May is a smaller month but focused on two rather lengthy games for different reasons.
#10 - Resident Evil 6 (PlayStation 4)
Acquired: July 2022
#11 - Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart (PlayStation Vita)
Acquired: July 2018
My backlog so far:
The 2023 '40' Games Goal:
#10 - Resident Evil 6 (PlayStation 4)
Acquired: July 2022
After going through the rest of my physical games backlog of Resident Evil throughout the month of April, what was left is the one that basically went off the rails for the whole franchise - Resident Evil 6. Unlike Resident Evil 5, I did not play this when it was first released and I remember at one point I had an opportunity to get the PS3 version for £5 in HMV but I ignored it. Eventually Resident Evil 6 was remastered for the modern consoles with better framerate and honestly that does hold up well, just like the other PS4 versions had done so this is in a sense the best console version to date.
Now I spent the whole week playing Resident Evil 6 and I did manage to finish the story, which was very long to begin with. Clocking in at 18 hours 30 minutes, this is one of the longest games in the franchise (though Resident Evil 4 Remake does surpass this but in a good way). Overall there's a reason why it's this long, because essentially Capcom had decided to provide us with four separate story campaigns focusing on one character and a sidekick each, with each one having a specific type of concept and gameplay ideas. I do think there were some really interesting ideas throughout, but overall it's not a perfect experience either and there are some ups and downs.
The game lets you choose which campaign to start with, so the first one I went with was Leon's campaign which aims for a traditional Resident Evil survival horror type gameplay with the modern action approach that we've seen in Resident Evil 4. This is a perfect example of style over substance, as the concept overshadows the gameplay and pacing which drags for way longer than it should. I did enjoy the puzzles that were shown throughout, but I was not having fun when it came to the combat because for some reason the zombies were way more of a nuisance than previous games had been. The health system doesn't help either as it's completely redone and is the perfect example of why you shouldn't change something that had already worked in the first place. On top of that, the campaign's first half was not as fun as I had hoped. That said, I did like the story but it's main gimmick is providing us with questions without concrete answers. Took about 6 hours to beat.
Next came Chris' campaign which switches things up and continues the Resident Evil 5 tone with its action approach and honestly I started to like the game more in this direction. There is still elements of horror with its setting and enemies, but the gameplay felt much better due to the enemy variety. In terms of the story, it does provide more context from what we saw in Leon's campaign, but I did not think it was as interesting because it felt one dimensional at parts. That said, I did enjoy the ride and it helped that your progress from Leon's does carry over so the difficulty and gameplay balance does improve. Took about 5 hours to beat.
Then we have a rather interesting storyline with Jake's campaign, which is a combination between traditional and modern Resident Evil tones and gameplay, with its inclusion of a Nemesis style monster and the over-the-top action seen in Resident Evil 4 & 5. Yes this game has Jake essentially pulling some Matrix moves, but to be completely honest this worked really well. I also enjoyed the character dynamic between Jake & Sherry because it works really well when you consider the context and historical lore, but also how the two grow to know and trust each other as the story continues. Took about 4 hours to beat.
Last but not least we have Ada's campaign, which is essentially this game's equivalent to Resident Evil 4's Separate Ways campaign. The general gist of this campaign is that it's mostly side stuff whilst also trying to fill the gaps on the story beats. I didn't enjoy the first mission of the campaign, but it did get better as we progress with the next mission forwards. I will admit she does monologue a bit too much but overall it ends on a good note. Took about 3 hours to beat.
So in terms of the gameplay, it does work better on the shooting aspect of things especially as you can walk and shoot at the same time compared to previous games, but for some reason they really overcomplicated the rest of the setup. The way that you switch between weapons just doesn't feel right and can be jarring especially during combat. In previous Resident Evil games you had a good balance between easy switching of weapons/items and a big loadout where you are able to pick and choose at ease, but here it doesn't have the latter's flexibility and is just a single row of messiness. I already spoke about how bad the health system is as well, so overall the best way to describe it is that they took a step forward on the aim & shoot part, but multiple steps backwards on the interface, gear and inventory management.
So after playing through the whole game, is Resident Evil 6 a bad game. Technically it's a decent shooter but as a Resident Evil title it does falter on various areas. The story feels incomplete because there's a lot of missing gaps that needs more context and whilst I liked the idea of interconnected storylines across four campaigns it does feel choppy and inconsistent. While there's not that much horror throughout, I do think it's a decent game in general but definitely not a good Resident Evil instalment. It's still better than Revelations 2 though.
Also this game does have co-op so I would say you'll probably get a much better experience playing the game with a friend. The partner AI is fine in general and hasn't annoyed me at all, but for more entertainment co-op is probably the way to go.
Now I spent the whole week playing Resident Evil 6 and I did manage to finish the story, which was very long to begin with. Clocking in at 18 hours 30 minutes, this is one of the longest games in the franchise (though Resident Evil 4 Remake does surpass this but in a good way). Overall there's a reason why it's this long, because essentially Capcom had decided to provide us with four separate story campaigns focusing on one character and a sidekick each, with each one having a specific type of concept and gameplay ideas. I do think there were some really interesting ideas throughout, but overall it's not a perfect experience either and there are some ups and downs.
The game lets you choose which campaign to start with, so the first one I went with was Leon's campaign which aims for a traditional Resident Evil survival horror type gameplay with the modern action approach that we've seen in Resident Evil 4. This is a perfect example of style over substance, as the concept overshadows the gameplay and pacing which drags for way longer than it should. I did enjoy the puzzles that were shown throughout, but I was not having fun when it came to the combat because for some reason the zombies were way more of a nuisance than previous games had been. The health system doesn't help either as it's completely redone and is the perfect example of why you shouldn't change something that had already worked in the first place. On top of that, the campaign's first half was not as fun as I had hoped. That said, I did like the story but it's main gimmick is providing us with questions without concrete answers. Took about 6 hours to beat.
Next came Chris' campaign which switches things up and continues the Resident Evil 5 tone with its action approach and honestly I started to like the game more in this direction. There is still elements of horror with its setting and enemies, but the gameplay felt much better due to the enemy variety. In terms of the story, it does provide more context from what we saw in Leon's campaign, but I did not think it was as interesting because it felt one dimensional at parts. That said, I did enjoy the ride and it helped that your progress from Leon's does carry over so the difficulty and gameplay balance does improve. Took about 5 hours to beat.
Then we have a rather interesting storyline with Jake's campaign, which is a combination between traditional and modern Resident Evil tones and gameplay, with its inclusion of a Nemesis style monster and the over-the-top action seen in Resident Evil 4 & 5. Yes this game has Jake essentially pulling some Matrix moves, but to be completely honest this worked really well. I also enjoyed the character dynamic between Jake & Sherry because it works really well when you consider the context and historical lore, but also how the two grow to know and trust each other as the story continues. Took about 4 hours to beat.
Last but not least we have Ada's campaign, which is essentially this game's equivalent to Resident Evil 4's Separate Ways campaign. The general gist of this campaign is that it's mostly side stuff whilst also trying to fill the gaps on the story beats. I didn't enjoy the first mission of the campaign, but it did get better as we progress with the next mission forwards. I will admit she does monologue a bit too much but overall it ends on a good note. Took about 3 hours to beat.
So in terms of the gameplay, it does work better on the shooting aspect of things especially as you can walk and shoot at the same time compared to previous games, but for some reason they really overcomplicated the rest of the setup. The way that you switch between weapons just doesn't feel right and can be jarring especially during combat. In previous Resident Evil games you had a good balance between easy switching of weapons/items and a big loadout where you are able to pick and choose at ease, but here it doesn't have the latter's flexibility and is just a single row of messiness. I already spoke about how bad the health system is as well, so overall the best way to describe it is that they took a step forward on the aim & shoot part, but multiple steps backwards on the interface, gear and inventory management.
So after playing through the whole game, is Resident Evil 6 a bad game. Technically it's a decent shooter but as a Resident Evil title it does falter on various areas. The story feels incomplete because there's a lot of missing gaps that needs more context and whilst I liked the idea of interconnected storylines across four campaigns it does feel choppy and inconsistent. While there's not that much horror throughout, I do think it's a decent game in general but definitely not a good Resident Evil instalment. It's still better than Revelations 2 though.
Also this game does have co-op so I would say you'll probably get a much better experience playing the game with a friend. The partner AI is fine in general and hasn't annoyed me at all, but for more entertainment co-op is probably the way to go.
#11 - Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart (PlayStation Vita)
Acquired: July 2018
It's been a year since we last checked out a game from the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise and it's been on my mind for a while to revisit more of the games. So I decided to finally check out the game's second spin-off for the PlayStation Vita. I don't own or plan to even touch Perfecting Perfection because it's noted to be pretty terrible.
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart puts Noire in the spotlight as the game's protagonist and alongside that is a different genre, going from your traditional turn-based RPG to a tactical style similar to Fire Emblem. The general concept is simple as you control a set of characters (from 4-7) and you guide them through a map to defeat enemies or do a specific task to complete the mission.
What I liked about this game is the range of characters you have available, each of them being a reference to a franchise and considering Noire is based on PlayStation, the side characters are all based on various games released on the console - this includes Lee-Fi (Chun Li from Street Fighter), Lid (Metal Gear Solid), Estelle (Dragon Quest), Ein Al (Final Fantasy), Moru (Monster Hunter), Ai Masujima (The iDOLM@STER), Ryuka (Like a Dragon), Blossom Aisen (Sakura Wars), Wyn (Winning Eleven aka Pro Evolution Soccer), Saori (Tokimeki Memorial), Vio (Resident Evil) and Sango (Dynasty Warriors). Each have their own abilities and gameplay styles which adds to the tactical decisions you want to make during the missions. For instance, Wyn can reach far distances which helps to getting to another part of the map, whilst Sango can buff your teammates to enhance their strength and Vio can turn people into Tofu using a special move.
Like previous Neptunia games, Noire, Neptune, Blanc and Vert each can transform into their HDD forms which adds more to the gameplay but I only saw minimal differences like being able to reach higher ground and deal more damage as they can still be hit pretty hard and even be affected by buff effects. That said, their special moves does add more value as it can deal a lot of damage when handled correctly, like with the right items and support effects.
There's a lot of buff effects that can be inflicted upon your team, ranging from skillseal (which disables skills), frozen (which limits your movement), freeze bug (which stops your character for the phase), reaper (which will instakill if you don't have the cure), love (which makes your character randomly heal you or the enemy), and even tofu (which turn you into tofu). There's tons of effects in this game so while it can be overwhelming it does add more value to the combat. There's also elemental abilities like fire, wind, lighting and ice which can be used against enemies or even treasure chests that you find throughout each map to receive more items.
Speaking of maps, whilst Hyperdimension Neptunia tends to re-use their assets a lot, the map designs in this game are pretty good as there's a lot differences for each story mission and even though the enemies are mostly the same as before they do have different ranges of attacks in terms of distance and style. Though I will say it's rather inconsistent how enemies can easily avoid areas where your team can't traverse like traps and even the height differences can be rather annoying. Despite these issues I do think there was more effort on the level design and gameplay here than usual, and that is likely down to developer Sting who collaborated with Idea Factory on this spin-off.
The game's difficulty is for the most part pretty doable as the only real struggle I had was the final boss which insta-killed my whole team in one turn. This prompt me to venture into the rest of the trophies like the Lily Ranks and Level 99 for all characters. Admittedly it's because of the Platinum trophy journey is why I held off on this game because I had heard how much time is needed to sort out the Lily Ranks. A game that would normally take about 25 hours took me 75.5 hours because of the Lily Rank grind, and there's not much reward for it other than getting that trophy at the end of it, so it comes down to whether you are a die-hard fan who wants to platinum the franchise or not at this point. I will also admit that as much as I had enjoyed my time with this game, it didn't make me want to immediately jump into playing it each day, and I suppose part of that was down to the game's difficulty and time it takes to finish a mission.
The story for Hyperdevotion Noire is also an interesting one because it adds the inclusion of a self-insert male protagonist which worked at first but over time it felt one-dimension and deviated from the interesting dialogue between Noire and the other side characters. There's also some inconsistencies with the English dub especially with Neptune going from regular form to HDD form. Overall the story was fine but it didn't feel like it had that much of an impact on the world that makes you want to explore the whole place and instead it felt like it had the idea of going with a 'everyone forgot who I was' to just scrapping it afterwards with the simple 'oh everyone stopped teaming up with you'.
Despite the rather exhausting Platinum trophy journey, Hyperdevotion Noire is a pretty decent spin-off for the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise and worth a shot, though at this point you're best going for the PC version since it's either that or on the PlayStation Vita. The Vita version actually holds up pretty well with the only issue being loading when going into a mission.
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart puts Noire in the spotlight as the game's protagonist and alongside that is a different genre, going from your traditional turn-based RPG to a tactical style similar to Fire Emblem. The general concept is simple as you control a set of characters (from 4-7) and you guide them through a map to defeat enemies or do a specific task to complete the mission.
What I liked about this game is the range of characters you have available, each of them being a reference to a franchise and considering Noire is based on PlayStation, the side characters are all based on various games released on the console - this includes Lee-Fi (Chun Li from Street Fighter), Lid (Metal Gear Solid), Estelle (Dragon Quest), Ein Al (Final Fantasy), Moru (Monster Hunter), Ai Masujima (The iDOLM@STER), Ryuka (Like a Dragon), Blossom Aisen (Sakura Wars), Wyn (Winning Eleven aka Pro Evolution Soccer), Saori (Tokimeki Memorial), Vio (Resident Evil) and Sango (Dynasty Warriors). Each have their own abilities and gameplay styles which adds to the tactical decisions you want to make during the missions. For instance, Wyn can reach far distances which helps to getting to another part of the map, whilst Sango can buff your teammates to enhance their strength and Vio can turn people into Tofu using a special move.
Like previous Neptunia games, Noire, Neptune, Blanc and Vert each can transform into their HDD forms which adds more to the gameplay but I only saw minimal differences like being able to reach higher ground and deal more damage as they can still be hit pretty hard and even be affected by buff effects. That said, their special moves does add more value as it can deal a lot of damage when handled correctly, like with the right items and support effects.
There's a lot of buff effects that can be inflicted upon your team, ranging from skillseal (which disables skills), frozen (which limits your movement), freeze bug (which stops your character for the phase), reaper (which will instakill if you don't have the cure), love (which makes your character randomly heal you or the enemy), and even tofu (which turn you into tofu). There's tons of effects in this game so while it can be overwhelming it does add more value to the combat. There's also elemental abilities like fire, wind, lighting and ice which can be used against enemies or even treasure chests that you find throughout each map to receive more items.
Speaking of maps, whilst Hyperdimension Neptunia tends to re-use their assets a lot, the map designs in this game are pretty good as there's a lot differences for each story mission and even though the enemies are mostly the same as before they do have different ranges of attacks in terms of distance and style. Though I will say it's rather inconsistent how enemies can easily avoid areas where your team can't traverse like traps and even the height differences can be rather annoying. Despite these issues I do think there was more effort on the level design and gameplay here than usual, and that is likely down to developer Sting who collaborated with Idea Factory on this spin-off.
The game's difficulty is for the most part pretty doable as the only real struggle I had was the final boss which insta-killed my whole team in one turn. This prompt me to venture into the rest of the trophies like the Lily Ranks and Level 99 for all characters. Admittedly it's because of the Platinum trophy journey is why I held off on this game because I had heard how much time is needed to sort out the Lily Ranks. A game that would normally take about 25 hours took me 75.5 hours because of the Lily Rank grind, and there's not much reward for it other than getting that trophy at the end of it, so it comes down to whether you are a die-hard fan who wants to platinum the franchise or not at this point. I will also admit that as much as I had enjoyed my time with this game, it didn't make me want to immediately jump into playing it each day, and I suppose part of that was down to the game's difficulty and time it takes to finish a mission.
The story for Hyperdevotion Noire is also an interesting one because it adds the inclusion of a self-insert male protagonist which worked at first but over time it felt one-dimension and deviated from the interesting dialogue between Noire and the other side characters. There's also some inconsistencies with the English dub especially with Neptune going from regular form to HDD form. Overall the story was fine but it didn't feel like it had that much of an impact on the world that makes you want to explore the whole place and instead it felt like it had the idea of going with a 'everyone forgot who I was' to just scrapping it afterwards with the simple 'oh everyone stopped teaming up with you'.
Despite the rather exhausting Platinum trophy journey, Hyperdevotion Noire is a pretty decent spin-off for the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise and worth a shot, though at this point you're best going for the PC version since it's either that or on the PlayStation Vita. The Vita version actually holds up pretty well with the only issue being loading when going into a mission.
My backlog so far:
# | PC/Steam Backlog - Game Name: | Genre: |
1 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky | Turn-Based RPG |
2 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC | Turn-Based RPG |
# | PlayStation 3 Backlog - Game Name: | Genre: |
1 | 3D Dot Game Heroes | Action RPG |
2 | Castlevania: Lords of Shadow | Action, Hack n Slash |
3 | Catherine | Puzzle |
4 | Drakengard 3 | Action RPG |
5 | Eternal Sonata | Turn-Based RPG |
6 | Folklore | Action RPG |
7 | inFAMOUS | Action |
8 | inFAMOUS 2 | Action |
9 | Katamari Forever | Puzzle |
10 | Prince of Persia | Action, Platformer |
11 | Puppeteer | Platformer |
12 | SEGA Rally | Racing |
13 | Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time | Action, Platformer |
14 | Split/Second: Velocity | Racing |
15 | Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the Overlord | Tactical RPG, Visual Novel |
16 | Way of the Samurai 4 | Action |
# | PlayStation 4 Backlog - Game Name: | Genre: |
1 | 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim | Tactical RPG, Visual Novel |
2 | AI: The Somnium Files | Adventure, Visual Novel |
3 | Black Clover: Quartet Knights | Action, Fighting |
4 | Bullet Girls Phantasia | Action, Shooter |
5 | The Caligula Effect: Overdose | Turn-Based RPG |
6 | Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions | Sports |
7 | Catherine Full Body | Puzzle |
8 | Chaos;Child | Visual Novel |
9 | Conception Plus: Maidens of the Twelve Stars | Turn-Based RPG |
10 | CRYSTAR | Action RPG |
11 | Cyberdimension Neptunia: Four Goddesses Online | Action RPG |
12 | Danganronpa 1 Reload | Visual Novel |
13 | Danganronpa 2 Reload | Visual Novel |
14 | Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls | Action, Shooter |
15 | Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony | Visual Novel |
16 | Date A Live: Rio-Reincarnation - 1: Rinne Utopia | Visual Novel, Dating Sim |
17 | Date A Live: Rio-Reincarnation - 2: Ars Install | Visual Novel, Dating Sim |
18 | Date A Live: Rio-Reincarnation - 3: Twin Edition: Rio Reincarnation | Visual Novel, Dating Sim |
19 | Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory | Turn-Based RPG |
20 | Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories | Adventure, Simulation |
21 | Dragon Quest Heroes II | Action RPG, Musou |
22 | Dragon's Crown Pro | Action RPG |
23 | Fairy Tail | Turn-Based RPG |
24 | Fate/Extella Link | Musou |
25 | Final Fantasy VIII Remastered | Turn-Based RPG |
26 | Full Metal Panic! Fight! Who Dares Win | Tactical RPG |
27 | Gal*Gun 2 | On-Rails Shooter |
28 | Gintama Rumble | Action, Musou |
29 | GOD EATER 3 | Action Hunter RPG |
30 | Gravity Rush 2 | Action, Platformer |
31 | The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures | Visual Novel |
32 | The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve | Visual Novel |
33 | Gundam Breaker 3 BREAK EDITION | Action, Arcade |
34 | Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Infinite Combate | Action RPG |
35 | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven | Fighting |
36 | Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa | Puzzle, Visual Novel |
37 | Langrisser | Tactical RPG |
38 | Langrisser II | Tactical RPG |
39 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel | Turn-Based RPG |
40 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II | Turn-Based RPG |
41 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III | Turn-Based RPG |
42 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV | Turn-Based RPG |
43 | Legend of Mana | Action RPG |
44 | Megadimension Neptunia VII | Turn-Based RPG |
45 | Megadimension Neptunia VIIR | Turn-Based RPG |
46 | MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA | Fighting |
47 | Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm | Action, Fighting |
48 | Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 | Action, Fighting |
49 | Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 | Action, Fighting |
50 | Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: Road to Boruto | Action, Fighting |
51 | NEO: The World Ends With You | Action RPG |
52 | Neptunia Virtual Stars | Action |
53 | Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars | Action |
54 | Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered | Turn-Based RPG |
55 | Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom | Action RPG |
56 | Nights of Azure | Action RPG |
57 | Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon | Action RPG |
58 | One Piece Burning Blood | Fighting |
59 | One Piece Unlimited World Red | Action |
60 | One Piece World Seeker | Action |
61 | One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 | Musou |
62 | One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 | Musou |
63 | Our World Is Ended | Visual Novel |
64 | Persona 5 Royal | Turn-Based RPG |
65 | Persona 5 Strikers | Action RPG, Musou |
66 | Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney | Visual Novel |
67 | Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All | Visual Novel |
68 | Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations | Visual Novel |
69 | Punch Line | Visual Novel |
70 | Raging Loop | Visual Novel |
71 | Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: Prophecy of the Throne | Visual Novel |
72 | Robotics;Notes DaSH | Visual Novel |
73 | Robotics;Notes ELITE | Visual Novel |
74 | SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays | Tactical RPG |
75 | SD Gundam G Generation Genesis | Tactical RPG |
76 | Secret of Mana | Action RPG |
77 | Sengoku Basara 4: Sumeragi | Musou |
78 | Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal | Action |
79 | Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster | Turn-Based RPG |
80 | Star Ocean: First Departure R | Action RPG |
81 | Star Ocean: The Last Hope HD Remaster | Action RPG |
82 | Steins;Gate Elite | Visual Novel |
83 | Super Neptunia RPG | Turn-Based RPG |
84 | Super Robot Wars 30 | Tactical RPG |
85 | Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon Dwellers | Tactical RPG |
86 | Super Robot Wars T | Tactical RPG |
87 | Super Robot Wars X | Tactical RPG |
88 | Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet | Action RPG |
89 | Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum Sessions! | Music, Rhythm |
90 | Tales of Berseria | Action RPG |
91 | Tales of Vesperia | Action RPG |
92 | Tokyo Xanadu eX+ | Action RPG |
93 | Trials of Mana | Action RPG |
94 | Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception | Tactical RPG, Visual Novel |
95 | Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth | Tactical RPG, Visual Novel |
96 | Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen | Tactical RPG, Visual Novel |
97 | Utawarerumono: Zan | Action, Musou |
98 | Valkyria Chronicles 4 | Tactical RPG |
99 | Valkyria Revolution | Action RPG |
100 | The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival Edition | Action RPG |
101 | WORLDEND SYNDROME | Visual Novel |
102 | Yakuza 3 Remastered | Action Beat em up |
103 | Yakuza 4 Remastered | Action Beat em up |
104 | Yakuza 5 Remastered | Action Beat em up |
105 | YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World | Visual Novel |
106 | Ys IX: Monstrum Nox | Action RPG |
# | PlayStation 5 Backlog - Game Name: | Genre: |
1 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII -Reunion- | Action RPG |
2 | Cyberpunk 2077 | Action |
3 | Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles | Fighting |
4 | The DioField Chronicle | Tactical RPG |
5 | DOOM Eternal | Action, Shooter |
6 | GrimGrimoire OnceMore | Real-Time Strategy RPG |
7 | Judgment | Action, Beat em up |
8 | Lost Judgment | Action, Beat em up |
9 | Mobile Suit Gundam BATTLE OPERATION Code Fairy | Action |
10 | MONARK | Tactical RPG |
11 | Neptunia ReVerse | Turn-Based RPG |
12 | Neptunia: Sisters vs Sisters | Action RPG |
13 | Nioh 2 | Action Souls RPG |
14 | Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit of Wonder Labyrinth | Metroidvania RPG |
15 | Relayer | Tactical RPG |
16 | SD Gundam Battle Alliance | Action RPG |
17 | Star Ocean: The Divine Force | Action RPG |
18 | Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin | Action Souls RPG |
19 | Tactics Ogre Reborn | Tactical RPG |
20 | Valkyrie Elysium | Action RPG |
21 | Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon | Turn-Based RPG |
22 | Yurukill: The Calumniation Games | Shoot em up, Visual Novel |
# | PlayStation Vita Backlog - Game Name: | Genre: |
1 | Bullet Girls | Action, Shooter |
2 | Freedom Wars | Action |
3 | Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed | Action |
4 | MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies | Action, Musou |
5 | Muv-Luv | Visual Novel, Dating Sim |
6 | Muv-Luv Alternative | Visual Novel |
7 | Superdimension Neptune vs SEGA Hard Girls | Turn-Based RPG |
8 | Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni | Action |
# | Nintendo Switch Backlog - Game Name: | Genre: |
1 | Cytus Alpha | Music, Rhythm |
2 | Fire Emblem: Three Houses | Tactical RPG |
3 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero | Turn-Based RPG |
4 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure | Turn-Based RPG |
5 | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Action RPG |
6 | Mario Kart 8 Deluxe | Racing |
7 | Metroid Dread | Metroidvania |
8 | Metroid Prime Remastered | Action, Shooter |
9 | MUSYNX | Music, Rhythm |
10 | New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe | Platformer |
11 | Senran Kagura Peach Ball | Pinball |
12 | Senran Kagura Reflexions | Simulation |
13 | Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury | Action, Platformer |
14 | Super Mario Galaxy | Action, Platformer |
15 | Super Mario Sunshine | Action, Platformer |
16 | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Fighting |
17 | Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition | Action RPG |
18 | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 | Action RPG |
19 | Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country | Action RPG |

No. | Game | Console | Acquired | Genre |
1 | Shining Resonance Refrain | PS4 | 2018 | Action RPG |
2 | Wing of Darkness | PS4 | 2022 | Action, Arcade |
3 | Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania | PS4 | 2022 | Puzzle |
4 | Tales of Zestiria | PS4 | 2018 | Action RPG |
5 | RESIDENT EVIL 4 | PS5 | 2023 | Action, Survival Horror |
6 | RESIDENT EVIL 2 | PS5 | 2022 | Action, Survival Horror |
7 | RESIDENT EVIL 3 | PS5 | 2022 | Action, Survival Horror |
8 | Resident Evil Revelations | PS4 | 2022 | Action, Survival Horror |
9 | Resident Evil Revelations 2 | PS4 | 2022 | Action, Survival Horror |
10 | Resident Evil 6 | PS4 | 2022 | Action, Survival Horror |
11 | Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart | Vita | 2018 | Tactical RPG |

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