What Games Are You Playing?

MikeP said:
I've been playing Idolm@ster 2 today as my copy finally arrived. I'm now on Week 11 or so.

I'd be willing to play those sorts of Sim/Management games, but whilst I could deal with Japanese songs, I can't read a word of Japanese caligraphy, which'd make the game unplayable.

Probably safest for me really as it means its not MORE games to add to the list. :p
MikeP said:
I've been playing Idolm@ster 2 today as my copy finally arrived. I'm now on Week 11 or so.

How did your first single fare? I played forward a few weeks and mine entered at number 93. I retified this the week after with a concert and got bumped up to 82nd!

Then I spent all of my money on clothes and accessories and felt bad.
Since none of the new games that I really want to play are currently in my possession (I'm enjoying BF3, but Skyrim, iM@S, and Zelda kind of dwarf it for me, personally) I am playing Devil Summoner on the JP Saturn I picked up at R3play last week.

MercenaryRaiden said:
I've been playing Idolm@ster 2.
Awesome! Did you bother picking up any of the DLC? (ie. the Miku costume - apparently it makes the game a fair bit easier early on because of its stats - I'm not sure if I want to use it because of this, but how can I not buy a Miku outfit?!)

MercenaryRaiden said:
...Then I got Orange Juice for Iori and Coffee for Kotori. Oh the dizzying heights of being a producer...!
What can I say? It's your job to make the tough choices.
MercenaryRaiden said:
How did your first single fare? I played forward a few weeks and mine entered at number 93. I retified this the week after with a concert and got bumped up to 82nd!

Then I spent all of my money on clothes and accessories and felt bad.

My first single didn't fare any better than yours. I can't remember what it did now though. I've spent almost all of today playing it and have just finished producing my first unit.

In Week 36 I just managed to get my 4th single in to the top 20 (i.e. the final deadline to do so)

In the final week I scraped into the top 10 as well. I think that means I get the good(?) ending.

Now I'm going to do a bit of the extra stuff and spend some time on Stage 4U before diving with a new unit.
ilmaestro said:
MercenaryRaiden said:
I've been playing Idolm@ster 2.
Awesome! Did you bother picking up any of the DLC? (ie. the Miku costume - apparently it makes the game a fair bit easier early on because of its stats - I'm not sure if I want to use it because of this, but how can I not buy a Miku outfit?!)

Not yet no. Emphasis on the yet...

I think I'd feel quite bad using the Miku costume on my first proper playthrough. I kind of expect this playthrough to fail, badly at times, till I get better costumes and accessories. I'm just plodding along at a nice slow pace as the audio on the tv that the ps3 is hooked into keeps cutting out every so often, randomly. Total immersion breaker and it hurt my playthrough of Uncharted 3.

In the final week I scraped into the top 10 as well. I think that means I get the good(?) ending.

Nice! I'm actually planning ahead as to what songs to produce, and in what order from my favourites! :D

Other than that I've spent the past 4 hours playing Fate/Extra. I quite like it! It's very simple at points (with the battle system basics being rock-paper-scissors before you add in items and magic) but its got some clever ideas. I do like how the plot is being handled and having to find out the information on an enemy Servant is cool. For my first playthrough I've rolled Saber and was actually suprised and slightly sad not to hear Ayako Kawasumi. Then again...This Saber...
vashdaman said:
I'd say Silent Hill games (specifically 2) were the best in regards to creepy, psychological horror gaming. It was the weird(semi sexual?) symbology and the brutally oppressive and murky environments and enemies that I think did it (along with the crap combat which made you feel impotent).

Project Zero is great as well though. I played a bit of one of the first two games, can't remember which one now though.

Anyone remember that horror game with that girl who had a dog that you could set up to ambush the pursuing bad guy? Wasn't scary but that was fun horror game.

Don't forget the superior sound design and story! Silent Hill 2 = legend!
Genkina Hito said:
vashdaman said:
I'd say Silent Hill games (specifically 2) were the best in regards to creepy, psychological horror gaming. It was the weird(semi sexual?) symbology and the brutally oppressive and murky environments and enemies that I think did it (along with the crap combat which made you feel impotent).

Project Zero is great as well though. I played a bit of one of the first two games, can't remember which one now though.

Anyone remember that horror game with that girl who had a dog that you could set up to ambush the pursuing bad guy? Wasn't scary but that was fun horror game.

Don't forget the superior sound design and story! Silent Hill 2 = legend!

I must say, I didn't get buzzed with Silent Hill 2. I played a fair way into the game but it just became a chore and I felt like if I was feeling like this then it probably wasn't for me. The levels were massive too. Too massive IMO, especially when there's not a clear idea with what you're supposed to be doing. I don't want a game to hold my hand, certainly, but I feel there are ways of organically making it clear what you're supposed to do without doing that. Also thanks to the radio, it removes the oppressive sense of the unknown. But that's just me, I don't have that many horror games, just Resident Evil (remake), Resident Evil 2 Project Zero II and Condemned. Resident Evil 4 is borderline horror, since the first time I played it I found it incredibly tense, but on subsequent play throughs less so, I'm not sure if that's because I know what's coming ot because I have the fully upgraded set of weapons now.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I must say, I didn't get buzzed with Silent Hill 2. I played a fair way into the game but it just became a chore and I felt like if I was feeling like this then it probably wasn't for me. The levels were massive too. Too massive IMO, especially when there's not a clear idea with what you're supposed to be doing. I don't want a game to hold my hand, certainly, but I feel there are ways of organically making it clear what you're supposed to do without doing that. Also thanks to the radio, it removes the oppressive sense of the unknown. But that's just me, I don't have that many horror games, just Resident Evil (remake), Resident Evil 2 Project Zero II and Condemned. Resident Evil 4 is borderline horror, since the first time I played it I found it incredibly tense, but on subsequent play throughs less so, I'm not sure if that's because I know what's coming ot because I have the fully upgraded set of weapons now.

Interesting response.

For me Silent Hill 2 is the closest to horror out of all the games you mentioned (Project Zero a close second). I find that Resident Evil is just a creature-feature B-movie and I don't take it seriously. Silent Hill 2 doesn't stoop to cheap scares, it works on an atmospheric level.

The bits you didn't like about Silent Hill 2 I enjoyed. The game certainly doesn't hold your hand and I commend it for that. Part of the scariness comes from exploration:

The opening on the streets of Silent Hill are large (or seem large at first) but that just feeds into the risk/reward experience: do you explore and find items and possibly something nasty or just stick to what the clues tell you? And when you have sound design as scary as Silent Hill 2 then the scariness get cranked up - radio crackles indicate monsters but can you tell which kind? Can you use the radio as a guide to bypass them? etc. As you explore you encounter interesting things that just add to the experience.

The levels are brilliantly disturbing and work on your psychologically on all sorts of levels and it's the type of game you can read up on and discuss with other veterans because it really pushes different buttons with different people.

Ultimately I found myself sucked into the story and taking on the role of James. I believe that SH2 has probably one of the most mature stories in any video game and I cared about the characters. The games execution shows an inventiveness and intelligence and willingness to push the gamer.

Man, I want to do a blog post about it and bore others! Apologies if I bored you with my reply.
Yep, I have to agree with all of the above. What was the latest SH to come out for the Wii like, if anyone's played it? I heard it was something of a return to form, but to be honest with the series subsequent downward spiral (especially in the last few years) I was reluctant to believe it. Likewise there's a new SH game in the works(from yet another different developer I believe), but I'm not holding out too much hope for it being a return to glory just yet.

I really need to play SH2 again, its been so long. However I'm planning to play through Shenmue (best Christmas game ever) again this Crimbo, and finally finish it for the first time!

Anyone else going to be playing any classic "Christmas time games" this xmas?
Genkina Hito said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I must say, I didn't get buzzed with Silent Hill 2. I played a fair way into the game but it just became a chore and I felt like if I was feeling like this then it probably wasn't for me. The levels were massive too. Too massive IMO, especially when there's not a clear idea with what you're supposed to be doing. I don't want a game to hold my hand, certainly, but I feel there are ways of organically making it clear what you're supposed to do without doing that. Also thanks to the radio, it removes the oppressive sense of the unknown. But that's just me, I don't have that many horror games, just Resident Evil (remake), Resident Evil 2 Project Zero II and Condemned. Resident Evil 4 is borderline horror, since the first time I played it I found it incredibly tense, but on subsequent play throughs less so, I'm not sure if that's because I know what's coming ot because I have the fully upgraded set of weapons now.

Interesting response.

For me Silent Hill 2 is the closest to horror out of all the games you mentioned (Project Zero a close second). I find that Resident Evil is just a creature-feature B-movie and I don't take it seriously. Silent Hill 2 doesn't stoop to cheap scares, it works on an atmospheric level.

The bits you didn't like about Silent Hill 2 I enjoyed. The game certainly doesn't hold your hand and I commend it for that. Part of the scariness comes from exploration:

The opening on the streets of Silent Hill are large (or seem large at first) but that just feeds into the risk/reward experience: do you explore and find items and possibly something nasty or just stick to what the clues tell you? And when you have sound design as scary as Silent Hill 2 then the scariness get cranked up - radio crackles indicate monsters but can you tell which kind? Can you use the radio as a guide to bypass them? etc. As you explore you encounter interesting things that just add to the experience.

The levels are brilliantly disturbing and work on your psychologically on all sorts of levels and it's the type of game you can read up on and discuss with other veterans because it really pushes different buttons with different people.

Ultimately I found myself sucked into the story and taking on the role of James. I believe that SH2 has probably one of the most mature stories in any video game and I cared about the characters. The games execution shows an inventiveness and intelligence and willingness to push the gamer.

Man, I want to do a blog post about it and bore others! Apologies if I bored you with my reply.

I disagree on Resident Evil not being horror, not because I think you're wrong because it very much is a b-movie style creature feature experience, but it's still a genre of horror I would say. Also Condemned is definitely horror (the first anyway) it may have actiony elements but the paranoia and "did I just see that" aspects mold it into a true horror game.

I also don't deny that SH2 is very well designed and I was intrigued by the story but the GAME aspect didn't hook me. I don't have anything against exploration either, but I need incentive to do so and I just didn't feel it. I think some games/ movies/ books you just can't connect with on a fundamental level, despite recognition of quality and SH2 just happens to be one of mine. There were moments of enjoyment but they faded all too fast and I got the sense I would've enjoyed it just as much from watching a let's play.

edit: I would say though Genkina that if you get a chance, try out a game called Pathologic. It's PC only but it doesn't take a very good one to run it. It's a fascinating curio and judging by your response I feel you'd appreciate it.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I disagree on Resident Evil not being horror, not because I think you're wrong because it very much is a b-movie style creature feature experience, but it's still a genre of horror I would say. Also Condemned is definitely horror (the first anyway) it may have actiony elements but the paranoia and "did I just see that" aspects mold it into a true horror game.

I also don't deny that SH2 is very well designed and I was intrigued by the story but the GAME aspect didn't hook me. I don't have anything against exploration either, but I need incentive to do so and I just didn't feel it. I think some games/ movies/ books you just can't connect with on a fundamental level, despite recognition of quality and SH2 just happens to be one of mine. There were moments of enjoyment but they faded all too fast and I got the sense I would've enjoyed it just as much from watching a let's play.

edit: I would say though Genkina that if you get a chance, try out a game called Pathologic. It's PC only but it doesn't take a very good one to run it. It's a fascinating curio and judging by your response I feel you'd appreciate it.

I agree with Resident Evil and Condemned being horror games but I felt that they inhabit a sillier part of the spectrum and I didn't find them scary. That's just me though and I'm strange - I've watched a lot of horror movies and I find existential and psychological horror more effective.

Thanks for the advice about Pathologic, I'll definitely look into it.

As for Christmas games... I play JRPG's on handhelds and the original Halo makes an appearance. I like the idea of playing Shenmue again.
Resi was kinda scary back in the day, but more for the tense gameplay when you had such little ammo and knew those zombies were bound to be behind that door and you hadn't saved for ages..that was scary, not so much the story or themes ect. Resi 4/5 (especially 5) moved away from this gameplay though.

Anyway yeah replaying Mue should be good, I haven't played it since it first came out and I never even finished it (groundhog forklift bug...)so I'm looking forward to it. I especially waited for this time of year because I love it when it starts snowing in the game and that drunk looking Santa starts wondering around town. It's also a very relaxing game with it's slow pace!
Currently playing:

Assassins Creed Revelations - Story (yet to touch the multiplayer)
MW3 - Vet mode, again i'm yet to touch multiplayer
Flyff - Somehow have to fit in time to go on and sell a few items, level up another level and have access to stronger weapons (managed to score a bargain on an overpass +3 knuckle so my hits should be 1500+ per normal hit and over 3k on a AOE attack, very desireable for mass mob killings to gain more exp quickly)
Genkina Hito said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I disagree on Resident Evil not being horror, not because I think you're wrong because it very much is a b-movie style creature feature experience, but it's still a genre of horror I would say. Also Condemned is definitely horror (the first anyway) it may have actiony elements but the paranoia and "did I just see that" aspects mold it into a true horror game.

I also don't deny that SH2 is very well designed and I was intrigued by the story but the GAME aspect didn't hook me. I don't have anything against exploration either, but I need incentive to do so and I just didn't feel it. I think some games/ movies/ books you just can't connect with on a fundamental level, despite recognition of quality and SH2 just happens to be one of mine. There were moments of enjoyment but they faded all too fast and I got the sense I would've enjoyed it just as much from watching a let's play.

edit: I would say though Genkina that if you get a chance, try out a game called Pathologic. It's PC only but it doesn't take a very good one to run it. It's a fascinating curio and judging by your response I feel you'd appreciate it.

I agree with Resident Evil and Condemned being horror games but I felt that they inhabit a sillier part of the spectrum and I didn't find them scary. That's just me though and I'm strange - I've watched a lot of horror movies and I find existential and psychological horror more effective.

Thanks for the advice about Pathologic, I'll definitely look into it.

As for Christmas games... I play JRPG's on handhelds and the original Halo makes an appearance. I like the idea of playing Shenmue again.

I can understand not finding Resi scary but did you PLAY the dept. store level on Condemened? O____O I agree though, psych horror tends to be more effective, but I find Condemned is a mix of both standard and psych.

edit: Here's some of my gushings on Pathologic: http://sparrowsabre7.livejournal.com/tag/pathologic They're in reverse chronological order so start at the bottom.
Quick catch-up on the horror side of things. I have to say i find Condemned and Resident Evil, at least the earlier games of the RE series are very much horror games. I find it hard to count 4 and 5 as horror games in any respect and just generally call the horror-action. The type which isn't scary, just has elements usually used in horror games. REmake certainly hit the right level of horror, and probably in my opinion, was the peak for the series. 0 certainly was high up with it as well, but yeah. I do personally prefer Project Zero in terms of horror games though, 2 had some of the most jump scares you'll get. Dead Space 1 was good, but the second game relied too much on jump scares more than atmosphere adding in the fear.

Have you considered Amnesia: The Dark Descent and the Penumbra series? Amnesia is highly regarded for it's revival of the survival horror genre, since up until then, it was very much lacking. It was nearly non-existent. Sure you had one or two lurking, but they always had more actiony horrors than proper survival horror. I don't think i've seen anyone who has played it say it wasn't scary, and i doubt i ever will.

On topic: I've been playing a fair bit of Gears of War 3 online recently. Probably going to be my multiplayer game of choice for a while. Also been collecting what i can of the riddler stuff in Batman: Arkham City(why is this game so goooood). Skyward Sword should arrive tomorrow, so if you don't see me for a few days, that's where i'll be.
Anyone remeber Forbidden Siren 1 and 2. I think those games were the only one's I played that were just as scary if not more so than Silent Hill 2. Good storylines too if perhapes a little confusing.
Arbalest said:
Quick catch-up on the horror side of things. I have to say i find Condemned and Resident Evil, at least the earlier games of the RE series are very much horror games. I find it hard to count 4 and 5 as horror games in any respect and just generally call the horror-action. The type which isn't scary, just has elements usually used in horror games. REmake certainly hit the right level of horror, and probably in my opinion, was the peak for the series. 0 certainly was high up with it as well, but yeah. I do personally prefer Project Zero in terms of horror games though, 2 had some of the most jump scares you'll get. Dead Space 1 was good, but the second game relied too much on jump scares more than atmosphere adding in the fear.

Have you considered Amnesia: The Dark Descent and the Penumbra series? Amnesia is highly regarded for it's revival of the survival horror genre, since up until then, it was very much lacking. It was nearly non-existent. Sure you had one or two lurking, but they always had more actiony horrors than proper survival horror. I don't think i've seen anyone who has played it say it wasn't scary, and i doubt i ever will.

On topic: I've been playing a fair bit of Gears of War 3 online recently. Probably going to be my multiplayer game of choice for a while. Also been collecting what i can of the riddler stuff in Batman: Arkham City(why is this game so goooood). Skyward Sword should arrive tomorrow, so if you don't see me for a few days, that's where i'll be.

Mm I'd say REmake conveys an amount of horror too, since it's incredibly dark-lit unlike the original versions but I was willing to compromise to agree with Genki :p

I would LOVE to try penumbra and amnesia, but I really hate PC games... I know that's ironic having just gushed about one in my previous statement but that was because Pathologic is just so unbelievably unique I just had to get it. It's also slow-paced so my PC can handle it, I fear anything involving or requiring fast movement just makes my PC choke and die, not to mention I can't bear mouse-keyboard setups. Very much a console gamer and I have nothing but resent for PC games, simply because of how many times I would get a game in my youth that by all accounts should work on my system, only to have it not.

(and Arkham is epic =D can't wait for Tim Drake Tuesday :p)