Yuri on Ice-Episode 5
I don't know about anyone else, but the ice skating sequences are really starting to lose their novelty now.
Given that Squid Girl tends to lean heavily into the comedy end of the spectrum, that Mini Squid Girl segment was a surprise and a pleasant one at that.Squid Girl-Episodes 1-5
Where can I sign up to be part of the Squid Army? I want to pledge my body and soul to the inkvasion!
Episode 5: Okay, that last segment with the pet Squid Girl totally took me off guard. Super adorable, but genuinely quite moving and heartfelt too. It was somewhat ruined by contextualising it, but I get why they did.
The Seven Deadly Sins-Episodes 1-3
Very enjoyable thus far, really loving the animation, A-1 have really outdone themselves. Shame no one has this for the UK yet.