What you guys doing right now.

Ryo Chan said:
meh i'm gonna sound old now, but u won't know what u've lost till u leave high school, it really is one of the best times of your life.

OT, going to play some valkyria chronicles before i go to work

This ^^ man i wish i could go back to those easier times...sigh

OT: Staring out the window looking at the glorious snow while also getting stuff togther for an important meeting
Slightly venting over a pointless day at Uni ending with more unneccessary advice and a bossy lecturer throwing their voices into my head. As if it wasn't chaotic in there already.

So I did something useful and ordered some Alginate to help make a new face mould... That'll at least keep them quiet for a bit.

Moving onto: Drawing, having dinner and then some more Uni work.
Chaz said:
Slightly venting over a pointless day at Uni ending with more unneccessary advice and a bossy lecturer throwing their voices into my head. As if it wasn't chaotic in there already.

So I did something useful and ordered some Alginate to help make a new face mould... That'll at least keep them quiet for a bit.

Moving onto: Drawing, having dinner and then some more Uni work.
Mind if I ask you what you're studying for?
@Chaz - Most uni lecturers are like that I'm afraid. One told me not to go into journalism but 15 articles later...

So glad I ignored him.

Currently sipping *hot lemonade* Yoite style from Nabari no Ou
@Chaos: Ceramics (clay art), and I'm trying to do sculptures, but not limited to just that.

@Manga Girls: Yeah, I know I should be doing that myself. Currently getting a 2.2 Degree, but I really want a 2.1 at least. Not exactly moral boosting, but I just need to keep working at it.
Glad this week is (more or less) over! What a crappy week its been too. =/ Too stressful and such. And next week won't be any better with mid-terms spread throughout the week. So yeah, at present, studying for said midterms, and downloading the latest Resi 5 trailer off of XBL marketplace. Seen it already, but this time i'll be able to see it in good quality.
About to get something to eat and drink, then watch some Code Geass R2.

It's not always the greatest R2. I hate seeing so much fan-service at times, but still beautifully done mecha parts. I've got 12 eps in, which is basically half way, might as well finish it; eh??