Digimon Adventure Tri: Movie 1 - REUNION:-
Decent pace to this first movie. As predicted, more of a re-introduction to the original cast, plus an introduction to some new faces. Definitely got the warm fuzzies from seeing the original gang again, plus their respective monster partners.
Animation wise, I personally really like the style - it's not
amazing, but somehow, it works - the battle scenes inparticular look (and sound) really great! Also, regarding the music, I really love love
love Koji Wada's (RIP) "Butterfly" theme for the series, as well as Ayumi Miyazaki's "Braveheart" for the
shinka scenes - again for me,
so much better than the music I remember from the original Western dub of the series.
As for the monsters, I always loved their designs. I still don't know if I have a favourite; I think it would have to be joint Piyomon and Tailmon (though I do love Mei-chan!). One thing that always stuck with me though is their unwavering positivity; they really believe they can overcome even the most dangerous and powerful of mega-level mosters, even in their rookie stages. They always instilled belief into their respective human partners that anything is possible, even in the darkest of moments, and I love that!
Overall, looking forward to seeing how the adventure unfolds from here; definitely glad I made the purchase