What Games Are You Playing?

McIcy said:
The dogs are annoying as hell, but the moment you get to send them out yourself they are a god send and a great way to send your points through the roof
I just love the satisfaction of stabbing them in mid air. If there's more than one aiming for you tho your screwed lol.
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue

1 hour and 40 minutes in. It's identical to the prequel, both in terms of graphics and gameplay. Still, I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far, just like I enjoyed the prequel even though it was overly simplistic and basic. I guess I still have a thing for old school RPGs...

I was also playing P3: FES, but I kinda got bored and stopped. It isn't as fun second time around - it's far too long and repetitive to go through twice when my RPG drive is near non-existent.
CitizenGeek said:
I just started on Pokemon Pearl yesterday and it's ridiculously charming thus far ^__^


Still playing Lunar 2, 13 hours in right now. Although it's simplistic, it, like its prequel, has the charm newer RPGs (such as FFXII) lack. There are times when it's nice to play through an easy to follow and easy to play (not that the battles are easy!) RPG. It's out-dated by todays standards, there's no denying that, but it's the old school charm it has that makes it more enjoyable to play than newer RPGs.

As expected after playing Lunar 1, the world feels alive thanks to the effort put in by Working Designs, with the huge amount of NPCs in each town nearly always having something new to say after every event. There's that much text in the game that I feel like I'm spending longer reading than I am playing! My only complaint so far is that the dialog isn't quite as amusing as it was in the prequel, but that's mainly because Kyle and Jessica aren't alive to fight like cat and dog this time around.

Once I'm finished with it, I'll go back and replay Lunar 1 since, as ever, my memoy is fuzzy. I'll then try to get myself to play through my Arc the Lad collection - another of Working Designs wonderful releases. That'll take quite a while with there being 3 proper games AND a spin-off battle game.
CitizenGeek said:
I just started on Pokemon Pearl yesterday and it's ridiculously charming thus far ^__^

*Looks at Pokemon Diamond*
*Looks at the last time I played it*
*It was September 2007*
*Shudders at the Game*

And I'm playing Parasite Eve. I am taking my time with the game because I really like it and don't want to end it so quick >.> As for FES, I love the game and 'is' my favourite, but I don't have the passion nor patience to complete it. Which is a shame because i want to complete it before I get P4, which I'm going to import instead of waiting for the UK release date.
Kaede said:
Hi there!

I only just got my Xbox 360 so I'm playing Halo 3 and PGR 4 at the moment.

Also playing Disgaea DS and ESPgaluda on my PS2. 8)

Ooo, Just curious then, how does Disgaea DS play? I have the PS2 version and still plan to get that for the extras, but just want an opinion on it as well.

As for me gaming wise, i downloaded Kingdom of Keflings(XBLA) on a whim a couple days back and i have to say it was well worth it, somewhat addictive yet you can never really play it for more than an hour or so at a time, but you keep getting dragged back. As well as that, been back on Super Robot Taisen W for the DS
Hi, Arbalest. I've not played the PS2 version so I couldn't tell you how they compare. I've put more than 19 hours worth in so far though and I'm really enjoying it, especially as I'm not usually an RPG kinda guy. It seems there's a hell of a lot of levelling up/grinding to get your characters and items up to strength.

The only thing I don't like about it is the voice acting. Grating, high pitched American accents of the worst kind. :x
Lupus Inu said:
You go to the northern area of Eterna City and Cynthia gives it to you. OK?

That just doesn't happen though :/ I've walked around outside Team Galaxy's HQ and no one shows up. I got a friend to trade me a Pokémon that knows Cut, but I really would prefer to have that HM ...