What manga are you reading now?

Vinland Saga (Manga) - Omnibus 1, Chapters 06-16 (Volume 2) (On-Hold until I get Omnibus 2)

This volume was very good, though I can't see why people would compare the series to Berserk (it's not as dark and crazy as Berserk but it does have a mature feeling to it). But still I like where the series is going and I'll get more volumes at a later point.

Funny enough for Omnibus 2 it's £13.07 on Book Depository but £7.72+£2.80 on Book Depository Marketplace on Amazon UK. LOL

Interesting note: Just found out that the author of Vinland Saga made Planetes. Cool.
Vinland Saga is sitting in my backlog pile. I bought all 5 volumes when I got my student loan as after the delay to volume 6 I decided it was finally time to pull my finger out and actually start supporting it like I'd been meaning to for ages. Forbidden Planet's 3 for 2 offer made it much more affordable.
Assassination Classroom 3 - Koro-sensei's reprogramming was amazing
My Love Story 4 - Now I've been watching the anime I've started reading Takeo's lines in his voice in my head....
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Magical Index - Finished Novels 1 & 2. They were okay, but didn't blow me away. I enjoy the anime, but it certainly isn't one of my all time favorites. I don't think I'm interested enough in the series as a whole to read the novels and then the spin-off mangas too. It's a large investment considering how many novels there are in the first place!

Sword Art Online - Finished Novels 1 & 2. These were good, I have the third and fourth which I will read and make a decision if I'll carry on. With how successful the anime is, I can see them animating the entire series. I really enjoy the anime, barring the love stuff which brought the series to a grinding halt.

Log Horizon - Finished Novel 1. So they just accept they are stuck in the game? Then not much else happens except one PVP fight. Not continuing on with the novels, but watching the anime.

A light novel will have to blow me away to keep me wanting to read them as they take a lot more time. I like to get my stories from anime/manga more. Ironic, as I love reading epic novels. (I'm strange I suppose)

Light novels have to really impress me to get me to commit to 10+ volumes.. I enjoyed the AoT Before the Fall novel though.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders-Volumes 1-5 (Chapters 1-49)

I'm going away next week and I need something to do on the journey there and back, so I thought I'd power through Part 3 of JoJo so when I come back I'm all ready to read Part 4 since I don't want to wait for the Part 4 anime to get my next JoJo fix. I have limited space on my tablet so I'm trying to get through the first 8 volumes this week so I can read 9-16 on my journey. Hopefully it pans out.
Tokyo Ghoul Volume 1:
Too much internal monologue and spent too long about not wanting to eat human flesh. I thought the art was very messy too.
I enjoyed the anime, so will stick with that.