What you guys doing right now.

Just about managed to complete my essay. Thought I'd be heading to camden but clearly not, can't wait for when I'm allowed to travel by myself, jeez.
Ah well, messing about in foobar2000
Remember that Simpsons episode where Homer freaks out at Mr Burns and punches him square in the chops?

I almost did that to some asian a**hole manager in Tesco, so I just quit. F*** two weeks notice.

New job time is nigh.
Just got in from uni, lecture was cancelled and since it hasn't stopped raining since 6 this morning, i was soaked. Now drying off and contemplating what to watch.
Looking through some party pics from friday.They are all god awful :/

haha actually,all except for one of myself and a friend doing Phoenix Wright 'Objection!' poses.
Just had an argumant with my Boss about my time keeping in work. For GODS SAKE I'm 10 hours up at the moment. What more does she want?! >_<
Voddas said:
Just had an argumant with my Boss about my time keeping in work. For GODS SAKE I'm 10 hours up at the moment. What more does she want?! >_<

Thats nothing at my last job our hours were logged from when we logged into the phones (call centres) I owed them 32 seconds and they called me into the manages office for it. When i memtioned I had worked over time every day usualy an extra 15 - 30 minutes I was told the phones don't log a time when you end...... So I had to log in early to make up any extra time not stay longer

Still playing GTA but watching Numb3rs at the same time
McIcy said:
Voddas said:
Just had an argumant with my Boss about my time keeping in work. For GODS SAKE I'm 10 hours up at the moment. What more does she want?! >_<

Thats nothing at my last job our hours were logged from when we logged into the phones (call centres) I owed them 32 seconds and they called me into the manages office for it. When i memtioned I had worked over time every day usualy an extra 15 - 30 minutes I was told the phones don't log a time when you end...... So I had to log in early to make up any extra time not stay longer

Still playing GTA but watching Numb3rs at the same time
That's exactly the same god damn argument I had. I'm here late everyday and they complain that I don't come in early enough. So now I have to be here 5 MINUTES EARLIER! What's the point! If you can't tell, I'm still a lil annoyed. >_<