What manga are you reading now?

Trying not to Read Death Note Vol 3, 5 6, 7, 9 cause I don't have 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 11 and 12 yet

So I'm therefore Re Reading Naruto, One Piece and Hellsing
sonia_leong said:
Just borrowed some "Antique Bakery" from Emma Vieceli - I'll probably give it back to her in a few days cos I love Yoshinaga Fumi's stuff so much, I'll probably buy my own set.
Yay another fan of Antique Bakery. I really loved Antique Bakery, it was a shame it wasn't longer. The series had some great characters, and i really like Yoshinage Fumi's style :)
Yu Yu Hakusho volume 6 (starting there in the hope of carrying on where the R2English DVD releases got stalled) and Hunter x Hunter volume 15. Both are by Yoshihiro Togashi, and this is is the first time I've been reading from two different by the same author.
CitizenGeek said:
Chaz said:
Just finished vol 4+5 of NGE Angelic Days

Whats that manga like? Worth getting if you liked NGE? Please, no spoilers about NGE either, as I've yet to finish the series! :)
Depends on your tastes.
For starters, (if you didn't know) it's more concentrated on relationships rather than the actual angels and EVAs. So not much Mecha madness for fans of bigs guns etc. But if you like NGE, and you want to see another story angle (and storyline) then it's worth a read.

As for the actual content, the art is ok, but I've seen cleaner work, like from Ken Akumatsu and Yuji Shiozaki. The chapters are only 4 chapters each, but are quite long.
The story is ok for a typical read. It's not shojou based, but does concentrate on thoughts and feelings above all else.

Overall, I'd give it a good read. I have an obscure measuring system of decency. There's crap stuff, which I automatically put down. Then there's a large gap of "ok-to-read" and typical mangas to read. Then things I really enjoy. This has to go into that middle one, so it's nothing spectacular, but worth a buy if you like that genre/franchise.