Today I tried on all the new office wear I bought last week. I also made an itinerary for when my friend visits in a few weeks, and completely re-arranged my kitchen. I got a lot of new ingredients today and I've practically reached 100% capacity, so I have to make sure I'm using all space efficiently!
And yes the ingredients are all Japanese & Chinese. I will be cooking up some mackerel with them shortly!
Nice, what clothes did you get? I've been cooking a bit lately too for breakfast and it's just western-style and nothing fancy but it's a semi-enjoyable activity that saves me some money and makes me feel a bit more competent/better at adulting

I hope you enjoyed your mackerel dish?

had a fringe my whole life so when I wear my glasses I legit still look like 6 year old me

my mental health dips but I think of the guy who hurt me less as well as be an emotional masochist less now but the hunt for someone is depressing as is how often I still do stuff alone because I dont have many friends. It was nice having company back on Sunday. The film was great. Its still below Pancreas, Your Name and A Silent Voice for me. Maybe around Weathering and Ride Your Wave territory.
How was seeing the ex?
You're welcome XP I'm sorry to hear that but I'm glad you are doing somewhat better, progress with mental health can be slow but I wish you all the best in keeping going and finding happiness, and you seem really nice so I am confident that you can find more friends - if it makes you feel any better I met a lot of my friends online via dating websites and the like and one of my closest dearest friends I have not met in person yet, we just talk loads online (I met him on OKCupid)

Company is always nice and actually seeing my ex went really well we just chatted about anime loads and also gave each other a bit of an update on how things have been going in our lives, I actually feel fortunate that they visited as another friend I was gonna see today had to cancel on me cuz they weren't feeling very well so at least this way I got to see
someone lol

I am glad you enjoyed the movie, I haven't seen IWTEYPancreas yet, but preferred Your Name and Weathering With You to A Silent Voice (I liked the movie for that but I preferred the manga which I read first, neither is perfect IMO), I'm very keen to see Ride Your Wave particularly since the dub sounded really great from the clips I've heard.
I have just cleared out my sock drawer, and gotten rid of some unwanted tights/stockings and lingerie as well as socks and other stuff in the sock drawer, since I bought those care bears tights today and one thing I am now trying to consistently do is get rid of something when I buy something

I have also confirmed with the person who bought my Doc Martens that they have received them so that's no longer a concern though I am now hoping they are happy with the condition and do not wish to return them (I was honest in my listing but you never know). Other than that today I have been singing with my PA while he played the guitar, which was nice