Waiting for the oven to heat up so I can cook whatever the delicious mix of improvised eyeballed ingredients I have whipped up turns out to be - Schroedinger's baked good batter if you will
Because I am sometimes a dum dum I forgot to turn the oven on at the wall before heating it and have now done that so in a while this tasty honey-filled concoction goes in the oven
I will let you all know how it turns out 
@-Danielle- thankyou, you have an impressively orderly and organized bedroom! @Donut I am rooting for you and your mum and I hope you are both doing ok after losing your dad
Welcome back to the forum @qaiz! I have been doing some art and writing of late-ish and can relate to what you're talking about
@-Danielle- thankyou, you have an impressively orderly and organized bedroom! @Donut I am rooting for you and your mum and I hope you are both doing ok after losing your dad

Welcome back to the forum @qaiz! I have been doing some art and writing of late-ish and can relate to what you're talking about