The story is a little complicated. And not actually all that exciting.
No snow involved though.
In the morning there was a fire alarm drill at my boarding house, I slept through it- the assumption was that I had already left to go to the first two lessons, as such it was marked as "explained absence" on the school register system for the first two lessons, ie until break. For the third lesson the teacher apparently did not turn up at all and everybody left. The forth lesson is with a really old teacher, who refuses to use the central registry system on the computers- someone in that class told him that I had been missing from the second lesson of the day and had been marked as "explained absence", he assumed this was still the case. For the fifth lesson it was suggested that I was on a CCF exercise (A laughable explanation from my point of view), the teacher didn't buy this but upon checking the CCF notice boards found that another student with the same surname as mine was on exercise- and the ccf doesn't use first names in it's registers (ranks instead) and so was apparently satisfied.
So having slept until 12:55 I seemed to have avoided any trouble, I didn't yet realise that I had missed the lessons and got changed ready to go to the lessons (there are no windows in my room). Having finished getting changed I put on my watch and saw the time... then my house-master came in, and said "Ah good, you had gone to lessons this morning", I looked at him in a confused way, he then said "We had a fire alarm and you weren't there so we assumed you'd left already". So I just nodded, he left and I thought... WUT.
Frankly I'm pretty concerned about what would have happened if it was an actual fire... but oh well. I still haven't been told Im in
trouble 6 hours later
1.+2. Fire alarm, 3. teacher doesn't show up, 4. teacher wont check register, 5. thought I was on a CCF exercise.