I've been reading Hana-Kimi. I read the first volume a long time ago, but never got around to buying any more. Then i saw a auction on ebay for volumes 4-6 going cheap, so i snaped it up for a later date, then another cheap auction for volume 8. Finally i saw the auction made just for me, volumes 2 and 3
I had to re-read volume one, but one i started reading i havn't been able to stop. I've currently read all the eight volumes that i own (i had to buy volume 7 normally
), and i'm desperate to buy some more. I'm glad this is a good long series
I've also read Our Kingdom volume one, which was ok, but nothing special.
And Tokyo Boys & Girls volume 1. The story itself of Tokyo Boy & Girls isn't bad. But for anyone whos read other works by Miki Aihara like Hot Gimmick should be careful not to be mislead by the revised cover art. Hot Gimmick has some wonderful artwork, and the cover of TBG implies something similar. Unfortunately this is a much older series, and sadly looks that way too