Mad Scientist
Volume 13 of Tramps Like Us/You're My Pet 
Adachi and Shimamura vols 5 and 6 (LN)
I've only tried reading a few light novels, and these are the first where I haven't given up in disappointment after half a book. The Haruhi novel I tried was so tedious, I couldn't believe that KyoAni managed to make such a good show out of it. The Spice and Wolf novel I tried had stiff, simplistic prose that felt like it was aimed at middle grade and made my eyes glaze over. Fortunately Adachi and Shimamura is different. One of the best things about the anime is the contemplative inner monologues of the main characters, and that all comes straight from the quality of the light novels' writing. If you've watched the anime, you know that this yuri romance moves slowly, but the characters are so interesting that it almost doesn't matter what they're doing. Half of book 6 just has Shimamura apart from Adachi at her grandparents' house, pondering how she'll feel when their dog dies, and it's easily the best writing I've seen in my limited experience of light novels.