Ash "Physical World" - from the "A-Z Part: II" series. The "albums" are nothing spectacular, but well worth a listen in my opinion. There's tracks that are "classic Ash" and also tracks that sound a bit more progressive and experimental (well, experimental for them at least). Wheeler's voice has matured a bit more as well (he's not got the greatest singing voice but it suits their music I think). "Arcadia", "Dionysian Urge", "Insects" - top tunes
As a band, they're not a favourite by any stretch, but they're still pretty special - not because of any astounding musical quality, but just because their sound is so nostalgic and some of Wheeler's lyrics really do hit the spot ("Shining Light"

). Much of their earlier stuff is
a bit really cheesy I'll admit (the stuff from the mid 90's when they were riding the Grunge wave); their later stuff is far better quality (lyrically and musically) in my personal opinion. But hey, we all go through phases, right? Overall though, their sound is catchy, it's uplifting and personally, I enjoy it. "Meltdown" is a top album (I did have a copy of that one, as well as the "A-Z" series,
and their "Intergalactic Sonic 7"'s", but after my split with ex#3, I got rid of loads of stuff, including lots of my music

). Charlotte Hatherly added another dimension with her backing vocals (I think that gave them their trademark sound), but even without her presence, they can still deliver. I'm not a gig or festival goer these days (no interest anymore), but I had the privelage of seeing them at V Festival in 2003 - they were really good! I fell in love with Tim Wheeler that day as well (well, his Irish accent at least)

- he was a dish to 16 year old me!
Okay, I've gushed enough now

I'd say whilst they're not a band I listen to as much as I used to, they've still got some pretty special tunes (nay
belters) that I
really enjoy coming back to every now and then. Top band