What manga are you reading now?

My Hunter x Hunter catch-up continues. I've gone through volumes 9-12 and now I'm just about to start volume 13.
McIcy said:
stealth40k said:
Happy Lesson vol. 1

One of my fave anime series, I will soon be collecting the manga, whats it like?

New mangas turned up today so I will be reading Evil's Return 4

I liked it, kinda like the anime, though some of the personalities of the characters are slightly different, i also loved the anime and will get the other volume, there are only 2 i think

Comic Party 4&5
Just got to the end of Hunter x Hunter catch-up marathon after finishing volumes 13 and 14. Maybe I'll try to get up to date with Naruto next...

What is your impression of Genshiken? I've had that recommended to me before. I was supposed to buy that at Expo yesterday but with all the excitement of meeting Vic, I completely forgot.

M.G xx
I've been decimating manga over the past week or so...I've read about 12 volumes of assorted stuff. :/

Now Reborn! 2.