What manga are you reading now?

finished samurai deeper kyo 18 and 19.... I've been leaving then alone for a while, as I was hoping I could extend the fun a little longer, but I've just got a big box of manga to read...
Dracos said:
I love the titles Dark Horse put out they normally have pretty high production quality and normally only target 1 or 2 different audiences so know those audiences. They could easily have done what some publishers have done and just bought out a load of titles for the sake of it. Though bringing out a few more titles may have helped people realise they were serious about manga.

I think I agree with you on the fact they don't advertise their manga enough. I think they rely on people picking up their comics and from there realising they do manga as well. I really don’t like it when companies just drop titles instead of maybe bringing them to a point where it could feel like a natural end even if it was not the true end, or they could produce limited runs of titles that are less successful. After all they need to realise no matter how small an audience is there maybe knock on effects such as not buying other product just incase the same happens again.

I do wonder wether DH has left the decision of acquaring their manga too much to the regular readers of their core product comics. It doesn't necessarily follow though that they're interested even if it is a DH title. I think that even if there is an overlap and some read both, there are a lot that prefer comics to manga. I think that they're missing out on a lot of possible customers with their low visibility, and we end up with half finished series going nowhere. I understand more readily that they might shelve something that is on hiatus in Japan/Korea. Why continue something that may really never finish.

Vampire Hunter D is worth picking up. I like it’s sort of older more different style. Although it is enjoyable don’t expect it to be the best manga you have read.

LOL I wouldn't expect it to be. I think I'll get the two next time . It seems to be a curious experiment anyway aswell as being published first in English before any other language. While I'm not sure I care either way about how that goes in the manga, I can't say the same for the later anime. I'm always about to watch the Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, and I really do want to, but when I hear the English my mind glazes over and I end up watching something else. I know English (American :wink: ) is the original intended language for it, and seems to be pretty well done, but it appears my mind is wired to anime with Japanese noises and I can't help but drift off. I'll just have to get the Japanese dub someday and be a twit in the mean time. Have you read any of the Vampire Hunter D novels?

I'm about to start Real vol 1 by Takehiko Inoue, and see how the modern sports manga with a difference peppered with realism fares.

CitizenGeek said:
Started on Tezuka's Phoenix earlier today. It's awesome thus far :]

Is that the same as the anime by the same name?

I have been meaning to pick up the Phoenix anime as the visuals look pretty good from the trailers I have seen. However it would seem very under appreciated, so I wonder if it is worth the risk.

Trigunette said:
Have you read any of the Vampire Hunter D novels?

I have them all but I just have not had the time to read them, I buy far too many comics, manga and anime to find the time to sit down and read a real book. Since my office moved and I can't use the train to get to work my book reading has really taken a hit.
Dracos said:
CitizenGeek said:
Started on Tezuka's Phoenix earlier today. It's awesome thus far :]

Is that the same as the anime by the same name?

I have been meaning to pick up the Phoenix anime as the visuals look pretty good from the trailers I have seen. However it would seem very under appreciated, so I wonder if it is worth the risk.

Yep, they're the same thing.

I'm not sure about the quality of the anime, but you should never think you're taking a 'risk' with Tezuka's manga - it's always great. Always :p
today i've read:

Tsubasa vol 6 & 7
Ichigo 100% vol 5
Muhyo to Roji vol 5
and thinking about re-reading my Reborn! vols and going into town and getting vol 8
Last week I discovered yaoi and now I'm reading Where the Wind Goes. It's very funny!

mmm...and I would like to read Ichigo 100%.. I'm curious...
CitizenGeek said:
Dracos said:
CitizenGeek said:
Started on Tezuka's Phoenix earlier today. It's awesome thus far :]

Is that the same as the anime by the same name?

I have been meaning to pick up the Phoenix anime as the visuals look pretty good from the trailers I have seen. However it would seem very under appreciated, so I wonder if it is worth the risk.

Yep, they're the same thing.

I'm not sure about the quality of the anime, but you should never think you're taking a 'risk' with Tezuka's manga - it's always great. Always :p

I think I may well be picking up the manga soon then as from the trailers for the anime the story sounds fascinating. Off hand how many volumes is it? And should I be racing to get volume 1 or is it readily available?

I have been reading Red Angel volume 1. Quite a tidy vampire manga, although the chapters feel a little to episodic without an ongoing story linking them at the moment.
Dracos said:
I think I may well be picking up the manga soon then as from the trailers for the anime the story sounds fascinating. Off hand how many volumes is it? And should I be racing to get volume 1 or is it readily available?

I've only seen one trailer from the new series so far.
Phoenix is 12 volumes in all. They seem to be still available. I think the anime series covers most of the books and it probably plays out like a series of individual short stories per episode rather than having a continuous plot/story-line as such over the whole 13 episodes. Instead the stories are joined together by the search for the immortal Phoenix and with the theme of life lessons, death and re-incarnation.
Ofcourse it's nice to get the books in the right order, but it might not matter too much which order you read them in as they are pretty much stand alones, fluctuating between a distant past and a distant future from volume to volume. You can find the order of when they were published on wiki for instance.

CitizenGeek said:
I'm not sure about the quality of the anime, but you should never think you're taking a 'risk' with Tezuka's manga - it's always great. Always :p

Have you seen the Phoenix anime film and OAVs from the 80s? Especially Phoenix 2772 (Hi No Tori 2772) is really delightful in it's old fashioned style and it has a good musical score, and it has the added fun of having Black Jack's cameo appearance :D

Trigunette wrote: said:
Have you read any of the Vampire Hunter D novels?.
Dracos said:
I have them all but I just have not had the time to read them, I buy far too many comics, manga and anime to find the time to sit down and read a real book. Since my office moved and I can't use the train to get to work my book reading has really taken a hit.

Then I guess I'm lucky I need a bus and the tube to get to work since I get a lot of reading done lol.
Hmm well I'll get the first novel anyway, it's one of the few DH titles I don't have, and I'm rather curious to see Yoshitaka Amano's illustrations for it.

Reading Sandland.
I read 700 pages of manga on Wednesday 8D

- Last 200 pages of Phoenix vol. 1; really, really fantastic book. Wonderful ending, too!

- Gantz vol. 1 (200 pages); very good, also. Looking forward to vol. 2 and finding out what's actually going on!

- Dororo vol. 2 (300 pages); delightful, lots of fun with some real emotional drama in there too. Can't wait for the third and final volume :]

I took a break from manga-reading today, but I'm going to read Phoenix vol. 2 tomorrow. It's a sci-fi themed volume and I love Tezuka's sci-fi stuff (even if I've only had a taster of it with the sci-fi chapters in Apollo's Song).
Over the past week or so I've been reading Eden: It's an Endless World. Up to volume 12 right now, god damn why didn't I read this series sooner? Also, I like how I get attached to characters and they suddenly die, it makes me rage.
Lupus Inu said:
Over the past week or so I've been reading Eden: It's an Endless World. Up to volume 12 right now, god damn why didn't I read this series sooner? Also, I like how I get attached to characters and they suddenly die, it makes me rage.

LOL I feel the same, normally I'd probably throw a book at the wall for getting me so involved in the characters and then killing them off, with Eden I can't wait for more :D
You read Tapenshu 1 & 2? They're Hiroki Endo short stories, good stuff.

Thankyou who ever it was for reccing Eden, I just hope Dark Horse doesn't take a whole year to get vol 11 out.

CitizenGeek said:
I read 700 pages of manga on Wednesday 8D

- Last 200 pages of Phoenix vol. 1; really, really fantastic book. Wonderful ending, too!

- Gantz vol. 1 (200 pages); very good, also. Looking forward to vol. 2 and finding out what's actually going on!

- Dororo vol. 2 (300 pages); delightful, lots of fun with some real emotional drama in there too. Can't wait for the third and final volume :]

I took a break from manga-reading today, but I'm going to read Phoenix vol. 2 tomorrow. It's a sci-fi themed volume and I love Tezuka's sci-fi stuff (even if I've only had a taster of it with the sci-fi chapters in Apollo's Song).

I love how Phoenix sorta alternates between futuristic and ancient times. You'll get a few more sci-fi still :D

I watched this coloured pilot of the Dororo tv series from the late 60s, what fun eh.
part 1 and part 2 it's only 13 minutes, it's RAW and has no subs, but you know the story lol.
Lupus Inu said:
Over the past week or so I've been reading Eden: It's an Endless World. Up to volume 12 right now, god damn why didn't I read this series sooner? Also, I like how I get attached to characters and they suddenly die, it makes me rage.
Hey, is this series over already? I've started reading it, but them it entered an hyatus when it was getting really good... :(
chaos said:
Lupus Inu said:
Over the past week or so I've been reading Eden: It's an Endless World. Up to volume 12 right now, god damn why didn't I read this series sooner? Also, I like how I get attached to characters and they suddenly die, it makes me rage.
Hey, is this series over already? I've started reading it, but them it entered an hyatus when it was getting really good... :(

Is it on hiatus after 19 volumes?? :( Or did you mean in scans? I read they were going at a slow pace in scans, but atleast 13 volmes have been done.

Man, people check it out it's a really good series, it's annoying that in German they're getting volume 16 soon and the English version is peddling water at 10.