four episodes of Crest of the Stars, really enjoying it so far, I thought the dub would be awful and I'd have to turn to sub... but naw, the dub has a classic dub feel to it, like early Manga dubs but with lack of OTT lines and ridiculous amounts of swearing. Music really stands out too hope it keeps the same quality throughout.
Wow. Should have watched this a long time ago, it's been sat on my shelf for a good while. Brilliant direction (by a non-Japanese director, in an animated production!). I was unsure about the character designs at first but by the end I came to really love them. My one criticism is I think they should have left Kuro & Shiro's names alone, rather than translating them to Black & White. I know they're not normally words used as names but since when did you translate someone's name into it's literal meaning?

"Clear-Thinking Gold, director of Perfect Blue & Tokyo Godfathers"
Samurai 7: EP 1-2

I randomly chose to chuck in the first DVD of a series I've collected in full without watching. I'd kept putting off starting it because the idea of samurai exisiting in a sries involving robots and guns sounded completely retarded.

The first 2 episodes tell me that the series is far too silly to take seriously, it butchering a simple story about seven samurai protecting farmers from a small army of bandits by inserting robots into it without explanation, turning the bandits into robots from the matrix. The CG start, where a samurai cut a gigantic battleship in half with a normal sword, was more painful to watch than cool.

And, sadly for me, the pain didn't stop there since the series seems like it's going to move at the speed of an unusually fat slug. In the film the seven samurai were recruited fast, with each still getting the time required for them to standout, but in this 'adaptation' only 2/7 have been recruited after 40 minutes. Worse yet, the character introductions have been ruined and the character designs (the best character from the film is stupid robot!) aren't great.

I started this thinking it would be one of the few series I've collected on the cheap to please me, yet it hasn't so far. If Samurai 7 is supposed to be good then I think I'll be giving my Samurai Gun DVDs a miss!
i finished watching Haruhi Suzumiya the other day and coplete finished Maburaho at the weekend. though it was kinda streched.

But yeahh ep 13 of Haruhi bloddy amazing that wouldn't ave missed it for the world xD
Thanks to a recommendation, I've recently watched Ef- A Tale of Memories up to episode 6, and I'm really enjoying it so far. The story isn't too hard to follow, but interesting enough for me to sit and watch these first six episodes almost back-to-back, and the character and plot development up to this point have been excellent. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of this series now :)