What you guys doing right now.

finished work :thumb:

just thinking about the evening ahead and wondering if the guys wanna go catch a movie and pizza.

and friday night should be good (going out to get drunk for the purposes of science :lol:......okay were trying to see if you can drink yourself sober haha)

saturday should be good, meeting the AUKN guys at the expo. and hopefully going out sat night again.........does anyone know if manga is cheaper at the expo?
About to fall asleep infront of the computer. It's been a tiring day. Really excited about expo though. It will be nice to meet lots of people from the forum.
Liquid Skin said:
BlackWolf said:
Liquid Skin said:
BlackWolf said:
Musing whever or not i should buy this while i still have the money

Zone of the Enders 2

Buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it

I bought it :p

You won't regret it, trust me. I take it as you've already played ZOE1 yeah?

Yeah it was one of my first PS2 games and i wish there was more mecha games like it.

Anyway...Working on my XNA skills, learned today that my digital city fellowship could possibly begin far sooner then i first thought
Having one of those nights were I can't sleep, so just talking to peoples via MSN (there's always a surprising number of people on at this time of night). This'll bite me in the ass tomorow though, when I've got to get up early for an exam >_>
Decided to pull an all nighter, i leave for university in about 4 hours anyway so sleeping won't do me any good, so just gonna relax, pack then go.
at work bored to peices and fed up of morons calling in merely to annoy.

maybe i should divert my work line through to my mobile and go home??

Man Utd are defo going to win :thumb: