What Games Are You Playing?

How can you be playing Assassin's Creed then, as Assassin's Creed is a PS3/360 game and thus requires processing power the likes of which a smartphone can only dream of.
Sceptical Mutsumi is sceptical. I don't imagine for a moment it's the same build of the game which is available on console. More likely a completely different game altogether designed for phones.
Not been playing too much recently but over the past few weeks I've got slightly addicted to a game called Plain Sight. It's basically just a a multiplayer you can jump into whenever I feel ike it.
You play the roll of a Suicidal Samurai Robot who's only aim is to get powerfull and then explode. Simples. =P
Get back to us on how long the DLC lasts for that download size. Though I'm personally hoping for some kind of DLC bundle in the future (taking my first playthrough character to meet Kasumi, then doing Overlord / Shadowbroker as a proper extended campaign rather than playing it in drips and drabs appeals).
Battlefield: Bad company (now i know its had a trophy patch for a long time now, but i decided i'd try to get as many of them as possible to help me get to level 13 on my psn account)

Supersonic acrobatic rocket powered battle-cars. Possibly the longest name for a game ever, have loved the game for over a year, you play football with cars that can use boost to fly, has the ability to jump and flip and twist through the air.
Can't get many more trophies for it for a long while now... somehow scoring 500 online goals seems like it'll take a while, considering i get roughly 6-8 goals per match on a good day, and 2-4 on a bad.
Ryo Chan said:
Hearts of Iron 3

bloody addictive if ur a stratergy/WW2 fanboy

I love tactical strategy games....i've had the R.U.S.E demo on my ps3 for over 2 weeks, loving it so far, i suggest giving it a look.

Sid meyers civilisation revolution. although fun at first, is most probably the worst strategy game on this gens consoles.
Alan Wake - Damn why the hell didn't I play this earlier. This game is fantastic. One the best storylines I've played in a game for awhile! Shame it was released at the same time as Red Dead Redemption!

Doom on XBLA - Awesome port that is so much damn fun
Playing the original Dead Space the first time and enjoying it... I've played this game before though. The best of it is System Shock 2 - the tension and RPG elements, and err... the layout of the ship, apparently - but the worst is Doom 3 played over someone's shoulder. The scares can be cheap, the player character plods and gets rubbish flashlight privileges and a portion of the 'ambience' is achieved by the same background whispers that were the height of lame in Quake.

Though I'll admit a bit of my distance comes from the fact that the developers can't have ever tested the PC version's control scheme. Isaac turns slower than a hippo in a portaloo.
Breezing through Dawn of War: Soulstorm, since I've finished DOW2. Still need to complete the original version, so I'm just playing on easy to skim through the campaign. (Done most of it anyways beforehand, just not the fatal blow.)
Played some Assassins Creed 2 again today. Only 3 more trophies to go until I get platinum! :D

Collect all feathers
Get all glyphs
Collect all statues

Ugh. It's gonna take a long, long time.