What you guys doing right now.

Jayme & Trashbat - Hurrah! Death Note fans. Yes, it does come in a really cool box. Don't worry TRASHBAT, I too would be a little nervous if someone wrote my name in a Death Notebook.

Jimi-Jam - LOL! Don't worry... only bad, bad people get written in my Death Note...

(You may interpret that how you wish.)

M.G xx
harkins said:
Having boiled my new gum shield I’m now biting it to make it fit my teeth. I look like I’ve got mumps.

I’m also wondering what a ‘personal statement’ is (for)... Trashbat?

It's to be sent off for when i apply to university along with my references.Though honestly,im stumped as to what to write,plus im sure theres a word limit that im not aware of.

I hated doing my personal statement and in the end it didn't get me into uni =/. I think there is a 4000 character limit if that helps at all, or doesn't. Good luck with writing it, they are a pain.

At the moment, i am currently watching soem TV, and thinking about what i am going to do about college or uni, since at the moment, things aren't looking to great.
Helping a Japanese student with their English pronounciation...I'm a poor teacher and he probably hasn't gained much from me ;O
Listening to X Japan, forum browsing etc.
Manga Girls said:
Don't worry TRASHBAT, I too would be a little nervous if someone wrote my name in a Death Notebook.

haha.It was so akward,I think it was because i was distracting his L partner.I got 'hello there,so whats your name?...and do you have a pen' I very much responded with nervous laughter.

Arbalest said:
harkins said:
Having boiled my new gum shield I’m now biting it to make it fit my teeth. I look like I’ve got mumps.

I’m also wondering what a ‘personal statement’ is (for)... Trashbat?

It's to be sent off for when i apply to university along with my references.Though honestly,im stumped as to what to write,plus im sure theres a word limit that im not aware of.

I hated doing my personal statement and in the end it didn't get me into uni =/. I think there is a 4000 character limit if that helps at all, or doesn't. Good luck with writing it, they are a pain.

At the moment, i am currently watching soem TV, and thinking about what i am going to do about college or uni, since at the moment, things aren't looking to great.

ah thanks for the info :D I dont think i have to have the final draft in tomorrow,so i kind of gave up half way through...but yeah,a real pain to do.

>>Xel<< said:
Listening to X Japan

nice choice there! :p

What a cunning way to get your pen! Totally Kira! :wink:

What am I doing... checking mails. Agreed to work on a Saturday, now thinking "why?" (The view from my window says its going to be a beautiful day)

M.G xx
Just got up and have to finish tidying the house for tonights house party.

Also I just found out the food we got has gone off and I need to get more stuff DOH!!!
Manga Girls said:
Jimi-Jam - LOL! Don't worry... only bad, bad people get written in my Death Note...
Haha – well, that’s all right then.

So right now, apart from trying not to be a bad, bad person - just been watching some more episodes of said Death Note, funnily enough.

Manga Girls said:
What a cunning way to get your pen! Totally Kira! :wink:
Never mind the pen – sounded like a cunning excuse for a chat-up-line - get their name etc etc...number perhaps?
Or am I being too cynical?

How are you finding Death Note? It's an excellant series, I think you will like it.

What am I currently doing...

Me, I'm looking for long handcuffs to complete the L + Light look. Surprisingly hard to find, there are some seriously dodgy websites out there... :oops:

M.G xx