What manga are you reading now?

Eyeshield 23

chaos said:
I know what you mean. HxH is one of those series that I wonder if I'll be alive to see the end of it.

Im worried he will just end it with the current arc by bring in ging to help or something just as disappointing :/
Read MPD Psycho vol.3 today. Thought it might take me a while to regrasp the story after quite a break from reading it but I managed to pick it up very quickly.
Very much restored my interest in the series too!
Read through Berserk 23, and i'd like to think this was a pretty darn good volume at that. Cogs are turning, story is progressing at a good pace, not to fast, nor to slow, Guts' character gets more well deserved development, and we see a fair few things beginning to build up. The artwork is still top notch i have to say, its quality just keeps improving.

Planning to read either Fruits Basket volume 9 or Hellsing volume 3 later on today, but still undecided on what.
Tokyo Babylon volumes 4 and 5

I'm really enjoying it so and I'm looking forward to getting the last two volumes as the storyline has been getting really interesting
I started reading Hellsing last night. The first volume, which has 6 chapters, was near enough identical to the first OVA. Aside from some worthless lines of dialogue, the OVA cut nothing out, and the OVA was more intense because, where as things happen straight away in the manga, there was some tension added in the OVA. My only real issue with the manga is the poor, rather cartoony facial art -- I expected better after watching the OVA.

I haven't read much else in the way of manga of late. Going through 15 volumes of Battle Royale in 3 days made me want to take a break. I was reading Monster but I switched my attention to Battle Royale once the books arrived and never looked back.

Talking of Battle Royale, I finally finished the novel last night. It was a great read, and the story was probably better than in the manga because it was slightly less over the top. It's too bad there isn't an anime that follows the novel... I'd really like to see the story in animated form in order to make up for how the live-action version ruined the story.
I just finished Parasyte vol 6 and now I'm tossing a coin on wether to start Urasawa's Pluto vol 1 or his 20th Century Boys vol 1 (nice covers) and then I'll let a little time flow and a few more books (possibly Blank Slate by Aya Kanno, a promising two volume non-typical kick ass shoujo thingy) before I read the other.

I was full of beans to see that DMP will actually release the 4th volume of Flower Of Life in May *whoohoo* I'd totally lost faith in ever getting the last volume of one of my favorite Fumi Yoshinaga titles, no Yaoi here so people don't need to be adventurous to read the fun slice of life school themed manga.

Also, Dark Horse is continuing one of my favorite manhwa Shaman Warrior with it's seventh volume. Made me realise that Hiroki Endo's Eden volume 11 is out, so double yay.

Anybody read the one-volume Goth by Otsuichi/Kendi?
Always like my gory, but is it gory and bory? or really worth getting.
Goth was a pretty good read. It worked well as a collection of short murder stories, with a sociopath with a fetish for death playing the role of detective. Some of it was a bit too far-fetched, though, and by that I'm referring to how so many seriously screwed up murderers are in close proximity. I did start to lose a little interest until the final story, which saved the book.

The art is as wonderful as you'd expect something drawn by the NHK artist to be. I was disappointed a little by the lack of gore since I went into expecting the most disturbing **** ever, but it did have some mutilated corpses.
Been Reading a lot of Berserk over the past weeks. Just read thre Volumes 6,7,8,9 and 10. Just about to start on Volume 11. Absolutely loving this manga. Started reading this after watching the anime. Nothing has been taken from the anime but the manga is sooo good! Lots more background and characters to enjoy reading about. I'm getting extra excited too coz I'm nearly upto where the anime ended. Gah!
Can you tell I'm enjoying it. ;)
Spyro201 said:
Yu-Gi-Oh! Millenium World volumes 2-4

Is this Better/Worse than the Anime? I've been tempted to reignite my love of Childrens Card Games also.

It's definitely better than the anime :D and it has stories that are not seen in the anime such as the first series of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga
Spyro201 said:
Yu-Gi-Oh! Millenium World volumes 2-4

Is this Better/Worse than the Anime? I've been tempted to reignite my love of Childrens Card Games also.

It's definitely better than the anime :D and it has stories that are not seen in the anime such as the first series of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga

This ^^ Millenium World though is the final arc of the anime series. Plus the first series was actually animated in japan (snippets are seen in what we know as season 1) Yugioh Duelist lets you see what the anime should of been like if the censors hadn't got a hold of it