What Games Are You Playing?

CitizenGeek said:
Lupus Inu said:
You go to the northern area of Eterna City and Cynthia gives it to you. OK?

That just doesn't happen though :/ I've walked around outside Team Galaxy's HQ and no one shows up. I got a friend to trade me a Pokémon that knows Cut, but I really would prefer to have that HM ...

If memory serves me correctly don't you get it from one of the people in the city i don't think you even need to beat the Gym Leader to obtain it i'm sure on my first playthrough i got it before beating them but i'm a bit hazy on this...A replay is in order
CitizenGeek said:
Lupus Inu said:
You go to the northern area of Eterna City and Cynthia gives it to you. OK?

That just doesn't happen though :/ I've walked around outside Team Galaxy's HQ and no one shows up. I got a friend to trade me a Pokémon that knows Cut, but I really would prefer to have that HM ...

You've probably not done something you should have then.
Playing Luminous Arc in preparation for LA2, which is on its way from Canada. It's a fairly standard strategy RPG but few others can claim to feature this many SEXY WITCHES, which is obviously its selling point - to SEXY WITCH fanbois like me, anyway.
Maxon said:
Just started playing MGS2: Sons of Liberty. Not quite as awesome as MGS: The Twin Snakes, but still awesome. Raiden is such a twerp.

True, Raiden is no Snake but I loved this game anyway. Used to play it from start to finish quite alot at one point. Awww... now I've got cravings for it...
Devil may cry 4. Wow. This is better than I expected it would be for £12! The fighting is very smooth, the characters are cool, and the ideas are quite different from other games I have played. It's a bit easy so far, but I'm enjoying it, so meh.
Yagami said:
Devil may cry 4. Wow. This is better than I expected it would be for £12! The fighting is very smooth, the characters are cool, and the ideas are quite different from other games I have played. It's a bit easy so far, but I'm enjoying it, so meh.

But what difficulty are you on, and what mission are you on??
Spyro201 said:
Yagami said:
Devil may cry 4. Wow. This is better than I expected it would be for £12! The fighting is very smooth, the characters are cool, and the ideas are quite different from other games I have played. It's a bit easy so far, but I'm enjoying it, so meh.

But what difficulty are you on, and what mission are you on??

Well its not Dante Must Die difficulty if he's enjoying it :p
BlackWolf said:
Spyro201 said:
Yagami said:
Devil may cry 4. Wow. This is better than I expected it would be for £12! The fighting is very smooth, the characters are cool, and the ideas are quite different from other games I have played. It's a bit easy so far, but I'm enjoying it, so meh.

But what difficulty are you on, and what mission are you on??

Well its not Dante Must Die difficulty if he's enjoying it :p

:lol: Yeah. I forgot what the one i ended up on was, the equivilent of Hard anyway (Son of Sparda or something) and I can say, it was not easy.
So I was playing some Lost Planet like I usually do and I finally got the Chain Kill achievement took me long enough (I don't abuse VS' hell naw) and I also got invited to a party full of Japanese people, god damn that was awkward, they were all saying my name and stuff I just stuck around though for a couple of games. lol.
As well as Prince of Persia, which i'm finding really enjoyable at the moment(has the most talkative Prince yet, tis quite good), i got a hold of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon for the DS today so started on that.
Playing Crysis right now. I'm getting cut up pretty bad though (on the 'Hard' setting.) I survived through about 3/4s of the last map I played without dying once, which felt like a pretty big achievement. Shame I drove straight into an oncoming jeep... you know how in other games, your car always seems to be magically 50 times stronger than everyone else's car of the same kind? I think I expected that to apply here too.

Loud Explosion was LOUD.
kupoartist said:
Playing Crysis right now. I'm getting cut up pretty bad though (on the 'Hard' setting.) I survived through about 3/4s of the last map I played without dying once, which felt like a pretty big achievement. Shame I drove straight into an oncoming jeep... you know how in other games, your car always seems to be magically 50 times stronger than everyone else's car of the same kind? I think I expected that to apply here too.

Loud Explosion was LOUD.

I lol'd so hard :lol:

I'm currently not playing anything sadly :( Nothing out to interest me right now, and the AoR servers are basically dead, so be ****** if I'm paying to play. I'll resume after xmas when with any luck, a load of people get the game.