What manga are you reading now?

I've read all of Buso renkin thanks to Mononoke and it was trully great up to volume 7. Then, V. 8 to 10 were ok.
Read Samurai Deeper Kyo up to vol 15 and it's AWESOME!!!

Got me The Twelve Kingdoms II novel as well....
Death Note 13.

My brain is in total DN overload, and I think shinigamis are about to start pouring out of my ears. I need a break, so just starting Gun Blaze West 1.
Love*Com 6
10 20 and 30 vol 1. This is another nice title from Netcomics
Crossroad vol 3
Samurai Deeper Kyo 28 whoohoo
and The original Bondage Fairies vol 1 hahahahahah
Otaku-san said:
Trigunette said:
The original Bondage Fairies vol 1 hahahahahah

isn't this something from Radio comix?

Radio Comix? Never heard of it. Is it a mostly adults comic store?
Actually I got Bondage Fairies from a friend of mine who absolutely loves the Fairies series, but doesn't read any other eromanga or any manga other than BF for that matter. Volume 1 was a hoot, sure it's very graphic, but in a pretty hilarious way... fairies that do it with ... what the f... :eek: worms, beetles, insects, and other forest dwellers LOL

Reading Telepathic Wanderers volume 1