What Games Are You Playing?

Hmm lets see, just finished DAO, so it'll be...

PC, Arma II, The last Remnant, Kings Bounty

PS3: Race Driver GRID and maybe restart Valkyria chronicles.

Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance (what a game!!)

Also if you count it I played non released versions of these at London Film and Comicon

- Metroid: Other M
- Dragon Quest IX
Wii - Rune Factory Frontier
30 hours and counting and I still haven't pulled that tsundere tease Rosetta. It's just a matter of time...

DS - Apollo Justice
ZOMG Ema <3

PSP - Everybody's Tennis
Just as good as Everybody's Golf, which means it's awesome.
I just started on Dragon Quest IX, which arrived today thanks to Game. It came with a cute little keyring too. Only played a couple of hours, but already I'm loving it.
Had a period recently where I was finishing off stuff.

They include:


(Only the second time in twelve years). Wonderful design and concepts with the most emotional ending of any game ever made.


Monster World IV.

Wonderboy III: The Dragon's Trap remains the best in the series, but this was far better than the last one (Wonderboy in Monster World). Some nice ideas and fun level design. It had its faults, namely a poor soundtrack, that damn Ice Pyramid, and tedious backtracking in some dungeons. Yet it is in easy contention for best Mega Drive game ever made.


Started Sherlock Holmes Versus Jack the Ripper on 360.

Then went to gameFAQs to look up on reviews and the only one there straight away ruins 'who it is'.

Good review, well done :x
fabricatedlunatic said:
DS - Apollo Justice
ZOMG Ema <3

Ditto. Just finished the first trial part on case 3, really enjoying it. and yay for more Ema. See, i didn't realise that this was made after case 5 for the DS on Phoenix Wright:AA, so i was surprised that they linked up, tis cool though. Aiming to complete this within the week also.
Apollo Justice is set about seven years after the events of Trials and Tribuations, and nine or ten years after case 5 of the first Phoenix Wright. Ema was 15 or 16 then, and she's 25 in Apollo Justice.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Apollo Justice is set about seven years after the events of Trials and Tribuations, and nine or ten years after case 5 of the first Phoenix Wright. Ema was 15 or 16 then, and she's 25 in Apollo Justice.

Indeed. I remember from playing case 5 that it had a lot of the elements i had heard of for Apollo, the only reason i was wondering about it's connection was when apollo was made in contrast to when case 5 was. I was glad to see that they where properly linked though. Hopefully will get a sequel to this also eventually. Capcom just need to hurry themselves up. I want Franziska and miles appearing in the next one.
Max Takeshi said:
Had a period recently where I was finishing off stuff.

They include:


(Only the second time in twelve years). Wonderful design and concepts with the most emotional ending of any game ever made.


Monster World IV.

Wonderboy III: The Dragon's Trap remains the best in the series, but this was far better than the last one (Wonderboy in Monster World). Some nice ideas and fun level design. It had its faults, namely a poor soundtrack, that damn Ice Pyramid, and tedious backtracking in some dungeons. Yet it is in easy contention for best Mega Drive game ever made.


Started Sherlock Holmes Versus Jack the Ripper on 360.

Then went to gameFAQs to look up on reviews and the only one there straight away ruins 'who it is'.

Good review, well done :x

It sure feels good to know someone else apreciates classic games, Wonderboy III is one of my favourite Master System games and i still dig out the console to date to play it.
Someday i'll give Terranigma a go as many people have compared it to secret of mana and some have gone as far as saying its better than secret of mana...
stuart-says-yes said:
Jayme said:
Tachi- said:
Aaron said:
Toy Story 3.

This is SOOO much more fun than I expected...love it, love it, love it!

I'll be buying that shortly after heavy rain :p
I'm shocked that this ToyBox thing is getting a hell of a lot of praise, going to have to get it myself asap.
Yeah, its not fair though, the ps3 version gets Zurg and the xbox version doesn't.


Free internet gaming, free zurg, uncharted, mgs4, lbp (and lbp2 which will blow your minds) should i really go on? :p
I love my PS3 but if it wasn't for me being a big PC gamer too, XBox would have been very tempting with it's larger collection of popular games.
Blazblue: Calamity Trigger (PS3)
Bayonetta (PS3)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (DS)
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (DS)