What manga are you reading now?

Well, one is the root cause of the "problem" that the Japanese companies often seem to ignore, the other is just a symptom of the problem and non-Japanese fans ("in theory") trying to make manga more accessible. Let's ignore for the moment the debate about the "true" motivations behind the second bit.
There's What A Wonderful World, a 2-volume collection of interconnected short stories. It's not quite as good as Solanin, but I can't imagine anyone would like one and dislike the other.
I was in Foyles the other day, and thought I'd splash on a manga volume as I'd just got paid. I was deciding between Biomega vol 1 and some other manga I've never heard of called ghost talkers something or other(the main character is also a dominatrix or something). In the end I went for the ghost talking one as I thought, hey it sounds like a light hearted manga with a comedy twist on the I talk to dead people genre, it must be good, even though it was a bit of a gamble as it was sealed. Unfortunatley it th gamble didn't pay off, it turned out to be pretty much complete wank, should have gone with Biomega. So now I'm singing the bad manga blues...
vashdaman said:
I was in Foyles the other day, and thought I'd splash on a manga volume as I'd just got paid. I was deciding between Biomega vol 1 and some other manga I've never heard of called ghost talkers something or other(the main character is also a dominatrix or something). In the end I went for the ghost talking one as I thought, hey it sounds like a light hearted manga with a comedy twist on the I talk to dead people genre, it must be good, even though it was a bit of a gamble as it was sealed. Unfortunatley it th gamble didn't pay off, it turned out to be pretty much complete wank, should have gone with Biomega. So now I'm singing the bad manga blues...

Biomega is a stone-cold classic slice of sci-fi horror. I can't recommend it enough.

Anyway, I'm reading the Pluto series after finishing Tegami Bachi vols. 1 & 2.
ilmaestro said:
vashdaman said:
even though it was a bit of a gamble as it was sealed
This is usually half an indication that you are not buying a light-hearted comedy.

Ah, I see. I will remember this for the future.

Also I'm defo gonna be getting Biomega as soon as I can! It looks great and it has a talking grizzly bear in it :)
I dont know, it's the premise really, I mean a clarvoyant who also has a part time job as a dominatrix, how could it possibly take itself seriously?

If the writer had a really sharp sense of humour it could have been a interesting set up.....but it wasn't so.
Yeah well there you go, you probably get why I don't like it now, I suppose you could definitely say it's full of sillyness and fanservice but it's just really poor and theres certainly none of the genuine wit that I was(but really shouldn't have been) expecting.
I quite enjoy that manga (but found the OAV series boring). It's really not a comedy at all though other than some silly wisecracks in between cases and the occasional dumb panel of meaningless service in between the more juicy, fanservicey horror/mystery arcs. As with many series where the action is made up of multi-part cases, some are better than others. When it's good though, I really like it.

About to start reading Astro Boy. I bought the first three volumes after reading Urasawa's Pluto and being utterly gripped by this historically significant character. Japan's Mickey Mouse. I'm about to discover his origins. Almost salivating.

Probably going to be utter crappy stories, but what the hell.

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