What Games Are You Playing?

Call of Duty: World at War (Beta) - Awesome game as far as the beta goes. Completely different game to COD4 so wouldn't want to compare. Both great games in their own right. Looking forward to the main release on Wednesday. ^__^
Since friday i've been on Gears of War 2, completed it today, really good game overall, certainly is as good as the previous title, if not just a bit better. Just need to complete it on hard and insane now, should be easy enough =p. Also only 99000 more enemies to go until i get the seriously 2.0 achievement!
Lost Planet Online - I'm seriously addicted I can't stop playing, but it makes me rage so hard. Was playing with some Japs before, it was lulzy as hell, some guy was shouting **** at everyone the usual insults, and after an epic struggle I downed him and they started chanting my gamertag. Hate when foreigners say my gamertag though, then proceed to speak in tongues so I have no idea what they're saying.
Spyro201 said:
Churchy99 said:
Only just got around to playing it but Dead Space - a refreshingly new survival horror game. If you're a fan of the genre then get it!

I have it but havent played yet. Is it really that good?

I'd say so - I mean sometimes it does feel action-y but there are some really good features that really make it a treat to play and keep it interesting! I made sure that I didn't read any reviews or see any footage before hand as I had been following it for awhile and didn't want a tainted impression of it. I'd say its well worth a play.

Also another game I'm playing is Jak 2: Renegade as I never played the Jak and Daxter games before. Thats also damn good too!
Spyro201 said:
Churchy99 said:
Only just got around to playing it but Dead Space - a refreshingly new survival horror game. If you're a fan of the genre then get it!

I have it but havent played yet. Is it really that good?
If you didn't already know about it, THIS mite hold some intrest for you. The story is the events leading upto the game.
I've more or less given up on Fallout for the time being. It's simply not compelling enough :/ So, I'm back focusing on Final Fantasy Tactics now, and I'm pretty certain I'm very close to completing it :]
Voddas said:
Spyro201 said:
Churchy99 said:
Only just got around to playing it but Dead Space - a refreshingly new survival horror game. If you're a fan of the genre then get it!

I have it but havent played yet. Is it really that good?
If you didn't already know about it, THIS mite hold some intrest for you. The story is the events leading upto the game.

Oooh that does interest me.