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Half way through Gangsta. Pretty watchable little anime. Good story with likeable characters. Wouldn't class it as groundbreaking, but there are enough unique elements to keep if different. It's a very human anime, but there is a twist. Has a Fullmetal Alchemy feel to it, in a good way.
This reminds me I need to rewatch gangsta. Quite enjoyed it first time round.
Kanon eps 19-24 (complete)
Because the source was a visual novel in which you pick a girl you like and then replay for a different story (from what I read) the structure suffers a bit as the other girls "wait in line" for one arc to finish instead of trying to blend them together and some arcs aren't as strong as others. 7/10

Uma Masume: Pretty Derby eps 1-2
First show of the new season. Cute Horse-Girls(/Idols) Doing Cute Horse-Girl(/Idol) Things SOL 😄 Pretty fun and the MC (Special Week! I kid you not) is a very likable fish out water, but naturally talented type. When I first saw Suzuka, one of the other Horse-Girls, I thought she would be the stuck up main rival type, but seems she's going to be the best friend. Spe-chan won her first race a little too easily for an under dog.

One Punch Man eps 1-3 (dub)
Mildly amusing. The problem with watching a dub is that you don't have to concentrate as hard so I actually fell asleep during episode 3, before the screaming (which is more obnoxious than the shows it's trying to take the piss out of) woke me up!
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby-Episodes 1 and 2

First pick up of the season! I like it quite a bit, mostly because Special Week is a likeable (if a bit generic) protagonist, and I enjoy all the small horse based gags, such as Special running out of the house with a carrot in her mouth instead of toast. The idol bit seems a little bit haphazardly tacked on, I'm unsure if they'll do any more than pay lip service to the game its based on. Still, enjoyable nonetheless.

Fist of the Blue Sky Re:Genesis-Episode 1

Hmm, I'm not sure about this. I only learned after the fact that this is apparently a sequel to the 2006 Blue Sky anime, which I haven't seen, so whilst I wasn't really lost this week, I am a little bit worried I might be later on. CGI was good by anime standards but still not a patch on traditional animation, and not even really as good as other Polygon works. I'll be interested to see how the fight scenes shake out, as we didn't get that far in this first episode. I'll keep watching for now, but this feels like it might be dropped at some point.

Today's Menu for Emiya's Family-Episode 4

Continues to be rather fun. I just like seeing the FSN cast in a Slice of Life environment, kind of reminds me of a more relaxed Carnival Phantasm. Housewife Caster is adorable.

PS I kind of stopped posting in this thread these last few months, I need to rectify this during this season!
Space Battleship Tiramisu (episode 1)
Really really funny, but why does it have to be so short? :(

Overlord II (episodes 3-12)
I've caught up now but I didn't realise there was one left tomorrow.

Wake Up Girls! (Movie)
Wake Up Girls! Season 1 (complete)
A Silent Voice

A long film that seemed to have breezed by! I am sat here trying to think of a flaw, nothing is really coming to my mind! Great film and of course very beautiful. Like Anohana there was a nice variety of characters though that one chick was super annoying even though I liked her design.
A Silent Voice

A long film that seemed to have breezed by! I am sat here trying to think of a flaw, nothing is really coming to my mind! Great film and of course very beautiful. Like Anohana there was a nice variety of characters though that one chick was super annoying even though I liked her design.
My problem was that the support cast got short shrift, which was proven even more so when reading the manga afterwards. The annoying one, I'm guessing, is Naoko gets a lot extra scenes in the manga and
it spells out that she loves Shouya (in a funny scene where she slips a message into the cat purse, but the message ends up with Tomohiro instead) and that's why she bullied Shouko because his attention was on her, and continues to hate her when they are older because she's jealous. In the film she just seems like a right bitch for no particular reason. Also cuts a film making project which keeps them together after Shouya has his rant at everybody and then his accident. In the film after that rant, most have no real reason to get back together after he had a go at them, but they do anyway?!
These views on it interest me more in this film, I want to see it to see if I find it rushed or not. Gives me an excuse to actually get around to watching it!
Yeah, the movie felt very rushed compared to the manga. I was pretty disappointed by it to be honest.
At 7 volumes probably a 1 cour season would have been a better choice, but that might have needed anime original stuff and VE has proved that's not KyoAnis strongest suit either.
I'm not sure what's original or not in Violet Evergarden. All I know is, I've enjoyed pretty much every second of it! :p
Most of the first 5 episodes apart from flashback stuff according to the MAL users who've read the novel. So her training and first few assignments. I think it comes down to her character being so bland as she learns to be human and with so little of her backstory, shown later in 8 & 9, for you to sympathise with her. The pay off for those episodes is good later on though.
Fist of the Blue Sky: Regenesis Ep1

Once I'd gotten used to the visual style, I actually rather enjoyed that. It's a shame they're not starting from the beginning of FotBS, as that 2006 anime seems to be almost universally reviled and I doubt there's much chance of seeing it in English, but I didn't find it desperately hard to grasp at this point. On first impressions at least, it's much less corny than FotNS and I like the period Shanghai setting.
Kakuriyo -Bed & Breakfast for Spirits- episode 1 Hmm, an interesting concept, will add this to the weekly watches as well.

Magical Girl Ore episodes 1-2 This is rather amusing so far so I'll stick with it.

Space Battleship Tiramisu episode 1 This was, well, something. The episodes are pretty short so I'll see how episodes 2 and 3 fare.

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby episodes 1-2 This is alright so far, hopefully it isn't too predictable and they develop the characters and more worldbuilding aspects. There's little touches here and there so far.

HAL (Film) A decent and charming little film about a robot dude supporting a young woman whose beloved had an untimely death. It's an interesting blend of sci-go and drama with a neat twist. I'd honestly like to have seen this expanded into a series. 3.5/5

Hetalia: Paint it White (Film) Taking a series based on 5 minute shorts and making a film out it couldn't have been easy, but this pulls it off fairly well. It's the humour I'd expect from the series, and the key countries each get opportunities to shine. 3.5/5

Hidamari Sketch x Hoshimittsu episodes 1-6
Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody (Dub) Episode 10

Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san (Dub) Episode 10

Katana Maidens (Dub) Episode 11

Darling in the FranXX (Sub) Episode 12

Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan (Sub) Episode 4

Gegege no Kitarou 2018 (Sub) Episode 1
Amusing but very generic. The male and female MC are likable, overall an OK first Episode with even a surprising reference to Yu Yu Hakusho LOL.

Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi (Sub) Episode 1
Hmm, not sure what to say about this one. The female MC is likable so was the Oni male MC until you find out he is an ass. Overall a unique concept.

The Seven Deadly Sins Revival of the Commandments (Sub) Episode 12

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (Sub) Episode 1 - 2
Good first 2 eps. The MC Special Week is a really likable character (bubbly and energetic) as are the rest of the cast. The animation is gorgeous considering the studio (P.A.Works). Overall its Cute Horse-Girls(/Idols) doing cute Horse-Girl(/Idol) things with a Horse-Girl gag. (running out of the house with a carrot in her mouth instead of toast) Chuckle.
My problem was that the support cast got short shrift, which was proven even more so when reading the manga afterwards. The annoying one, I'm guessing, is Naoko gets a lot extra scenes in the manga and
it spells out that she loves Shouya (in a funny scene where she slips a message into the cat purse, but the message ends up with Tomohiro instead) and that's why she bullied Shouko because his attention was on her, and continues to hate her when they are older because she's jealous. In the film she just seems like a right bitch for no particular reason. Also cuts a film making project which keeps them together after Shouya has his rant at everybody and then his accident. In the film after that rant, most have no real reason to get back together after he had a go at them, but they do anyway?!
I may give the manga a whirl then.
Finished Gangsta. As I said before, pretty decent, but alas very short lived. Really needs a kickstarter to get the remainder completed.