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I really enjoyed Heavy Rain. There are a few issues I have with the plot, characters, and voice acting (and late in the game I stumbled upon what can only be described as a horrendous continuity fail) but, ****, I haven't been so emotionally invested in a videogame for a long time.
Will do lads,

The voice acting isn't wonderful. But i guess i can overlook that as the storyline is so intense.

It makes little sense why Ethan has now seperated. its left open, your left to make up the pieces yourself. In cases this helps, especially as a cliffhangar to promote interest in a sequel. but as its only a minor thing it doesn't really help towards the overall plot.
fabricatedlunatic said:
(and late in the game I stumbled upon what can only be described as a horrendous continuity fail)

What bit was that man? Obviously, use Spoiler Tags for Tach, or PM lol.

I didn't have an issue with the Voice Acting. My issue was with the graphics at times.
My issues with all the production fell to the wayside pretty early on. I could see it was a labour of love, so it none of it really bothered me. I could make the argument for the storyline to be pretty stretched, because if it were a film or a book - it'd be real tedious, but the level of interaction with the story spurred everything on and made it fun (and agonising).

fabricatedlunatic said:
I haven't been so emotionally invested in a videogame for a long time.
Did you play Batman: Arkham Asylum?
Godot said:
What bit was that man?
Taken partially from a post I made on another forum as I had to refresh my memory:

Ethan was caught at the motel and arrested. Jayden decided to help him escape from the police station, his inner monologues revealing his worry over losing his badge and being banged up for it. But not only does Jayden face no consequences, Ethan's disappearance is never mentioned, by Blake or anyone else, as if he was never caught in the first place.

I'm guessing that there IS a scenario where Ethan isn't caught at the motel, in which case the above would make sense. Otherwise it doesn't.

My issues with the voice acting are mainly regarding younger characters. There's one scene that stood out as being particularly awful.

And, yes, I have played Arkham Asylum. A fine game indeed.
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Mine went differently, but I did notice something similar that I have now forgotten. Ethan got caught, the same as you, at the motel. I don't remember however, that Jayden was there so it must have been a scene or two earlier in the game when he got crushed in the car demolishing thing..

I'd imagine it'd be incredibly difficult to create a completely cohesive storyline for all the plot points that change now I think about it.
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Jayme said:
I'd imagine it'd be incredibly difficult to create a completely cohesive storyline for all the plot points that change now I think about it.
Yeah, you have a point. Considering I only encountered one continuity issue in the entire game (and while it was jarring, it wasn't game-breaking), I can't really complain. Apparently Jayden does get called out by Blake if you leave the camera on before releasing Ethan. I turned it off but that still doesn't explain why Blake had absolutely no reaction to Ethan's escape.
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The Scott Pilgrim Vs The World: The Game demo. I wish they would hurry up and stick the full version for download on the EU/UK PSN. I don't have a credit card associated with my USA account so I could only download the demo.

Also, its awesome, in all its wannabe 8-bit glory.
Well, Heavy Rain's living up to the hype. I can kinda see why it didn't come down in price for so long. Still, now I can be smug in the satisfaction I only paid £25 for it.

I'm dying to know how different this can be depending on what you do. Part of me wants to go the "who gives a ****?" Route with all my characters (I started doing that with Ethan pretty early on - Open fridge... drink beer... drink beer... drink beer. "Put the TV back on dad!" "Fine."). But actually I'm enjoying the PI's segments a lot, even if they are somewhat clichéd.
ayase said:
Well, Heavy Rain's living up to the hype. I can kinda see why it didn't come down in price for so long. Still, now I can be smug in the satisfaction I only paid £25 for it.

I'm dying to know how different this can be depending on what you do. Part of me wants to go the "who gives a ****?" Route with all my characters (I started doing that with Ethan pretty early on - Open fridge... drink beer... drink beer... drink beer. "Put the TV back on dad!" "Fine."). But actually I'm enjoying the PI's segments a lot, even if they are somewhat clichéd.

There are some points you won't really have time to think about it, so just go on impulse 8)
Decisions that affect the outcome of the game in any meaningful way are confined to the second half. A lot of events can play out differently but lead to the same place, and being an ******** isn't going to change much by itself.

Be sure to pick up the DLC episode as well. It's short, but oh-so incredibly tense.
I almost screwed up fighting like a girl because I forget left and right very easily... Normally I remember buttons based on what they do, so when they just ask me to press "L1" I don't know where the hell it is.

I should probably add (just to lower the tone) that that shower scene was the greatest computer generated nudity I've ever experienced (I wonder if taking your knickers off first makes a difference to the storyline..?). It felt so very wrong doing the "up and down" controller motion to dry her off afterwards.

fabricatedlunatic said:
Decisions that affect the outcome of the game in any meaningful way are confined to the second half. A lot of events can play out differently but lead to the same place, and being an ******** isn't going to change much by itself.
That's a little disappointing. I mean I was joking about the knickers, but still. I hoped the way you acted would have some kind of effect. I genuinely forgot what Shaun was wearing when I was questioned at the police station too, I was actually trying *not* to be an ******** at that point (not that I was trying particularly hard to be one before. Perhaps it just came naturally, or perhaps it's my aversion to any kind of conflict with children, which is never worth the hassle).
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I Completed Heavy rain at the weekend. Going through the game again to make all the other choices that i didn't make in the first play through.

Really good plot twists, especially at the end.
Jayden died at the end of my game, ethan saves shaun, madison saves ethan and scot walks free.

Second time, everything the same, except scot dies and jayden lives

Third time madisons arrested, jaydens dead, ethans dead, scot walks free.

I haven't gone through the ending anymore than that.
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ayase said:
That's a little disappointing. I mean I was joking about the knickers, but still. I hoped the way you acted would have some kind of effect. I genuinely forgot what Shaun was wearing when I was questioned at the police station too, I was actually trying *not* to be an ******** at that point (not that I was trying particularly hard to be one before. Perhaps it just came naturally, or perhaps it's my aversion to any kind of conflict with children, which is never worth the hassle).

Trust me, when you get to the second half of the game, you won't be disappointed. Just stop putting the game on a downer before you've even got too far :p
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Heh. You're not wrong. I just had the epic fight with Mad Jack in the scrapyard and I don't think I've ever had a greater adrenaline rush from a game. That's two greatest moments... Looks like Tachi could be right about this being one of the greatest games ever.
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