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i was happily playing Oblivion the past few weeks, but it seems my xbox freezes randomly, it's strange because sometimes it freezes a minute after i turn it on, other times i can get a good 30 mins out of it
If i'm thinking that's digital rights management, then Starcraft 2 doesn't have that, at all. Specially if you get a battle.net account. you can upload it onto said account and download it as many times as you wish. There is no problem with it, end off. Blizzard don't use DRM.
Mutsumi said:
Godot said:
Kirrimir said:
Just got Starcraft II, So playing that.

lol. With the ****** DRM I can't bring myself to buy this game.

How ******?

Check Blizzards forums. People are going nuts on it, and off of Blizzards on some other ones.

Also, theier Battle.net thing requires you to use your real name when registering and posting on the Battle.net forums, not a Username. Surprised at it really, with Identity theft as bad as it is.

I can't bring myself to play it after all the complaints about it.
Been playing Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires, its pretty much what I wanted, what i didn't expect is that it has a huge back catalogue of music dating back to the first Dynasty Warriors is pretty damn awesome, brings back memories.
Arbalest said:
If i'm thinking that's digital rights management, then Starcraft 2 doesn't have that, at all. Specially if you get a battle.net account. you can upload it onto said account and download it as many times as you wish. There is no problem with it, end off. Blizzard don't use DRM.

Those who have SC2 seem to disagree.

You need register it online every 30 days or you can't play the game at all.
My brother disagrees then, he's had the game since release, and he's never been asked to register it online bar when he installed it. However, how can people say that's fact, when the game itself has not even been out a month yet anywhere? Tbf, i think they should wait a month, then get back to us about it if it after.
Right. Heavy Rain play one results:

Jayden helps Ethan escape, but he gets captured again and banged up, and is therefore unable to take part in the final scenes. Jayden and Madison both figure it out head to the warehouse. Madison fights Scott while Jayden saves Shaun. Finally, Jayden shoots Scott. Everybody lives happily ever after. Ethan and Shaun are reunited, Madison writes a book and goes on TV, Jayden flushes his tripto and... sees some miniature tanks or something. Everyone apart from poor Lauren, who is probably more f*cked up than ever. ;_;

I did really enjoy the game, and it's finally taught me left from right at the age of 25. The biggest problem I have is the fact that you can create inconsistencies while playing as Scott. It was *kinda* cleverly done, the reasons for him investigating and keeping Lauren close by still make perfect sense with hindsight; but why would he save her from drowning? Similarly, why would he save old man Kramer (and why was he even investigating Gordy in the first place)? It seems odd that you can save characters you later realise you shouldn't / wouldn't have done if you possessed the knowledge you were the killer, making any other decision irrational. Also, Scott *intentionally misleads the player with his own thoughts* at certain points. Surely there's some serious breaking of the fourth wall going on when a character knows he can't tell the player what's going on?

These things aren't crippling to the gaming experience, but I can think of one thing which would have made Heavy Rain twelve different kinds of awesome rather than seven: the identity of the killer changing based on your actions.
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Jayden helps Ethan escape, but he gets captured again and banged up, and is therefore unable to take part in the final scenes. Jayden and Madison both figure it out head to the warehouse. Madison fights Scott while Jayden saves Shaun. Finally, Jayden shoots Scott. Everybody lives happily ever after. Ethan and Shaun are reunited, Madison writes a book and goes on TV, Jayden flushes his tripto and... sees some miniature tanks or something. Everyone apart from poor Lauren, who is probably more f*cked up than ever. ;_;

My first ending: Jayden fights Scott, Ethan saves Shaun, Madison saves ethan. Lauren died in the caar because I accidentally went for the window rather than saving her. It wasn’t clear on what the actions would do. Ethan, Madison and shaun buy a flat together, jayden dies fighting scott and scott walks free but there’s a manhunt out for him.

I did really enjoy the game, and it's finally taught me left from right at the age of 25. The biggest problem I have is the fact that you can create inconsistencies while playing as Scott. It was *kinda* cleverly done, the reasons for him investigating and keeping Lauren close by still make perfect sense with hindsight; but why would he save her from drowning? Similarly, why would he save old man Kramer (and why was he even investigating Gordy in the first place)? It seems odd that you can save characters you later realise you shouldn't / wouldn't have done if you possessed the knowledge you were the killer, making any other decision irrational. Also, Scott *intentionally misleads the player with his own thoughts* at certain points. Surely there's some serious breaking of the fourth wall going on when a character knows he can't tell the player what's going on?

I think its very cleverly done to keep you from realising its really scott. Keeping Lauren close by makes sense – keeping an eye on her. Going to the other womans house for the fone, destroying all the evidence at his flat. I believe you’re meant to save Kramer because he’s truly sorry for scotts brother dying and has been leaving flowers for him every week. If you already know that scotts the killer then saving Kramer makes even more sense, he can blackmail Kramer and frame kramers son – hence the “investigation”. Going to kramers in the first place leads me to believe scott might actually feel sorry for Lauren. As Lauren died in m game, scott went to kill Kramer, im not sure why he’s go there when Lauren doesn’t die, maybe for putting him in the car to die anyway?

As for the Misleading the player even with thoughts. Well this guy is an ex cop, he knows how the investigation goes, so you have no hope of working it out that scotts the killer. Looking back he’s the oldest character, it sort of makes sense that the death of a characters brother happened over 30 years prior… none of the other cast would have been alive at the time.
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I had some issues with Scott being the killer, mainly for the reason that ayase cited, and reading this (scroll down for the writer's thoughts on Scott) did little to dispel my doubts. There are a lot more plot holes than I thought there were. Heavy Rain is a terrific experience but the story is not well written.
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Some good points Tach, but it still feels as though if you play Scott as the kind of guy who cares about Lauren, spares Kramer etc that he either wouldn't be the killer or that he would at least have remorse about it and perhaps even set Shaun free himself in the end. It's like there is no redemption for him no matter how you play his character. And of all the characters he is given the most set ups to be 'heroic'.
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