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fabricatedlunatic said:
Heavy Rain is a terrific experience but the story is not well written.

Dude, I can see what you're saying but, I can't really agree that it isn't well written. Lets compare to a human standard, there's little more they could have done. I mean, it's easy to criticize all this in hindsight but, barring the one point you mentioned earlier, you had to really analyze the story to notice these plot holes. Plot holes are only really bad when you notice them, and they seem to detract from the experience. I can see you noticed that one you mentioned previously, but I doubt it really detracted from the story or the game.

I guess this is an agree to disagree situation though.
It's blatantly not well written, even for the one point that ayase brought up: Scott's inner monologues deliberately mislead the player, which left me more confused than shocked when he was revealed as the killer. There were plenty of other minor issues as well.

Did they affect my enjoyment of the game? Not really. But it's still not well written, whether assessed in hindsight or not.
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Well as for well written or not, the bottom line is - regardless of how well its written its always open to things not making sense due to the type of game it is.

Your decisions depict what happens next...so there's always a chance they might not match 100%, the point that they match as much as possible, i think, is really good.

internal monologs and the such just add to the deception. if you look at it as if its real. you don't walk around IRL and purposely think things to confuse a higher being. I've noticed that at no point does scott wonder who the killer could be, he leads the investigation to kramers son, (and this is makes more sense than trying to confuse a gamer) to basically cover his own ****. If your a killer, you need a scapegoat. i think he was using the cover up as a P.I to get info on kramers son and probably pin the origami killings on him. also, if your sh** hot on your cars, you could have probably put 2 and 2 together, you'd probably have worked it out that way lol

Enjoy the game Muts, tell us what you think of it.
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fabricatedlunatic said:
I had some issues with Scott being the killer, mainly for the reason that ayase cited, and reading this (scroll down for the writer's thoughts on Scott) did little to dispel my doubts. There are a lot more plot holes than I thought there were.
Now I'm back at a full-size computer I can read the contents of the link and... yeah.

I don't agree with everything he has to say (especially the sex scene - I mean c'mon, that's the player's decision to make - I opted out for the exact reasons he outlines) but I did wonder myself if they had originally intended the killer to be either Scott or Ethan based on player actions, but in the end just couldn't be arsed (or figure out how) to make all the pieces fit two different ways. As it stands Ethan's origami making blackouts and trips to the construction site make absolutely no sense. They are, as the author of the article states, either blatant misdirection or indicate in some way the presence of the supernatural. And to quote David Cage himself: "There are no supernatural elements in the story."
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Aaron said:
The Lara Croft XBLA thing.

And it's actually REALLY GOOD.

I've only completed the first level so far but it does a seem good game, i really like how it plays. Looking forward to the online co-op patch in a month.

Also Monday Night Combat is AWESOME, that is all.
number9dream said:
Aaron said:
The Lara Croft XBLA thing.

And it's actually REALLY GOOD.

I've only completed the first level so far but it does a seem good game, i really like how it plays. Looking forward to the online co-op patch in a month.

Also Monday Night Combat is AWESOME, that is all.

Im downloading the lara croft one at the moment

But i agree i love monday night combat its so fun
A lot of the Heavy Rain discussion in this thread reminded me of this. He done six "rounds"of reviewing the two games, Deadly Premonition and Heavy Rain and brings up some good points in them to do with the game(s).

Also, because of the lack of internets I had recently, I got addicted to Robot Unicorn Attack on my phone again. I'm getting better, highest is 40k.
still more oblivion

just done the Mages Guild questline, i might go on to do all of the Fighter Guild, before i go on to do Dark Brotherhood for what seems like the 4th time :)
I recently played through New York Nights 2 on my mobile. Was very addictive for something that was free. It also seems to paint a picture that everyone in New York is single...

and easy.

Also I just completed Uncharted 2 on hard.

Must say I enjoyed it more on this setting, still miffed about certain issues it has, but a second playthrough of something is rare for me, so, uh... that must mean something.

I also found it easier on hard than on normal :?
i'm currently getting back into console online multiplayer again with Monday Night Combat

it's a very good game, alot of people compare it to Team Fortress 2 for it's class-based combat and cartoony visuals, but to be honest, i think it has more in common with Rachet & Clank 3's multiplayer gameplay wise, very good and i would recommend that anywone with a 360 should try it out
I recently bought the Scott Pilgrim Game on the Xbox 360, and I love it. :D I've been playing it a lot in the past few days...

And if I'm on the go (or just feel like playing on a handheld) I'm playing Assassin's Creed on my Nexus One.