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CitizenGeek said:
I've more or less given up on Fallout for the time being. It's simply not compelling enough :/ So, I'm back focusing on Final Fantasy Tactics now, and I'm pretty certain I'm very close to completing it :]
Interesting that you should jump from one 1997 Isometric RPG game to another. FF Tactics rocks more than Fallout ever will.
I downloaded the Left 4 Demo last night and I've been enjoying. It seems to run on my horribly low-end laptop, too, which was great (of course, I have to play it in a window and on all the lowest specs).

kupoartist said:
Interesting that you should jump from one 1997 Isometric RPG game to another. FF Tactics rocks more than Fallout ever will.

Interesting coincidence :] You're right, FFT is much more enjoyable than Fallout!
CitizenGeek said:
I downloaded the Left 4 Demo last night and I've been enjoying. It seems to run on my horribly low-end laptop, too, which was great (of course, I have to play it in a window and on all the lowest specs).
Stop copying me!

I've yet to be gripped by Left 4 Dead. I can see how good it is, I just don't care for the setting. Zombies aren't my cup of tea. (If they are though, buy from Amazon. Cheapest there AFAIK).
Left 4 Dead I will definately be buying after playing the demo a good 10 times or so, most of the time it was great except one or two American kiddies ruined it. Demo was quite short... but it gives me a good enough idea what to expect, playing Expert is so hardcore though, that's a real survivor horror game!
Spyro201 said:
SSJNaruigo said:
Call of Duty World at War- ZOMBIE MODE= AWESOME!

:p:p Any different to COD4 Zombie mode??

Apparently World at War includes Nazi Zombies, bar that i think its probably the same, though i've never played either COD4 or this one.

At present still working on Gears of War 2 when i get the time, but also back onto The World Ends with You, to try and get the final report to get the secret ending, tis a pain going up the tower on the last day, pig noise don't die easily =/
Finally got back into Silent Hill 2 on the PC. The story is good but I forgot how piss weak the voice acting was! Dayum.

I'm a little confused if Silent Hill Homecoming is being released for the PC in the UK or not. Apparently in the states it only got a digital release?
QWell i completed COD World at War over the weekend, not as good as COD4 but I do like the online gaming with tanks and of course who couldn't fall in love with the flame thrower or the level where you blow up ships in the pacific, even the bonus zombie level is a lot of fun, but its all old and been done before i am soooo bored of WWII gaming.

Currently playing Red Alert 3 which i am loving and tonight I hope to finally complete the American missions and move onto the japanese army complete with Gundam-esq robots
Completed COD World at War over the last few days. Really my comments follow on from McIcy's above. Enjoyed the game, in a run here, shoot the bad guys, then run here and do the same again kind of way. COD4 was far superior however I do enjoy the Multiplayer. Those dogs are a bastard lol.

Also playing Left 4 Dead and OMGWOW! I'm loving this game. Hardcore is the only way to discribe it lol. It doesn't have a fanatastic story line or anything but the game is different everytime you play it so I can see I'll be shooting zombies for a long time to come. XD
I've been playing an awful lot of World of Warcraft again lately. I swore I'd be a Priest player for life but the new Death Knight class is just too fun. I can't stop.

I'm not sure they can top this expansion in future. The scourge storyline is so much more interesting than wimpy night elves prancing around or tauren being kidnapped while picking flowers.

Rui said:
I've been playing an awful lot of World of Warcraft again lately. I swore I'd be a Priest player for life but the new Death Knight class is just too fun. I can't stop.

I'm not sure they can top this expansion in future. The scourge storyline is so much more interesting than wimpy night elves prancing around or tauren being kidnapped while picking flowers.


I actually had a go on this whilst back at home, since i have a character or two on my brothers account, have to say it was far more enjoyable than the previous expansion, and the music does work so much better. I'm still going to stick to my warrior when i am on it, but i wouldn't mind giving the Death Knights a try.

Anywho, now back at the flat, asides from Gears of War 2, i've gone back to good old Advance Wars: Dual Strike and Days of Ruin, always great fun and always bring a challenge.
Sy said:
Finally got back into Silent Hill 2 on the PC. The story is good but I forgot how piss weak the voice acting was! Dayum.

I'm a little confused if Silent Hill Homecoming is being released for the PC in the UK or not. Apparently in the states it only got a digital release?

After playing House Of the Dead 2, no game ever seems to have bad voice acting to me anymore!

But yeah now that I've completed Jet Set Radio again, I'm now ploughing my way through Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Voddas said:
Completed COD World at War over the last few days. Really my comments follow on from McIcy's above. Enjoyed the game, in a run here, shoot the bad guys, then run here and do the same again kind of way. COD4 was far superior however I do enjoy the Multiplayer. Those dogs are a bastard lol.

The dogs are annoying as hell, but the moment you get to send them out yourself they are a god send and a great way to send your points through the roof