What you guys doing right now.

Manga Girls said:
Practising writing names in my new Death Note!

(Getting in character for JapanEx!)

hahah a Light cosplayer wrote my name in his death note.I was honestly a tad nervous.

Just watched the extras on my Sabu DVD at the mo.The film itself was a bit slow,but quite good.
Manga Girls said:
Practising writing names in my new Death Note!

(Getting in character for JapanEx!)
Hmmm....maybe it was a mistake revealing my real name when I bought those manga volumes from you.

What am I doing right now?....fearing for my life! :shock:
Having boiled my new gum shield I’m now biting it to make it fit my teeth. I look like I’ve got mumps.

I’m also wondering what a ‘personal statement’ is (for)... Trashbat?
harkins said:
Having boiled my new gum shield I’m now biting it to make it fit my teeth. I look like I’ve got mumps.

I’m also wondering what a ‘personal statement’ is (for)... Trashbat?

It's to be sent off for when i apply to university along with my references.Though honestly,im stumped as to what to write,plus im sure theres a word limit that im not aware of.
I see. Wish I’d gone to Uni. Oh well. Hey, if you’re worried about a word limit, it sounds like you’re not struggling for good things to say at least.

I’m now wondering if this small piece of plastic is really going to prevent me losing my teeth in the carnage that is rugby league.