What you guys doing right now.

Nao said:
I'm enjoying internet surfing having sweet sweet dessert

Funny you should say that because I am eating a banana cake whilst surfing the net. Eating whilst online is something I rarely do because of crumbs. I'm also listening to Frida, Swedish pop pixie and new infatuation.
Just thinking of something to do online whilst at work. only 2 things to do on my checklist for today. after 4.30 i honestly and truthfully couldn't give a toss :)
Watching Dylan Moran's "What It Is" whilst drinking my expensive whisky I had in the cupboard because Tesco, despite being open 24 hours a day (though only 6 and a half days a week) can't sell me any other alcohol.

Tesco Man: "I'm afraid we can't sell alcohol at this time of night sir."
Me (thinks): What? Why the f*ck not? Is this some stupid f*cking throwback from when people in this country believed in religion? Morality? Ha! We believe in consumerism now. We want to buy whatever **** we want, when we want it. This is no good for me, and it's no good for your business. Why isn't Terry Leahy off bribing some government officials to get these archaic restrictions removed? Seriously, what is this ****?
Me (says): "Ah, right?" ::raises one eyebrow with incredulity:: "That's interesting."

Dylan Moran is brilliant though. Brilliant.
ayase said:
Dylan Moran is brilliant though. Brilliant.

I second this: came back from the pub and was watching Black Books last night whilst drinking Laphroaig. Good times.

I'm fortunate in living in a shared house with a random alcohol cupboard for such Tesco-fail emergencies.
Ryo Chan said:
ayase said:
Tesco Man: "I'm afraid we can't sell alcohol at this time of night sir."
Me (thinks): What? Why the f*ck not?

Because it's the law perhaps?

That much became obvious to me at the time, Ryo... If I'd thought Tesco Man was just being a prick for refusing to serve me I'd have said so. That doesn't stop the law being any less stupid.
I'm currently contemplating a possible cosplay to my Law exam next week - Which Phoenix Wright character would be easiest to go for? Bearing in mind I only have Black shirts >.<
