What Games Are You Playing?

I’ve been replaying The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt via the next-gen update - so far so good regarding the performance mode though the missable quests and story beats are still a pain.
Is anyone playing on the D4 beta, or planning to?

There is an open beta on the weekend coming.

I pre-ordered the Ultimate version but at £90 it's the most expensive game I've ever bought!
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Got Octopath Traveller 2 the other day and it's very good so far; I picked Ochette as my starter and currently have recruited my 5th party member, hopefully it keeps at a good pace though as I remember the first game getting quite grindy after the first chapter which is why I have yet to finish it; with that said, I'm gonna really try to finish this one.
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@Dai you started RE4 yet? Leon's weight caught me off guard in the demo, but it feels deliberate and I'm having a great time - I'm on my way to the church.

This game drips money, it feels very, very polished. It's incredible 🤤
@Dai you started RE4 yet? Leon's weight caught me off guard in the demo, but it feels deliberate and I'm having a great time - I'm on my way to the church.

This game drips money, it feels very, very polished. It's incredible 🤤
Yes, I'm up to the lake. So far the team working on these REmakes have knocked it out of the park again. It feels authentic to the original, but with just enough tweaks to make the experience fresh. Every time I start thinking, "Oh, I remember what comes next" it changes an area layout a bit or throws in a new enemy. Even the areas that are almost exact recreations feel new in practice because of the massive increase in detail.

And the enemies aren't messing around. The game recommends hardcore mode for people who played the original, but I picked normal and I'm glad I did. Some encounters feel like they have more enemies, and they're more aggressive in attacking and flanking. My muscle memory from playing through the original several times doesn't translate to the combat in the remake, so every battle feels like something new.

I'm dreading reaching the part with the regenerators. Those things always creeped me out, and the knife-stun trick won't work in the remake because knives have limited durability now.
Yes, I'm up to the lake. So far the team working on these REmakes have knocked it out of the park again. It feels authentic to the original, but with just enough tweaks to make the experience fresh. Every time I start thinking, "Oh, I remember what comes next" it changes an area layout a bit or throws in a new enemy. Even the areas that are almost exact recreations feel new in practice because of the massive increase in detail.

And the enemies aren't messing around. The game recommends hardcore mode for people who played the original, but I picked normal and I'm glad I did. Some encounters feel like they have more enemies, and they're more aggressive in attacking and flanking. My muscle memory from playing through the original several times doesn't translate to the combat in the remake, so every battle feels like something new.

I'm dreading reaching the part with the regenerators. Those things always creeped me out, and the knife-stun trick won't work in the remake because knives have limited durability now.

Yeah, I can't believe they took one of the most well-regarded, important games of all time and actually made it better - I love how bold that is.

I also played the original probably 15+ times but after the demo, no way I was going hardcore the first time. Normal is just fine and as you said, there are more enemies, who are more agressive and every encounter so far has been super tense and the game is balanced in such a way that it always feels like the line between victory and ending up with a hatchet in your face is extremely thin.

I got to the encounter after the first merchant and it makes me appreciate the arenas even more because you really can't stop moving.

This is on par with what Mikami and co. did with the original and its remake, I still can't believe it.

The regenerators were already scary in the original, I'm in no hurry to get to them now... If they throw a stalking enemy in there somewhere I might just have a panic attack lol

Already upgraded the knife's durability to its max but I hope it can be upgraded further later on.
I'm always on the lookout for new and exciting games to play. Right now, I'm really enjoying a game called Stardew Valley. It's a relaxing and enjoyable farming simulation game that's perfect for unwinding after a long day.

I loved that game but I wasn't managing to grow enough crops or till my land enough, I tried rly hard 😭
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Monolith have always been an ambitious company. Going back as far as Xenogears in 1998 their games have felt like they've been pushing the boundaries of what the time and resources available to them can achieve, sometimes beyond the breaking point. This was evident in the second disc of Xenogears where it transformed from a fleshed out masterpiece to a series of story vignettes strung together by narration. The Xenosaga games had an overwhelming number of factions involved in the story, making it difficult to figure out what anyone was trying to achieve. Xenoblade 1 had an enormous world that felt too stretched out, putting hours of sometimes tedious wandering between cutscenes. Xenoblade 2 had its gacha mechanics, meaning it was pretty much impossible to recruit all the optional characters and see all their stories.

I've loved almost every game Monolith have made (let's not mention Xenosaga Episode II...), but it's always felt like they have over-reached somewhere. Until Xenoblade 3. This game is no less ambitious than previous Monolith titles on any front, but it nails everything it attempts almost to perfection. The story is epic and emotional while remaining clear and easy to follow, and its told through beautifully animated cutscenes that it's sometimes hard to believe are running on the Switch. There's a huge cast of memorable characters (Welsh catgirls FTW). The world is as vast as the previous Xenoblade games, but there's more incentive to explore since there are many characters who can be recruited in optional areas, often leading to fully-voiced multi-quest arcs. If you don't want to veer away from the main quest, there's a system that lets you easily level up without grinding. Combat builds on the systems from previous Xenoblade games, enabling more tactical options than ever.

My only niggles are that combat can be so busy that it can be hard to see what's happening without referring to the UI, and that there's such a huge level of character customisation that it's possible to spend an hour at a time tweaking loadouts in the menus (though you can skip a lot of that by using auto-equip). There's really nothing that I would call a major caveat though. It's one of the best JRPGs in years.
Great review. Gacha crap had an impact on Xenoblade 2 but the story resonated so deeply with me - Jin in particular, that flashback of him in the rainy alley as a conclusion just won't leave my head.

I'm happy Monolithsoft have found their stride - I think by all metrics we can apply to the studio, they've found mainstream success. Feels good! I still find it impressive how Takahashi and Co manage just the right amount of melodrama that it's extremely effective without being lame. It's a difficult balance. Voice direction works and I can't believe I play anime rpgs in English, but here we are. I'd be curious if Soraya Saga / Kaori Tanaka came back to writing for Xeno games and if there would be a palpable difference. The cutscene direction is on a level of its own as well, it's extremely high quality. Ever since Xenogears, in fact.

I'm actually in the process of bothering a friend of mine so I can borrow his Wii U and Xenoblade X! I still think it'll come to the Switch (or switch 2)but I've had enough of waiting and it's the only modern Xeno game where we control mechas. Looks like a dream game.

I also have my Weltall id bring arts on stand by at a cousin's house (delivered there, less customs hassle) , can't wait to go get it! Probably will replay xenogears on the vita too (yes, yes, ahoy mateys, pretend I didn't say anything).
Great review. Gacha crap had an impact on Xenoblade 2 but the story resonated so deeply with me - Jin in particular, that flashback of him in the rainy alley as a conclusion just won't leave my head.

I'm happy Monolithsoft have found their stride - I think by all metrics we can apply to the studio, they've found mainstream success. Feels good! I still find it impressive how Takahashi and Co manage just the right amount of melodrama that it's extremely effective without being lame. It's a difficult balance. Voice direction works and I can't believe I play anime rpgs in English, but here we are. I'd be curious if Soraya Saga / Kaori Tanaka came back to writing for Xeno games and if there would be a palpable difference. The cutscene direction is on a level of its own as well, it's extremely high quality. Ever since Xenogears, in fact.

I'm actually in the process of bothering a friend of mine so I can borrow his Wii U and Xenoblade X! I still think it'll come to the Switch (or switch 2)but I've had enough of waiting and it's the only modern Xeno game where we control mechas. Looks like a dream game.

I also have my Weltall id bring arts on stand by at a cousin's house (delivered there, less customs hassle) , can't wait to go get it! Probably will replay xenogears on the vita too (yes, yes, ahoy mateys, pretend I didn't say anything).
Xenogears is in desperate need of some kind of revival. A FFVII-style remake would be too much to hope for, but it would be a good candidate for the 2D-HD style that Squenix are in love with at the moment. Even a basic remaster would be better than nothing, unless it ended up performing worse than the original (I'm looking at you, Chrono Cross). I have my PS1 copy, but still...
Xenogears is in desperate need of some kind of revival. A FFVII-style remake would be too much to hope for, but it would be a good candidate for the 2D-HD style that Squenix are in love with at the moment. Even a basic remaster would be better than nothing, unless it ended up performing worse than the original (I'm looking at you, Chrono Cross). I have my PS1 copy, but still...

Yeah, there's precedent for the whole thing, too - either, get Monolithsoft involved and actually make it Switch exclusive (like Live a Live) of just re-release the whole thing with minor improvements on every platform, as you said.

The chance to remake the second disk along with 2D-HD would be a dream come true. (even if I enjoyed it just fine)

Then there's Xenosaga. Baten Kaitos gets an HD remaster but Xenosaga doesn't. I remember Tekken's Harada saying Bamco found there wasn't enough demand for it, but don't try to fool me into thinking there's more demand for Baten Kaitos than Xenosaga.

Maybe it would be more expensive, but I think it would be successful in today's landscape (how expensive can a remaster really be vis-à-vis of actual game development, of which there would be none). Sigh.

Xenosaga 3 🤤 hell, even 2, I don't remember it gameplay-wise, but I still remember certain cutscenes to this day, and I've only played it the one time!
Yeah, there's precedent for the whole thing, too - either, get Monolithsoft involved and actually make it Switch exclusive (like Live a Live) of just re-release the whole thing with minor improvements on every platform, as you said.

The chance to remake the second disk along with 2D-HD would be a dream come true. (even if I enjoyed it just fine)

Then there's Xenosaga. Baten Kaitos gets an HD remaster but Xenosaga doesn't. I remember Tekken's Harada saying Bamco found there wasn't enough demand for it, but don't try to fool me into thinking there's more demand for Baten Kaitos than Xenosaga.

Maybe it would be more expensive, but I think it would be successful in today's landscape (how expensive can a remaster really be vis-à-vis of actual game development, of which there would be none). Sigh.

Xenosaga 3 🤤 hell, even 2, I don't remember it gameplay-wise, but I still remember certain cutscenes to this day, and I've only played it the one time!
In theory, Xenosaga should be trivial to port to modern platforms, since Sony have a functioning PS2 emulator for PS4/5. Then again, the tiny number of PS2 games that ever got released on PS4 does make me wonder if said emulator doesn't work properly for most games. Even with ones that were released you have situations like the Metal Slug Anthology having massive input lag, rendering it virtually unplayable.
March is one game but I am playing Resident Evil 4 Remake currently which won't be sorted until April (so far it is fantastic and despite being about 6 hours in, I'm not even past the 33% point of the game which is nuts).

#4 - Tales of Zestiria (PlayStation 4)
Acquired: October 2018

After finishing Shining Resonance earlier in the year I was very interested in tackling another JRPG in my backlog and the one that made sense to play next was Tales of Zestiria, which I also bought back in 2018. Tales of Zestiria had been in the backlog for so long because at the time I had wanted to go through Tales of Xillia 2 first, and it's also a fairly long game so I wanted to wait for the right opportunity to play it.

What's interesting about Tales of Zestiria is that while its the first game in the series for the PlayStation 4, it's still a PlayStation 3 game by heart but the re-release performs fairly decently given the year gap between the two versions. The framerate can drop a lot when you get so powerful with your attacks against a whole bunch of enemies that are on the screen, but other than that it's been a solid 30fps performance. What I also liked about this game is how much faster the transitions are between cutscene to gameplay and gameplay to battle and vice versa, because it makes progress much better especially when you need to spend a bit more time to level up.

One of the main changes going in that I wasn't made aware of is how your team engages in combat, so whilst you do have four characters in a battle, it's more like two characters with a secondary character for each person being swappable and because of that multiplayer isn't included here. I personally found the character swapping to be fairly decent as it's handy for specific situations.

The story of Zestiria is overall surprisingly solid, about our MC Sorey journeying around the world as the Shepherd, someone who will help save the world from the Lord of Calamity. The story is surprisingly dark and it gives me the same vibe that Devilman has because literally anybody could turn into a hellion i.e. a monster, though our main heroes never turn out that way because of plot armour. What's also introduced in the game's lore, is that most members of the team are actually called Seraphim who are like ghosts but the better description is that they're essentially like elves but are invisible to the eye. Therefore, only specific people like Sorey can see them. They are all pretty interesting for various reasons, for instance Lailah acts like a goof every time someone asks her a question that she only knows but doesn't want to delve into and it's pretty funny, while Edna will prod you with an umbrella if you're annoying. The villain in this story without going into spoilers is developed pretty well and acts another layer to the journey and how Sorey deals with his actions throughout, because it's not as simple as 'let's kill the villain and be done with it' like a lot of other stories are. I also enjoyed the English voice cast especially Sorey, Lailah, Alisha and Rose.


I also want to talk about a specific moment that happens fairly early on into the story (like 25% in).

Alisha joins the team early on and is a fun character to be with (and personally I prefer her over Rose), but because she's not as unique as Sorey in terms of having the power to see Seraphim and the whole resonance stuff, she ends up affecting Sorey negatively which makes the seraphim in the team forcefully kick her out. While is a unique take on the JRPG party journey (at least in video game format), I felt the execution of this was very poor and to me, it was the game basically gaslighting her.

As such, Rose eventually becomes the new member/replacement and one that the Seraphim basically accept and want her to join like immediately. While I do like Rose in general and she has her fun moments, she can be a bit too jarring at times (it's like when you have an anime introduce a non-canon character that is disliked but the animators want you to like them by shoving them into every scene for the sake of it), and it also show you how unfortunate Alisha is especially as she just doesn't catch a break as the story progresses with her arc. The way that her character had been handled got to a point to where Bandai Namco had to provide extra DLC just to please the complaints, though I did not play this DLC because it's ain't free and apparently not worth the money.

Like previous Tales of games, combat is an Action RPG with various abilities you can use during combat. In addition to your standard moves you also have Artes that can deal more damage against enemies but uses up a lot of MP so you'll want to take mini-breaks during combat to replenish that bar before rince and repeat (for instance I guard as I found it to refill a lot faster). Armatization is also a feature in combat where you and a seraphim can basically become one (like in Dragon Ball) to deal super amounts of damage and Artes against enemies. You can also replenish 'BG' which once it has reached a specific value you have two major moves you can choose; a Mystic Arte which allows your character to deal big damage especially if you're on your own during combat, and Armatization. While you're in Armatization, you can also perform its own Mystic Arte which deals even more damage which is very useful for tougher boss battles. In addition to the Inns you can of course buy items and equipment for your journey, but one thing that I did think was very handy (and somewhat makes buying new gear a bit redundant) is that you can fuse items together which makes the stats of that specific equipment a lot more powerful.

Sub-events also make a return, including skits which adds extra fun dialogue from going to an inn, reaching a save point, or acquiring a specific item or wrapping up a side quest. The skits are also voiced which is handy and use their 2D artwork like previous games. There are tons of collectables spread out throughout the game; Monoliths are these stone statues that act like manual guides for players, reading them gives you AP which can help you use up some battle abilities (though if you unlock Half and Half I highly recommend you avoid turning this on because it will make combat twice as long as due to your attack damage being halved). Also collectable are these little creatures called a Normin, and when you find one of them they can provide you power upgrades to your weapons and will add bonuses to the specific area of the world. There's also a few Crucibles that contain a round of enemies in combat for one individual in the team (with the final one locked until post-game). And to provide even more of a challenge, there's 36 special boss fights which are pretty tough and once defeated you'll receive an Anomalous Orb that offers more HP to your whole party. There's also post-game dungeon which from what I heard feature some cameos as boss fights.

Overall Tales of Zestiria, despite some of my issues with the game, is a solid instalment to the franchise and there's tons of content here. With its fast-paced story and combat, it makes progress a lot easier and I haven't had issues with boss fights as the levelling up was balanced. Sure some character choices are disappointing, but it's just what the devs wanted at the end of it. I spent 49 hours going through the story as well as the side content.

My backlog so far:
PC/Steam Backlog - Game Name:​
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the SkyTurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SCTurn-Based RPG
PlayStation 3 Backlog - Game Name:​
3D Dot Game HeroesAction RPG
Castlevania: Lords of ShadowAction, Hack n Slash
Drakengard 3Action RPG
Eternal SonataTurn-Based RPG
FolkloreAction RPG
inFAMOUS 2Action
Katamari ForeverPuzzle
Sly Cooper: Thieves in TimeAction, Platformer
Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the OverlordTactical RPG, Visual Novel
Way of the Samurai 4Action
PlayStation 4 Backlog - Game Name:Genre:
13 Sentinels: Aegis RimTactical RPG, Visual Novel
AI: The Somnium FilesAdventure, Visual Novel
Black Clover: Quartet KnightsAction, Fighting
Bullet Girls PhantasiaAction, Shooter
The Caligula Effect: OverdoseTurn-Based RPG
Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New ChampionsSports
Catherine Full BodyPuzzle
Chaos;ChildVisual Novel
Conception Plus: Maidens of the Twelve StarsTurn-Based RPG
Cyberdimension Neptunia: Four Goddesses OnlineAction RPG
Danganronpa 1 ReloadVisual Novel
Danganronpa 2 ReloadVisual Novel
Danganronpa V3: Killing HarmonyVisual Novel
Date A Live: Rio-Reincarnation - 1: Rinne UtopiaVisual Novel, Dating Sim
Date A Live: Rio-Reincarnation - 2: Ars InstallVisual Novel, Dating Sim
Date A Live: Rio-Reincarnation - 3: Twin Edition: Rio ReincarnationVisual Novel, Dating Sim
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's MemoryTurn-Based RPG
Disaster Report 4: Summer MemoriesAdventure, Simulation
Dragon Quest Heroes IIAction RPG, Musou
Dragon's Crown ProAction RPG
Fairy TailTurn-Based RPG
Fate/Extella LinkMusou
Final Fantasy VIII RemasteredTurn-Based RPG
Full Metal Panic! Fight! Who Dares WinTactical RPG
Gal*Gun 2On-Rails Shooter
Gintama RumbleAction, Musou
GOD EATER 3Action Hunter RPG
Gravity Rush 2Action, Platformer
The Great Ace Attorney: AdventuresVisual Novel
The Great Ace Attorney 2: ResolveVisual Novel
Gundam Breaker 3 BREAK EDITIONAction, Arcade
Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Infinite CombateAction RPG
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of HeavenFighting
Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of FujisawaPuzzle, Visual Novel
LangrisserTactical RPG
Langrisser IITactical RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold SteelTurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IITurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IIITurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IVTurn-Based RPG
Legend of ManaAction RPG
Megadimension Neptunia VIITurn-Based RPG
Megadimension Neptunia VIIRTurn-Based RPG
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja StormAction, Fighting
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2Action, Fighting
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3Action, Fighting
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: Road to BorutoAction, Fighting
NEO: The World Ends With YouAction RPG
Neptunia Virtual StarsAction
Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja WarsAction
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch RemasteredTurn-Based RPG
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant KingdomAction RPG
Nights of AzureAction RPG
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New MoonAction RPG
One Piece Burning BloodFighting
One Piece Unlimited World RedAction
One Piece World SeekerAction
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3Musou
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4Musou
Our World Is EndedVisual Novel
Persona 5 RoyalTurn-Based RPG
Persona 5 StrikersAction RPG, Musou
Phoenix Wright: Ace AttorneyVisual Novel
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for AllVisual Novel
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and TribulationsVisual Novel
Punch LineVisual Novel
Raging LoopVisual Novel
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: Prophecy of the ThroneVisual Novel
Resident Evil 6Action Horror
Resident Evil: RevelationsAction Horror
Resident Evil: Revelations 2Action Horror
Robotics;Notes DaSHVisual Novel
Robotics;Notes ELITEVisual Novel
SD Gundam G Generation Cross RaysTactical RPG
SD Gundam G Generation GenesisTactical RPG
Secret of ManaAction RPG
Sengoku Basara 4: SumeragiMusou
Senran Kagura Burst Re:NewalAction
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD RemasterTurn-Based RPG
Star Ocean: First Departure RAction RPG
Star Ocean: The Last Hope HD RemasterAction RPG
Steins;Gate EliteVisual Novel
Super Neptunia RPGTurn-Based RPG
Super Robot Wars 30Tactical RPG
Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon DwellersTactical RPG
Super Robot Wars TTactical RPG
Super Robot Wars XTactical RPG
Sword Art Online: Fatal BulletAction RPG
Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum Sessions!Music, Rhythm
Tales of BerseriaAction RPG
Tales of VesperiaAction RPG
Tokyo Xanadu eX+Action RPG
Trials of ManaAction RPG
Utawarerumono: Mask of DeceptionTactical RPG, Visual Novel
Utawarerumono: Mask of TruthTactical RPG, Visual Novel
Utawarerumono: Prelude to the FallenTactical RPG, Visual Novel
Utawarerumono: ZanAction, Musou
Valkyria Chronicles 4Tactical RPG
Valkyria RevolutionAction RPG
The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival EditionAction RPG
Yakuza 3 RemasteredAction Beat em up
Yakuza 4 RemasteredAction Beat em up
Yakuza 5 RemasteredAction Beat em up
YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this WorldVisual Novel
Ys IX: Monstrum NoxAction RPG
PlayStation 5 Backlog - Game Name:Genre:
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII -Reunion-Action RPG
Cyberpunk 2077Action
The DioField ChronicleTactical RPG
DOOM EternalAction, Shooter
JudgmentAction, Beat em up
Lost JudgmentAction, Beat em up
Neptunia ReVerseTurn-Based RPG
Nioh 2Action Souls RPG
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit of Wonder LabyrinthMetroidvania RPG
RelayerTactical RPG
Resident Evil 2Survival Horror
Resident Evil 3Survival Horror
Resident Evil 4Survival Horror
SD Gundam Battle AllianceAction RPG
Star Ocean: The Divine ForceAction RPG
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy OriginAction Souls RPG
Tactics Ogre RebornTactical RPG
Valkyrie ElysiumAction RPG
Yakuza 7: Like a DragonTurn-Based RPG
PlayStation Vita Backlog - Game Name:Genre:
Bullet GirlsAction, Shooter
Freedom WarsAction
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black HeartTactical RPG
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action UnleashedAction
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS ZombiesAction, Musou
Muv-LuvVisual Novel, Dating Sim
Muv-Luv AlternativeVisual Novel
Superdimension Neptune vs SEGA Hard GirlsTurn-Based RPG
Valkyrie Drive BhikkhuniAction
Nintendo Switch Backlog - Game Name:Genre:
Cytus AlphaMusic, Rhythm
Fire Emblem: Three HousesTactical RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from ZeroTurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Heroes: Trails to AzureTurn-Based RPG
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildAction RPG
Mario Kart 8 DeluxeRacing
Metroid DreadMetroidvania
Metroid Prime RemasteredAction, Shooter
MUSYNXMusic, Rhythm
New Super Mario Bros U DeluxePlatformer
Senran Kagura Peach BallPinball
Senran Kagura ReflexionsSimulation
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's FuryAction, Platformer
Super Mario GalaxyAction, Platformer
Super Mario SunshineAction, Platformer
Super Smash Bros. UltimateFighting
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive EditionAction RPG
Xenoblade Chronicles 2Action RPG
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden CountryAction RPG

The 2023 '40' Games Goal:
Shining Resonance Refrain
Action RPG
Wing of Darkness
Action, Arcade
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania
Tales of Zestiria
Action RPG

I've been going through some indie games that I've gathered in my library and this time I decided to tackle Indivisible.

Wow what a mistake. I mean, I completed it and got all the achievements but only through sheer determination to finish it and never touch it again. The early game is rough and the controls are jank. That was my biggest complaint. It needed precision in some areas and the smallest mistake set you back, far back sometimes and I swear I was pressing the right button but nah, apparently the character did the complete opposite of what I wanted her to do. Don't even get me started on the game not telling you important bits of info. You shouldn't need to google that much to get through a game.
There were moments when it felt rewarding though, and I think that plus my determination is what got me to finish it and not drop it.
The art was nice. The characters were great, and the animation was very trigger style so I appreciated that. But the actual gameplay? No. Overall, not for me.

I'm going to treat myself now and play a game I know I will really enjoy. It's time to complete Kiryu's story in Yakuza 6.
Has anyone updated cyberpunk it now has the ray tracing overdrive option and I benchmarked cyberpunk and I got a max FPS of 60.35 on my 3080 at 4k with all setting set to max with dlss set to ultra performance with RT overdrive.
Final Fantasy
I've only played FF7 remake previously but with the pixel remaster out figured i go and see where it all started. Overall I enjoyed it but the random encounters are so relentless it gets a bit tiresome when you just want to get somewhere! The story was fun and I enjoyed the different ways of travel used. The spell effects looked really cool too, especially the big ones!

That final battle was on a whole different scale of difficultly though! Blimey I got wrecked the first time lol. Also only had 3 monsters to find and do the puzzle game for the platinum trophy after completing the game so quickly went back and did those!
Final Fantasy
I've only played FF7 remake previously but with the pixel remaster out figured i go and see where it all started. Overall I enjoyed it but the random encounters are so relentless it gets a bit tiresome when you just want to get somewhere! The story was fun and I enjoyed the different ways of travel used. The spell effects looked really cool too, especially the big ones!

That final battle was on a whole different scale of difficultly though! Blimey I got wrecked the first time lol. Also only had 3 monsters to find and do the puzzle game for the platinum trophy after completing the game so quickly went back and did those!

Can't wait to get my hands on my copy. FF is a pretty classic RPG, I played the GBA version along with IV (which I loved). I also played VI, but I don't remember which version.

Excited to go through the whole thing + XII and maybe Tactics Ogre (I'll never have the time) in the lead up to XVI! Finished Vagrant Story for the nth time a month ago.
Final Fantasy
I've only played FF7 remake previously but with the pixel remaster out figured i go and see where it all started. Overall I enjoyed it but the random encounters are so relentless it gets a bit tiresome when you just want to get somewhere! The story was fun and I enjoyed the different ways of travel used. The spell effects looked really cool too, especially the big ones!

That final battle was on a whole different scale of difficultly though! Blimey I got wrecked the first time lol. Also only had 3 monsters to find and do the puzzle game for the platinum trophy after completing the game so quickly went back and did those!
If you're planning to play them in order, be aware that FFII is often considered the worst in the series, thanks to its awful levelling system. I don't know if they've improved that in the pixel remaster.

Out of the first six games, IV and VI are the definite highlights. I quite enjoyed the DS remake of III, but haven't played the original version. V plays well, but its story and characters felt like a step back from IV.

Random trivia: FFV was the first game in the series to have an anime spin-off, the OAV series Legend of the Crystals.
Can't wait to get my hands on my copy. FF is a pretty classic RPG, I played the GBA version along with IV (which I loved). I also played VI, but I don't remember which version.

Excited to go through the whole thing + XII and maybe Tactics Ogre (I'll never have the time) in the lead up to XVI! Finished Vagrant Story for the nth time a month ago.
It is nice were getting these bits of gaming history. I never played them when I was younger but 7 remake was so good I kinda want to have a crack at all of them eventually (at least the main title games)

If you're planning to play them in order, be aware that FFII is often considered the worst in the series, thanks to its awful levelling system. I don't know if they've improved that in the pixel remaster.

Out of the first six games, IV and VI are the definite highlights. I quite enjoyed the DS remake of III, but haven't played the original version. V plays well, but its story and characters felt like a step back from IV.

Random trivia: FFV was the first game in the series to have an anime spin-off, the OAV series Legend of the Crystals.
I probably will play them in order. Whether I finish all of them is another question I suppose. I have heard 4 is meant to be especially good so I am looking forward to one day getting to it.

I'll probably leave a bit of a gap between games and I still have the Crisis Core remake to play which I haven't started yet!