What you guys doing right now.

Just finished reading The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi(volume 4 light novel, probably best so far in my opinion) and thinking about what to get my brother for his birthday on monday.
McIcy said:
ALready started counting down til the end of work in 9 hours 45 minutes I am off for 8 days :D
Damn You McIcy :evil: I only Get 3 Days off and I have another full week of work before that happens

*Shakes Fist

Yes I'm at work, been working roughly an hour and a Half & I'm Cream Crackered.

Also Gonna Listen to the Talladega Nights Soundtrack.

*Mutters to self - Damn You Work being open on the 12th :evil:
Trying to do online shopping for last bits and peices I need for my cosplay outfit. Why oh why did I leave it to the last minute? Will I ever learn? Didn't that whole Ritsuka/Loveless experience teach me anything?...

(Clearly not...)
surfing the web questioning whether or not to post something on Bebo to a friend I really Like, but knowing how I phrase things it will come out wrong
had a long talk with a friend about dir en grey,which ended with the conclusion that i probably fancy Kyo.Plus,im in a silly mood so i just posted about it over at myspace.This is what happens when i do absolutely nothing all day.