What you guys doing right now.

Attempting to write an e-mail to my mother (205 words in two hours so far). Suffering from sinusitis which makes me want to physically crush the bridge of my nose with my thumbs. Constantly re-living an intensely disturbing dream I had last night about drowning someone. Drinking whiskey. Dreading the dawn of a new day.
I'm astounded by the attitude of people in high places to that Panorama expose. They should be applauding investigative journalism uncovering unfair practices, not damning them for diminishing our chances of winning by making Fifa look bad.

What next? Cameron: "I'm terribly disappointed by the investigations into BAE bribing the Saudi government. Shame on them, think of all the extra fighter jets we could have sold if they'd kept their mouths shut."
The BBC is funded by the taxpayers, a large portion of which I'm sure would rather have had the World Cup in this country and had Panorama keep their mouths shut for a little while. Not to mention the fact that the real reason why we lost is because Abramovich paid people not to vote for England!

The overwhelming majority of BBC funding comes from the licence fee, you're not forced by law to watch TV. If the day ever comes when we can choose where all our money goes, I'd be willing to keep paying for the BBC's high standard of reporting. I'd decline the opportunity, however, to continue to fund frivolous, polarising exercises in flag waving.

/doesn't see the point in sport... with the exception of sports where women beat the living **** out of each other.
No, but you are forced to fund the BBC even if you don't want to watch their programming. It is effectively a tax on watching TV.

But your lack of sporting enthusiasm doesn't surprise me, and kind of explains at the very least your stance on this. :p
Its football, im not bothered in the slightest where it is, although I will laugh when press reports come out regarding footballers complaining about the cold or not having enough time to rest. Or 6 hour flights across country to play the next match.

I expect a lot of “in soviet Russia” memes to start hitting the web that year…. Well, if the mayans have correctly predicted the end of the world.

On topic: sat in the office, just read some more naruto, thinking of ways to kill hours till I can go home, or hoping a blizzard starts so I can go home early. On call till 8pm tonight…. Think I might sleep through most of it.
WHY DO I CLICK ON THINGS! Whedonesque tricked me. Kinda. Ahh! The millisecond I saw what that spoiler was, or thought it was, I died a little.

:cry: :evil: :cry: :evil:

I don't know what to do now.

Getting dressed might be an idea.


EDIT 11:47:

I'm now dressed and trying to forget this ever happened.
Well, I spent the good amount of today trying to fix my car with a dead battery. Got the recharger out filling it back up again, but it was a major bitch to disconnect all the electronics with my "wrench" (aka a flat piece of metal with several hexagonal groves and cuts...)

At least I got out to do the weekly shopping... Now, it's just recreational time.
I was able to make light work of Christmas shopping. One had the privilege of using an eagerly-anticipated Amazon voucher in lieu of parting with private funds. Such convenience suits me to a tee.